Wednesday, January 31, 2018

ISLAM CONQUEST OF AMERICA (We'd better start thinking!)

a writing by Donald Hank

Well, figure it out.

The CIA and other US agents are still training "moderates" who typically turn into ISIS or Al-Qaeda fighters later. These are ALL SUNNIS belonging to the violent and intolerant Wahhabist sect of Saudi Arabia, the country that sponsors these terrorists.

But IRAN is Shiite, the antagonist of Sunnis and esp of Wahhabists. That is why Iran is now in Syria and Iraq FIGHTING ISIS and Al-Qaeda (which goes under new names like Al-Nusra).
So what is the country that our politicians and msm insist is the "biggest terror sponsor in the world"? 

IRAN. And which countries does Trump's no-visa list exempt? Saudi Arabia and Kosovo (which is now full of Wahhabist mosques), the sponsors of ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

And what country is at the top of the no-visa list? IRAN. Now name me one terror attack in Europe or the US that was committed by Iranians. That's right. NONE! But your government, with your tacit permission, has denied entry to citizens of a country that does not have a history of harming Westerners and is WELCOMING WITH OPEN ARMS the country that created Al-Qaeda, the group that killed 3000 of us on 9-11.

As long as your government -- both parties -- continues to LIE about the Muslims who commit terror and as long as YOU the public continue to swallow these lies, you will be the target of the terrorist that YOUR favorite politicians foist on you.

And that will be your own darn fault for not learning to think for yourself and do your own independen study!

Don Hank

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