Dear Patriots,
This is unbelievable...
A new CNN series called Believer shows a news anchor eating a human brain.
Sign the protest against CNN for showing cannibalism on TV
This show featured disturbing scenes, such as:
This is unbelievable...
A new CNN series called Believer shows a news anchor eating a human brain.
Sign the protest against CNN for showing cannibalism on TV
This show featured disturbing scenes, such as:
Read with Caution -- Very Disturbing:
- A Hindu shaman drinking out of a human skull;
- The news anchor, Reza Aslan, covers his face with burnt human remains;
- The shaman covers Aslan with human waste;
- And finally, Reza Aslan eats cooked human brains.
This is something that borders on the Satanic.
And, in my opinion, such things should never be allowed on television, least of all a national news station.
Protest against CNN showcasing cannibalism
Our society is turning away from God.
We see it in promotions of Satanism in public schools. We see it in children's movies that are now lined with homosexual ideology.
And now cannibalism is being shown on a major network.
This is contrary to God's law! We cannot stand for this!
I would like to ask you to please take the time to sign our petition, complaining to CNN for featuring such an atrocity.
Thank you.
I remain,
John Horvat
Vice-President, Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)
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