Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Submitted by: Chuck Kolb


 Carl F. Worden

People get so caught-up in the affairs of this world that they forget what is truly important, and they inadvertently sell their very souls for what will ultimately amount to nothing.

I am reminded of this watching the shenanigans of Liberals trying a last-minute effort to derail the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.  It is obvious to everyone that the Liberals have once again used false sex allegations against a Supreme Court nominee, just as they tried to derail Justice Clarence Thomas.  They can oppose a nominee or a candidate or a president for many legitimate reasons, but when they resort to bearing false witness against an innocent Human Being, they run up against the Laws of God and God himself, and that is an incredibly ill-advised and foolish thing to do.

Some people offend God unintentionally.  Take for example the guy who made the public proclamation that nobody, not even God, could sink the Titanic.  It is instructive to note that God sank the Titanic, not by the hand of man, but by his very own iceberg.  If you pay attention you'll realize God almost exclusively uses natural phenomenon to impose his will, be it floods, fire, earthquakes, weather or even a celestial body like a large meteor.

Only rarely does God rely upon man to carry out his will.

When I hear or see someone throw God's Laws out the window in their quest to gain, accomplish, achieve, promote or profit in some earthly way, I am reminded of Matthew 16:26 which reads, "For what is a man (or woman) profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul"?

I am watching complete fools condemn their own souls to the Lake of Fire daily now, and for what?  Political outcome?  Are you kidding me??


Carl F. Worden

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