Saturday, December 23, 2017


The Patriot Post: Voice of Essential Liberty
We are now nearly a year into a presidency where the Democrats and their Leftmedia publicists are vigorously endeavoring to "divide and conquer" Trump's agenda — which is wholly antithetical to their statist agenda — mostly by way of diversion, obstruction and sabotage.

The historic collusion between the Democrat Party and its mainstream media outlets — the Demo/MSM propaganda machine — remains the most significant threat to Liberty today.
To counter that threat, back in 1996 under the one and only Clinton regime, our team launched The Patriot Post, when the Internet was a largely uncharted medium. But we believed it would be, long term, the most effective medium to reach the largest number of grassroots Americans with a timeless and uniting message of Liberty. Today, The Patriot Post is the oldest news, policy and opinion digest on the Web, and a highly acclaimed touchstone of Liberty for Americans from all walks of life.
We certainly didn't attain that status on our own, however. When others observed that he was a "great communicator," my mentor, Ronald Reagan, said humbly, "I communicated great things, and they didn't spring full bloom from my brow, they came from the heart of a great nation — from our experience, our wisdom, and our belief in the principles that have guided us for two centuries." Our success is the sole result of our steadfast devotion to and advocacy of "the principles that have guided us for two centuries."
From day one, your Patriot Post team has effectively loosened the Leftmedia stranglehold on public opinion, and exposed their corrupt collusion and obstructionist objectives. Our mission is more important now than ever.
We humbly ask that you please make a year-end gift to The Patriot Fund today. Next weekend is our deadline, and we have approximately $78,200 left to raise. If you haven't supported us before, would you consider a donation of just $3.65 — equal to a penny a day for a year?
Support Liberty
Thank you for being vigilant and faithful in your support of Liberty. We're humbled to count you among the ranks of today's Patriots, and it's my great privilege to serve you as editor of The Patriot Post.
Mark Alexander
Publisher at The Patriot Post

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