Bertrand Daily Report
The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues
Subject: Your Morning Intelligence Brief (March 31st, 2017)
March 31st, 2017
Ed Note: The big brew haw is that Mike Flynn is asking for immunity from prosecution reference his connections to Russia. He was released from the Trump Administration because he was not forthcoming with Vice President Pence. President Trump says "he SHOULD ask for immunity" which could turn-out to be a black-eye on the "Witch Hunt" investigation. Or....could result in a negative backlash for President Trump. The "Swamp" is very exotic with creatures that are not recognizable and knowing who is who and who is a traitor to this administration must be quite a project for President Trump. This coming week should be very interesting. ---Dave Bertrand (Twitter) #DaveBertrand@bertranddave1
Trump says Mike Flynn SHOULD ask for immunity –
said no 'reasonable person' with legal counsel would answer questions
without assurances that he would not be prosecuted, given calls from
some members of Congress that the retired lieutenant general should face
criminal charges.
ties to Russia have been scrutinized by the FBI and are under
investigation by the House and Senate intelligence committees. Both
committees are looking into Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential
election and any ties between Trump associates and the Kremlin.
His decision comes after he told NBC's Chuck Todd last year that anyone who seeks immunity has 'probably committed a crime.'
made the comments in relation to former Hillary Clinton staffers being
granted immunity as the FBI investigated her use of her server when she
was secretary of state.
Read more:
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Spacewalking Astronauts Lose Shield Needed for ISS... (DB:So much for Feminism)
Adam Schiff: Nunes Docs Came from Inside White House, New York Times Names Sources
The GatewayPundit - Numerous sources confirm intelligence
reports given to Nunes came from two White House officials. House
Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-CA) held an
unscheduled press conference Thursday, March 30, 2017 stating
“profound concern” regarding the way intelligence reports were
potentially shared with chairman Rep. Devin Nunes. The New York
Times reportedly released the names of the White House sources. It
has been revealed that two White House officials, Ezra
Cohen-Watnick, the senior director for intelligence at the National
Security Council, and Michael Ellis, a lawyer working on national
security issues, gave the documents to Nunes. A Reuters report
states: “Representative Adam Schiff noted, “that White House staff
has no reason to pass information to a congressional committee
chairman rather than just delivering it to President Donald Trump
directly.” Schiff went on to say that his investigation will not be
distracted due to this information and will continue on with its
investigation regarding the Russia probe despite clearly being
distracted by this information. He stated numerous times that he
does not care about “incidental information” on the topic of the
wiretapping of President Trump. Democrats, once again, are concerned
less about the material discovered and more about the ways in which
the documents were discovered. Schiff asked, “Why all the cloak
and dagger stuff.” When pressed on whether the report was wrong,
Schiff said that he was, “not going to get into it,” which raises
the question: are Democrats attempting to distract the public from
what is inside the documents?
Senate kills family-planning rule; Pence breaks tie
Reuters - Vice President Mike Pence took the rare step of breaking a tie in the U.S. Senate on Thursday, casting the deciding vote to roll back protections for reproductive health funds. Using the Congressional Review Act, which allows lawmakers to repeal recently minted regulations, senators killed a rule intended to keep federal grants flowing to clinics that provide contraception and other services in states that want to block the funding. The rule was enacted in the final weeks of former President Barack Obama's administration, giving lawmakers the opening to nullify it under the review law. In recent years states such as Texas have kept some healthcare providers from receiving the grants as part of the country's longstanding fight over abortion…. It was the second time on Thursday that Pence used his role as the chamber's president to end a deadlock. He was called to the capitol earlier to carry the resolution through a procedural vote. Saying the rule usurps states' rights, Republicans argued local lawmakers should decide how healthcare money is distributed.
Report: Obama Admin Blocked FBI Director’s Offer To Reveal Russian Meddling
Daily Caller - FBI Director James Comey planned to write an op-ed early last summer making the case that Russia was meddling in the U.S. election, but other top Obama administration officials vetoed the idea. That’s according to a report from Newsweek magazine. “The White House shut it down,” one source told the magazine of Comey’s op-ed offer. “They did their usual — nothing.” The revelation, if accurate, would appear to suggest that the Obama administration did not take Russia’s meddling in the presidential campaign as seriously as many Democrats would have liked…. According to Newsweek’s source, Comey’s op-ed would have laid out some of the evidence showing that the Kremlin was attempting to influence the presidential election. The Obama administration would not make a similar public accusation until Oct. 7, when the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security alleged that Russia was involved in cyber attacks against Democrats….
