Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Submitted by: Terry Payne

New post on South Carolina Liberty
by admin
Thanks to Elizabeth Warren we can see that it doesn't take a village (apologies to Hillary), it takes an idiot to point the way. Now Elizabeth is not technically an idiot. She probably has a pretty average IQ. But her ideas are most certainly idiotic. And the way she has pointed makes it abundantly clear to everyone that her way was pointing in the wrong direction.

She has illustrated in the most spectacular manner and at the most opportune time the absolute lunacy of the idea that even some small part of a parent's or great, great grandparent's racial or ethnic origin somehow endows a person with special rights, qualities, or privileges. She has accidentally exposed the idiotic notion that racial makeup somehow defines the character and nature of a human being.
Elizabeth has illustrated an absurdity more effectively than any satire could have. And she has done it at a critical decision point in American history.
She and the left are barreling down a path that contradicts everything America stands for.
Hopefully the message takes hold and that the relentless push of the left to divide Americans against each other is quickly ended.

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