Thursday, November 23, 2017


My prayer for all on this Thanksgiving Day

Abba, Father of us all, we bow to You and You alone. You are our reason for living and we worship You.

Lord, I have much to be thankful for and wish to thank You for providing everything I have received. I thank You specially for allowing me to spread Your Holy Word with everyone who might read the sermons I post and send to the persons on my e mail lists. I send them to teach the way to Your Paradise and pray that they are truly meaningful to any that read them.

Father, I also want to thank You for the knowledge that the many prayers I say to You asking for healing for those in need, forgiveness of my transgressions, and blessings in abundance so I might share them with those in need are answered. You are a truly wondrous God and I stand in awe at Your mighty powers.

On this day I ask that You tend to the needs of those less fortunate than I and that You shower Your mighty blessings upon those in need.

Father, Our only true Father, I ask that You touch the hearts and minds of any who are in need of enlightenment of You Word and water the seed I sow allowing a more clear understanding of all I seek to teach.

Lord, You have blessed this nation with Your provision of a leader that is doing all he has promised. I pray that You will continue to guide him and all elected leaders that are in the service of this nation You have given.

Father, I ask that You, as our El Gibbor, strengthen our military men and women and see them safe.

As El Shaddai I thank You for all that You have done and will do in the days and years to come. It is with a thankful heart that I say this prayer and ask that You continue to bless all that truly call You their One and only God.

I ask these things in the name of Your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who is One with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever,

Amen, amen and amen. 

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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