Bertrand Daily Report The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues
Subject: Your Morning Intelligence Brief (February 1st, 2018)
Ed Note:
While FoxNews and other Conservative leaning news organizations paint MS-13 gang bangers of being extremely dangerous with a membership of 40,000 plus and in most every single major city in the U.S., the fake news networks like MS(13)NBC and CNN are spouting lies following the SOTU Tuesday night speech, stating....."President Trump is lumping all illegal aliens into a gang affiliation that most Americans have never heard of."
The Black parents acknowledged at SOTU for the loss of their two children to MS-13 thugs, with a standing ovation by ONLY Republicans while Dems sat on their hands, is the manifestation of evil and disgust rising in America. The leaders and elected officials within the Democrat Party have sold their souls....they hate everything America stands for because they have lost the chance to make America a third world country for cheap labor and big government.
The FISA Memo is currently under review by Trump's National Security Advisor with a few minor changes and just enough....sending the Left and the FBI into a frenzy once again. Now the push is to stop the release of the FISA Memo because the Trump Administration have the memo in their possession and the Dems are frantic in their attempt to release a "2nd dossier" from a very incompetent Clinton source ahead of the FISA Memo being released as early as today.
Pelosi and other Dems say the FISA Memo is nothing but lies and the GOP "has not allowed us to release a rebuttal of the facts."
Where will the FISA Memo take America when it is realized the DoJ / FBI and Hillary Clinton / DNC / Obama et al conspired, using a fake intelligence report to gain FISA warrants on U.S. citizens? Another "Congressional Committee" hearing that will be strung-out for another two years?
Americans need to demand a Grand Jury investigation, followed by indictments and prison time. Relying on Dems, RINOS, and Flakes for a lawful committee hearing has shown to be a farce, indicative of a fractured government body.
America's justice system and the Constitution is balancing on a 3 legged chair being held-up by a vigilant informed public. If the chair falls...we all fall with it.
---Dave Bertrand
Today's Featured Article / Report
US Officials: MS-13 Gang Is Sending 'Younger, More Violent' Members to America
WASHINGTON — Leaders of the Central American street gang MS-13 have a new problem on their hands: their U.S.-based members are not violent enough.
The gang, with about 10,000 members in the United States, is notorious for its propensity for vicious violence. Initiation requires committing murder. And many gang members have been convicted of homicides, some using machetes to behead their victims.
But with the administration of President Donald Trump vowing to stamp out MS-13 and other criminal organizataions, the gang's El Salvador-based leaders have seen hundreds of members put behind bars in the United States and even larger numbers arrested and charged in El Salvador.
Now, they're looking to beef up the gang's U.S. ranks by sending younger, more violent members to the United States, law enforcement officials said.
READ MORE....................
Today's Featured Videos
Hannity: Why are Dems trying to block the release of the Nunes memo?
CNN: Chris Cuomo Frustration During Interview With Whacked-Out Pelosi (Scary)
Schiff Accuses Nunes Of "Secretly Altering" FISA Memo Before White House Review
"It is unclear from your responses whether you believe any of the Russian-linked accounts involved in this influence campaign violated your respective user policies"
Clark County Defies Order To Release Vegas Shooter Coroner's Report
"The shooter’s body was cremated
Dec. 21. How can the autopsy report not be 'finalized' when the body was cremated more than five weeks ago?"
Adam Schiff: FISA Memo Could Lead To Firings Of Mueller, Rosenstein
Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intel Committee, believes the contents of the four-page memo about allegedly egregious FBI abuses of FISA
could lead to the firing of Special Counsel Bob Mueller, or more likely Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.
It's Israel Vs Lebanon And Hezbollah In Escalating Dispute Over Mediterranean Gas Field
Israel's Defense Minister warned against "respectable firms" bidding on the tender.
The Earth's Magnetic Field Is Shifting, Poles May Flip: "This Could Get Bad"
"The shield that protects the Earth from solar radiation is under attack from within. We can’t prevent it, but we ought to prepare..."
A Post-Mortem On The Corpse Of "Social Justice"
"I do not want to diminish the threat still posed to personal freedom by the adherents of the social justice cult, but it's safe to say that, due to the backlash against 'third-wave feminism' and cultural Marxism, political correctness is effectively a dead movement walking..."
