Alert: The Trump-Putin Pedophile Connection - This Explains Everything (video)
Bix Weir says Here Comes The Tower Card! (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Blogdog. BIX NEWS: Here Comes The Tower Card! - YouTube &n... Weir says the collapse of the system is already baked in the cake. There is no way to stop it now as it is a necessary "Creative Destruction Event" in order for humanity to move forward. It will be painful....
They're Mocking Us!
Katy Perry - Bon Appétit Exposed! (video)

Kim Jong-Un Attacked America and No One Did Anything About It… (video)
Merkel Evicting German Citizens and Giving Their Homes To Muslim Immigrants (video)
Click here to read, "Merkel Evicting German Citizens and Giving Their Homes To Muslim Immigrants"...
Bodies Have Been Stacking Up: The Video Hillary Clinton Does Not Want You To See…
CONTRIBUTOR: Mac. Following the breaking report from Fox News that third-party investigators in the Seth Rich murder have linked the former high level DNC staffer with Wikileaks as the possible source of over 44,000 emails, we thought it appropriate to post the following video. While we’re not claiming there was any direct...
It's About That Time... Civil War is Here... (Video) (video)
American Police State: NSA Collected Over 150 Million Phone Records In 2016 (Video) (video)
SuperVolcano Level 7 Poised To Pop? Location Campi Flegrei, Italy (Video) (video)
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