Federal judge in Hawaii extends court order blocking Trump travel ban
Reuters - A federal judge in Hawaii indefinitely extended on Wednesday an order blocking enforcement of President Donald Trump’s revised ban on travel to the United States from six predominantly Muslim countries. U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson turned an earlier temporary restraining order into a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit brought by the state of Hawaii challenging Trump’s travel directive as unconstitutional religious discrimination…. In its challenge to the travel ban, Hawaii claims its state universities would be harmed by the order because they would have trouble recruiting students and faculty. It also says the island state's economy would be hit by a decline in tourism. The court papers cite reports that travel to the United States "took a nosedive" after Trump's actions. The state was joined by a new plaintiff named Ismail Elshikh, an American citizen from Egypt who is an imam at the Muslim Association of Hawaii and whose mother-in-law lives in Syria, according to the lawsuit.
Seattle Files Lawsuit Over ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Funding Threat
NBC - The city of Seattle on Wednesday announced a federal lawsuit over the Trump administration’s threat to withhold federal grants to so-called “sanctuary cities,” citing the 10th Amendment that deals with states’ rights. “Apparently the Trump administration, their war on facts, has now become a war on cities,” Seattle Mayor Ed Murray said. He said the goal of the suit is to have a judge declare the order unconstitutional. “Let me be clear about the facts: We are not breaking any laws and we are prioritizing safety,” Murray said. President Donald Trump on Jan. 25 signed an executive order directing the federal government to ensure that jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with immigration officials are not eligible to receive some federal grants.
Hispanic-Owned Companies Bidding for ‘Trump Wall’ Contract Receive Death Threats
Breitbart - Owners of several construction companies in western states such as California and Arizona have reported a campaign of harassment after their names turned up in federal databases. There have been phone and email complaints, rocks thrown at buildings, death threats, and one company even said a company tractor was stolen, The Washington Post reported. According to a review of federal records, only 32 Hispanic-owned companies have thus far bid for any of the contracts currently offered by the federal government for Trump’s border wall.
New Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Additional Instances of Clinton Sending Classified Information through Unsecured Emails, Special Favors for Clinton Donors
[Judicial Watch] released 1,184 pages of State Department records, including previously unreleased Hillary Clinton email exchanges, revealing additional instances of Abedin and Hillary Clinton sending classified information through unsecured email accounts and contributors being given special access to the former secretary of state. The emails, were obtained in response to a court order from a May 5, 2015, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the State Department after it failed to respond to a March 18 FOIA request… The records contain 29 previously undisclosed Clinton emails – of a total of which is now at least 288 emails that were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department…. In a February 2010 email exchange Jake Sullivan, then-Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton, sent to Clinton’s and Abedin’s unsecure email accounts information that the State Department has classified as the material includes information “to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy; foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources.” The redacted information concerns “former GTMO [Guantanamo] detainee Binyam Mohamed” and Mohamed’s request for “various classified intelligence documents” that contained U.S. intelligence information related to his detention before he was taken to Guantanamo. In April 2010, Sid Blumenthal sent two email memos to Clinton containing information now classified. Clinton forwarded this material to Abedin’s unsecure email account. The classified information, which Clinton asks Abedin to print off for her, concerns the change of government in the Kyrgyz Republic….