Ambassador Says Russia Shouldn't Limit Oil Shipments To North Korea
...the ambassador said cutting oil deliveries to the North
would be interpreted by Pyongyang as a declaration of war...
Nunes Hits Back Against FBI FISA Memo Freakout
"I need to reiterate that the allegations against me were obviously frivolous and were rooted in politically motivated complaints filed against me by left-wing activist groups.”
WATCH: German Women Launch Campaign Highlighting Increased Violence Against Women as a Result of Mass Migration
Breitbart | ”The offenders are everywhere.”
Daily Caller | “After reviewing both versions, it is clear that the Majority made material changes to the version it sent to the White House.”
Zero Hedge | Along comes Reuters, dropping a bombshell headline that, if accurate, could shift the narrative of the multiple investigations involving Russia and obstruction of justice.
Zero Hedge | Researchers predict that in the event of a flip, every year a hundred thousand people would die from the increased levels of space radiation.
Sara Carter | The FBI expressed “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy”.
US News | The FBI said earlier on Wednesday it had “grave concerns”.
Paul Joseph Watson | Compilation of all the best bits.
Steve Watson | 70 percent said they liked Trump’s speech.
American Mirror | Nancy Pelosi prefers a divided America, judging by her response to President Trump’s call for unity.
Newsbusters | Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd was back at it on the Today show, fearing the speech “set things back” and “really offended a lot of Democrats.”
After months of radio silence, new information released earlier this week surrounding the investigation into Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's motive appears to have revived suspicions that another person was involved in the shooting.
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Whistleblowers, Republican congressional members, and some former intelligence officials cite mounting concern that the White House may not release the House Intelligence Committee’s FISA abuse memo as the FBI pushed against plans to make it public based on false allegations that the memo contains information that would harm U.S. national security, sources tell this reporter.
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on Tuesday ruled that a Kansas law designed to punish people who boycott Israel is an unconstitutional denial of free speech. The ruling is a significant victory for free speech rights because the global campaign to criminalize, or otherwise legally outlaw, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement has been spreading rapidly in numerous political and academic centers in the U.S. This judicial decision definitively declares those efforts — when they manifest in the U.S. — to be a direct infringement of basic First Amendment rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
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ICE is finally getting that nationwide license plate reader database it's been lusting after for several years. The DHS announced plans for a nationwide database in 2014, but decided to rein that idea in after a bit of backlash. The post-Snowden political climate made many domestic mass surveillance plans untenable, if not completely unpalatable.
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Rutgers engineers have invented a “4D printing” method for a smart gel that could lead to the development of “living” structures in human organs and tissues, soft robots and targeted drug delivery.
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Since Wal-Mart Stores Inc. announced it would hand out bonuses and expand benefits to more than 1 million associates thanks to new tax reform measures, the retail giant has also laid out plans for store closures and thousands of layoffs at both the store and corporate level.
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Facebook, the largest social media network on the planet, is banning all advertising having to do with cryptocurrencies, according to a blog post the company shared
on Tuesday.
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A chartered train carrying dozens of Republican lawmakers to a Republican retreat in West Virginia collided with dump truck near Charlottesville, Virginia
on Wednesday - but fortunately no lawmakers are believed to have been injured in the accident. "We’re fine, but our train hit a garbage truck. Members with medical training are assisting the drivers of the truck," Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., wrote on Twitter.
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YouTube was recently caught displaying ads that covertly leach off visitors' CPUs and electricity to generate digital currency on behalf of anonymous attackers, it was widely reported.
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On Tuesday night, Congressman Joe Kennedy III of Massachusetts will deliver the official Democratic response to President Trump’s State of the Union address. Some observers see the young Kennedy, 37, as a rising political star. But he is starkly out of step with his party — and a majority of U.S. voters — on a key issue now emerging at the forefront of mainstream American politics: Marijuana.
From The Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Int'l Airline Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727 & First Officer DC-10), Veteran U.S. Army S. Korea (110th M.P. Co.) Vietnam era Sergeant, State Law Enforcement Background, Int'l Aircraft Repo/Recovery, DHS Trained (Former) Counter-Terrorism Instructor, Political Analyst and Activist to help "Make America Great Again.
My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prevail.
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