Saturday, July 21, 2018


Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

I have long refused to have a cell phone - don't even like to hold one in my hand for a minute or two. I do not have a micro-wave (have had in the past but learned to cook without putting all those *waves* into my home and food).

I have long had a problem (big problem) with that low bass sound that what must be deaf people can't seem to play loud enough.  Since moving to my present location the VFW hall across the diveway from my apt. rents it out to a certain group several times a year and they bring in those huge amplifiers that blast that low bass sound that causes the pictures on my walls to vibrate - one fell down one time.  But the bigger problem with that sound and volume is what it does to my heart.  I've done a lot of research on this issue due to the health problems it creates for me.  I've spoken to the City Council but in small towns the *good old boy* rule can ignore their own ordinances to be ignored.  In my reseach I've read how this *sound wave* has been used as a military weapon and I can believe it.  Here is one source you can read to get a handle on how dangerous those low base sound waves are to humans (and probably animals too).
I haven't watched the You tubes Carol lists below so can't comment on them but I hope WGEN readers will pay attention to this stuff.  We are killing ourselves with *convenience*.

Jackie Juntti
Gal. 6:7   Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.   ----     ....   What kind of *seeds* are you sowing?


From: "C. Brown" <>
Subject: This Could Blow Your Mind, Literally.
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2018 16:33:14 -0700

Wow, I just ran across the video below, under the title of "Are Your Body’s Schwann Cells Protected When You Use Cell Phones Or Are Exposed To Other Microwaves Like Wi-Fi?"  The man who has the information on his Website, has done a lot of research into Directed Energy Weapons 101: Sonic, Microwave, Laser, and Non Lethal Warfare, and it is something of which we all need to be aware.  The technology that has come out in the last 40 years is exploding, and it has brought forth new weapons of war that are hard to comprehend.  I am not trying to cause you to fear, but for you to just become aware of what our present and future holds.  It is said that the public's knowledge of the kind of technology that is available, is about 30 years behind the reality of said technology.  The then, secret technology my husband used in Vietnam, is now available to the public, like starlight scopes and heat-sensing scopes.  Lord help us!  I hope that you will take 30 minutes out of your busy schedule, to watch the video. (^:

The extreme power and use of these weapons will always depend on the integrity of those who have the power to use them.  Weapons like the ones described in the video have the potential to do much harm and cause death, if they fall into the wrong hands, (like rogue governments/agents) or if some in our government, military or alphabet agencies, forget their responsibility to protect the American people and decide to use these for evil.  These could be used to even stop peaceful protests, or random group gatherings, if your group isn't considered politically correct.

The bottom line, is that God is in control,(!!!) and our trust is in Him, but it is good to be aware of where our technology is taking us.  Fear can by used by the satan, (no caps for him) so we should not be afraid of these things. These weapons may play a part in the whole, last days scenario.  It is bad enough that we are being bombarded almost every second, with invisible waves that can cause cancer.  It just seems to be more of the downward spiral we are seeing in our world and society, especially in the last few months.  Jesus may be returning soon, just to keep us from destroying ourselves.  Are you ready?  ~ Carol

Directed Energy Weapons 101: Sonic, Microwave, Laser, and Non-Lethal Warfare35:38 minutes   I've provided several links in case some don't work.

Are Your Body’s Schwann Cells Protected When You Use Cell Phones Or Are Exposed To Other Microwaves Like Wi-Fi?

TOPICS: Catherine FrompovichCell PhoneEHS EMF Radiation smart technologyWiFi

July 20, 2018

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