Sunday, December 24, 2017


Tis The Day Before Christmas

To many, Christmas is about an infant born on a cold winter night and placed in a manger.  It is about Joseph and Mary and Jesus.  It’s about shepherds in a field who are frightened when they are visited by angels.  It is about three kings who traveled so far to give gifts to the newborn King (though Jesus was almost two years old when they arrived)..........
by Marilyn M. Barnewall.

Santa's Surprising Origins-A Christmas Classic Feature

Where did Santa come from? It will surprise many to learn that Santa Claus (as we know him today) came out of the church itself through the charity of a very devout and caring priest. Now bear in mind that this is a true, historically documented account.........
by Rev. Austin Miles

Alabama Election Fraud: Roy Moore Was Forsaken

Finishing well is no mean feat. There are a multitude of diversions, temptations, endless detours to keep us from the finish line. Jesus taught us, “he that endureth to the end shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22). Not he who starts well, or even he who runs the fastest, or put in the most entertaining performance, no, simply, “he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”.........
by Rev. David Whitney

Our Biblical Foundation In Politics, Part 8

That means that the people that we are putting into office must come out of the church!  Then Moses is directed provide these leaders for the people to chose from.  In other words, the spiritual leader teaches those who will be leaders and then places them before the people and then the people chose.  This is the way our Founders did it.........
by Pastor Roger Anghis

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