Video: CNN ‘Investigated’ Russian Salad Dressing After White House Press Secretary’s Joke
Steve Watson - CNN bolstered its reputation as the most fake news network in the world this week when it carried out another of its hard hitting ‘investigations’ – this time into the truth behind Russian salad dressing. When White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer quipped earlier in the week if the President put Russian salad dressing on his dinner the media would use it as evidence of collusion, most just acknowledged the joke and moved on. Not CNN. As Mark Dice explains in the video below, CNN actually carried out an investigation into Russian salad dressing. The network actually paid a reporter to research Russian salad dressing and report back the findings. And weren’t they devastating insights. Russian salad dressing actually comes from Nashua, New Hampshire and, according to CNN, it is actually more of a sandwich spread rather than a salad dressing. Wow. hard hitting investigative journalism at its best. The network also brought on the reporter at whom Spicer was directing the comments, April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks, to analyse the exchange. And yes, the conclusion this panel of experts reached was that Spicer is a SEXIST… Over on another fake news channel, MSNBC, the panel came up with another conclusion about Spicer stemming from the exchange with Ryan. The White House Press Secretary is also a RACIST… Yep, Spicer is racist and sexist. And that’s your evening news.
Never Before Seen Photographs of The 9/11 Attacks Released By The FBI
REALfarmacy - These photos (Below) seem to corroborate the theory that there was in fact no plane, but rather a cruise missile, which begs the question, “why were these released?” Surely no one at the FBI, or anywhere, thinks that these dispel any notion of conspiracy. If anything these photos give credence to the conspiracy, not the official narrative. I won’t be convinced until we have evidence of the 757 engine present at the pentagon crash site. hese engines have titanium components that could not have been destroyed in the heat of the wreckage so if a plane really did hit the pentagon, we would have undoubtedly found those components.
Kindergartner suspended over playing with pretend ‘stick gun’
EAG News - North Carolina school officials found 5-year-old Caitlin Miller guilty of violating school policy 4331, and sentenced the imaginative youngster to a one day suspension. Her crime: Playing “King and Queen” with her friends at recess, and using a stick as a make-believe gun to defend the royal couple against pretend invaders, WTVD reports. Miller’s mother, Brandy, told the news site she received a call from the officials at McLauchlin Elementary School on Friday to inform her about the punishment, which Miller served on Monday. “The assistant principal told me Caitlin had a stick and she was using it to shoot and kill other students,” Brandy Miller told Fox News’ Todd Starnes. “One minute she’s playing with her friends and the next her teachers are dragging her to the principal’s office,” Miller told WTVD. “She’s confused, nobody explained anything to her.” District officials issued a statement defending the suspension. “Hoke County Schools will not tolerate assaults, threats or harassment from any student,” district officials wrote in a prepared statement. “Any student engaging in such behavior will be removed from the classroom or school environment for as long as is necessary to provide a safe and orderly environment for learning.”
Santa Claus to appear as gay black man in new children's book ...
Washington Times - Harper Design said the picture book, “Santa’s Husband,” will go on sale Oct. 10 just in time for Christmas, Time reported Tuesday. The book will tell “the true story of a Black Santa and his White husband (who often fills in for him at malls),” according to a preview shared on Twitter this week by its author, Daniel Kibblesmith. Mr. Kibbelsmith, a staff writer for “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” originally touched on book’s concept in a Dec. 6 tweet in which he joked his future children “will only know about Black Santa.” “If they see a white one we’ll say ‘That’s his husband,’” he tweeted at the time…. “Santa’s Husband” was initially pitched as a humorous parody children’s book, but the final product will be meant for all ages, Time reported.
Senate kills family-planning rule; Pence breaks tie
Reuters - Vice President Mike Pence took the rare step of breaking a tie in the U.S. Senate on Thursday, casting the deciding vote to roll back protections for reproductive health funds. Using the Congressional Review Act, which allows lawmakers to repeal recently minted regulations, senators killed a rule intended to keep federal grants flowing to clinics that provide contraception and other services in states that want to block the funding. The rule was enacted in the final weeks of former President Barack Obama's administration, giving lawmakers the opening to nullify it under the review law. In recent years states such as Texas have kept some healthcare providers from receiving the grants as part of the country's longstanding fight over abortion…. It was the second time on Thursday that Pence used his role as the chamber's president to end a deadlock. He was called to the capitol earlier to carry the resolution through a procedural vote. Saying the rule usurps states' rights, Republicans argued local lawmakers should decide how healthcare money is distributed.
