Friday, June 15, 2018



When I got up this morning and turned the local news on the first thing I see is reports of a politician from here in Seattle - heading up a protest to free and reunite those ILLEGALS who decided they could illegally enter America and be accepted as if they were here LEGALLY.  This particular politician is herself an immigrant, but she promotes the ILLEGALS as if they had some RIGHT to be here.  This particular protest going on nationwide (I understand) is to *reunite* these females (who may or may not be the natural Mother of the children) that made a decision while in their own country to make the trip to America and claim asylum.  Totally ignore the RULES of how one can Legally enter America -  Do it the ILLEGAL way and then DEMAND RIGHTS that aren't yours to demand - all with the help and assistance of those who want more of the SOCIALIST/Communist/Dictatorship style of life that they say they are running away from.

How to wage a war and do it without weapons of war like guns etc.  Do it with ILLEGAL INVASIONS and then raise up others to destroy the American Constitutional Republic -  Destroy from Within via politics by those who operate in covert ways - gaining strength to take over without firing a shot.  Gain the sympathy of those who fail to understand what is going on.  Allow EMOTIONS to rule rather than Logic and Constitutional Law. (it is why I am opposed to most females in any public office as females use EMOTION rather than LOGIC in most things - not all but most).  Then they do all they can to feminize the male population to get them to side with them in this EMOTIONAL DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA.

All these 'non-citizens of America' who say they left their native land in order to come to America to have a BETTER LIFE - really come here to destroy the American culture and Better life - the better life that LEGAL AMERICANS worked their behinds off for.  Once they get here they begin the task of making America like the place they left in the politics and culture.  Doubt my words?  Take a good look at the *neighborhoods* where these asylum seekers congregate and tell me that is how they found the area when they first moved in there.  You can almost figure out WHERE they came from by the way they keep their places (houses, vehicles, yards).

Back to the Seattle politician, Rep. Jayapal,  shouting out against the horrible taking of children from the mothers.  What this Jayapal SHOULD be ranting about and protesting for is that those *mothers* who decided to drag their (or whosever they are) children all those miles from their HOMELAND to ILLEGALLY cross the American border and claim asylum should NOT have abused those children as they have and the ABUSE sits on the heads of those *mothers* not the American border patrol/police who separate them as children do not belong in jail like the *mothers* do.  This is what I mean by females using EMOTION to get their way rather than LOGIC and FACTS.  Jayapal uses EMOTION instead of going after the rule of CONSTITUTIONAL LAW to deal with this situation.  Oh those poor children being ripped from the arms of their mothers.  What a CROC of SOCIALIST SHIFT.  Another Seattle Immigrant on the Seattle City Council (Sawant) is leading the protests in Seattle for the Homeless and to set in a HEAD TAX to pay for their housing.  Keep raising the taxes so that MORE people can't afford to rent or buy their own home.  They refuse to admit that the increases in taxes is what created the homeless folks to begin with.  EMOTION - EMOTION - EMOTION -  Logic and Facts have been buried in the noise of protesting idiots who can't THINK of what it is they are doing.

As I watch all these many protests across America - going back to the 1960's to today - none of them are based on making America BETTER - they all lead to a downfall of this nation - to open the borders to any and all who want to come here to destroy and tear down all that the BUILDERS worked so hard to create.  Take a good hard look at the major cities in the East and Midwest (Detroit) that were the manufacturing centers of the world and look at them now after the Unions and Open Borders mentality took over.  All those *undocumented* workers brought their CULTURE to America and have worked hard to turn America into the very places they said they LEFT so they could have a BETTER LIFE.  They brought their prior life here and destroyed America.
They didn't assimilate -  they came to assassinate (literally in many cases).  If these so called asylum seekers - seeking a better life folks REALLY wanted a BETTER LIFE they could have joined together in their native land and made that place a BETTER PLACE but they wanted to take what others worked to create and then they destroy it.  Where are they going to go after they turn America into the land they left??
As to those mothers that are having their children taken from them - the BLAME rests totally on their shoulders - should have thought of that before dragging those children all those miles and ILLEGALLY trying to enter the homes of others.  All those politicians who are protesting (Jayapal) should stop trying to CHANGE America and do some serious talking to those mothers about the ABUSE they submitted those children to by dragging them from their homes to an unknown situation. Then after telling them THEY are the abuser they should send them back to the country they came from with instructions to make their homeland into what they want - not come to America and DEMAND what we worked for for our children.  Politicians like Jayapal and Sawant are the *advance troops* to prepare the way for the ILLEGALS to not be met with a great deal of resistance - by using EMOTION to make (destroy) law.  Making protests the way to obtain unreasonable demands - disguising them as *RIGHTS*.  Incidentally - these *advance troops* aren't always foreign born - we have a bunch of Socialists who masquerade as RINO's and Democrats and they work hand in glove with the Globalists.  Every single politician who ignores the Constitution when they propose and vote on new rules, regulations, laws is guilty as hell of being an ENEMY WITHIN.  they do not deserve to be returned to office -  the only thing they deserve is to be stood up against the firing wall and fired at. .. that is what should happen to TRAITORS.

Jackie Juntti

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