Wednesday, November 21, 2018

NEWS WITH VIEWS 11/21/2018

Violence In Tijuana: Caravan Immigrants Attacking Mexican Citizens But Police Stand Down

Residents of Tijuana faced off with caravan migrants last night as police tried to intervene. The Tijuana residents wanted the caravan to turn back but the caravan was determined to get to the US border. Both groups got into it over the caravan wanting to cross through their town. The citizens of Tijuana have worked hard to make a safe and prosperous city for themselves and they did not want caravan members there to ruin what they’ve built..........
By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri.

If I Can Demoralize You, I Can Control You! Pornography: The Break Down Of America’s Virtue

Today, Americans are being told that they must embrace diversity, to accept that which God forbids, in order to bring about unity among the nations. We also are being told that we must think of the whole world’s good rather than just the United States and our sovereignty (Revelations 17:17). Of course, that comes by taking on their world agenda and then we are led to believe that somehow it will unify us, the opposite is true.........
by Bradlee Dean

Out Of Tyranny Freedom Was Born

They came and they kept coming. The British came. The Dutch came. The Swedes came. The Germans came. The French came. The Spaniards came. The Italians came and the Greeks came. Individuals and families came because they were being religiously and economically persecuted in what had become tyrannical old Europe. They left their homes of a thousand years to settle in this new land called America. The risked everything to come for freedom.........
by Ron Ewart

Who Could Possibly Support Nullification?

Donald Trump’s new interim Attorney General, Matthew Whitaker, was recently criticized by CNN for holding to the proper, legitimate, and constitutional position that states have a right and a duty to interpose and nullify unconstitutional federal laws, policies, or court opinions.........
by Jake MacAulay

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