Sunday, June 24, 2018


Submitted by: Dave Bertrand


Folks...we're under attack like never before. Our people are being thrown out of restaurants and their homes are being surrounded by communist democrats and ANTIFA thugs. America's colleges have become nothing more than a haven for far Left extremists and if you wish to organize a "Freedom of Speech Rally" you will be attacked if you are not prepared to respond in kind. NOT discouraging, but be prepared with deadly force if necessary.

There will be deaths and that equates to civil war. Witnesses and others against the Clinton cabal Deep State will CONTINUE to be reported as "SUICIDES" and because WE ARE AT WAR with the Deep State, which has much to lose soon as these goons begin going down...and they will go down fast when the (NEW) DoJ and FBI get their plans in action....we must prepare for the worst case scenario(s) that are likely to peak by the November elections and thereafter.

If you want to wear Trump hats and t-shirts, you should consider being armed, or just don't expose yourself.

If you encounter an ANTIFA roadblock and you are up front in the line of cars, you had better be aware that your windows will be smashed and you will sustain major injuries or death by communists yielding crowbars, rocks and bats. If that is the have every Right to defend yourself and drive the bastards over. Go to where it's safe and call 911.

This is NOT a time to be timid conservatives......

If you wear Trump items and are asked to leave a restaurant.....just leave. THEY have a Right to ask you to leave in-order to avoid a riot in the restaurant. However, Tweet, FaceBook and spread the name of the restaurant, or store.

If you attend a public sports event or concert, etc with hundreds or thousands and you wear Trump related items, you are taking a major chance if the event is not a Trump event, but you also have to get to your car or public transportation.

It's outrageous that our freedoms and liberties are at stake, but we are at war. No different than wearing U.S. garb in Syria / Yemen, or Germany during WWII.

And because Mexico (basically) just declared a type of war on America with a candidate (and Deep State operatives) telling their people to go ahead and invade the United States.....the best thing you could do while in Mexico is to wear a hat or t-shirt from Canada. That is also good advice while in Europe.

But in the meanwhile....since THEY know where we live, take a look at the addresses of a some top Deep State criminals.

Court document and full / current addresses.

SEE ALSO the link to the report below and send far and wide.....

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