Report: Obama Admin Blocked FBI Director’s Offer To Reveal Russian Meddling
Daily Caller - FBI Director James Comey planned to write an op-ed early last summer making the case that Russia was meddling in the U.S. election, but other top Obama administration officials vetoed the idea. That’s according to a report from Newsweek magazine. “The White House shut it down,” one source told the magazine of Comey’s op-ed offer. “They did their usual — nothing.” The revelation, if accurate, would appear to suggest that the Obama administration did not take Russia’s meddling in the presidential campaign as seriously as many Democrats would have liked…. According to Newsweek’s source, Comey’s op-ed would have laid out some of the evidence showing that the Kremlin was attempting to influence the presidential election. The Obama administration would not make a similar public accusation until Oct. 7, when the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security alleged that Russia was involved in cyber attacks against Democrats….
Federal judge in Hawaii extends court order blocking Trump travel ban
Reuters - A federal judge in Hawaii indefinitely extended on Wednesday an order blocking enforcement of President Donald Trump’s revised ban on travel to the United States from six predominantly Muslim countries. U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson turned an earlier temporary restraining order into a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit brought by the state of Hawaii challenging Trump’s travel directive as unconstitutional religious discrimination…. In its challenge to the travel ban, Hawaii claims its state universities would be harmed by the order because they would have trouble recruiting students and faculty. It also says the island state's economy would be hit by a decline in tourism. The court papers cite reports that travel to the United States "took a nosedive" after Trump's actions. The state was joined by a new plaintiff named Ismail Elshikh, an American citizen from Egypt who is an imam at the Muslim Association of Hawaii and whose mother-in-law lives in Syria, according to the lawsuit.
Seattle Files Lawsuit Over ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Funding Threat
NBC - The city of Seattle on Wednesday announced a federal lawsuit over the Trump administration’s threat to withhold federal grants to so-called “sanctuary cities,” citing the 10th Amendment that deals with states’ rights. “Apparently the Trump administration, their war on facts, has now become a war on cities,” Seattle Mayor Ed Murray said. He said the goal of the suit is to have a judge declare the order unconstitutional. “Let me be clear about the facts: We are not breaking any laws and we are prioritizing safety,” Murray said. President Donald Trump on Jan. 25 signed an executive order directing the federal government to ensure that jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with immigration officials are not eligible to receive some federal grants.
Hispanic-Owned Companies Bidding for ‘Trump Wall’ Contract Receive Death Threats
Breitbart - Owners of several construction companies in western states such as California and Arizona have reported a campaign of harassment after their names turned up in federal databases. There have been phone and email complaints, rocks thrown at buildings, death threats, and one company even said a company tractor was stolen, The Washington Post reported. According to a review of federal records, only 32 Hispanic-owned companies have thus far bid for any of the contracts currently offered by the federal government for Trump’s border wall.
New Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Additional Instances of Clinton Sending Classified Information through Unsecured Emails, Special Favors for Clinton Donors
[Judicial Watch] released 1,184 pages of State Department records, including previously unreleased Hillary Clinton email exchanges, revealing additional instances of Abedin and Hillary Clinton sending classified information through unsecured email accounts and contributors being given special access to the former secretary of state. The emails, were obtained in response to a court order from a May 5, 2015, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the State Department after it failed to respond to a March 18 FOIA request… The records contain 29 previously undisclosed Clinton emails – of a total of which is now at least 288 emails that were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department…. In a February 2010 email exchange Jake Sullivan, then-Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton, sent to Clinton’s and Abedin’s unsecure email accounts information that the State Department has classified as the material includes information “to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy; foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources.” The redacted information concerns “former GTMO [Guantanamo] detainee Binyam Mohamed” and Mohamed’s request for “various classified intelligence documents” that contained U.S. intelligence information related to his detention before he was taken to Guantanamo. In April 2010, Sid Blumenthal sent two email memos to Clinton containing information now classified. Clinton forwarded this material to Abedin’s unsecure email account. The classified information, which Clinton asks Abedin to print off for her, concerns the change of government in the Kyrgyz Republic….
Video: CNN ‘Investigated’ Russian Salad Dressing After White House Press Secretary’s Joke
Steve Watson - CNN bolstered its reputation as the most fake news network in the world this week when it carried out another of its hard hitting ‘investigations’ – this time into the truth behind Russian salad dressing. When White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer quipped earlier in the week if the President put Russian salad dressing on his dinner the media would use it as evidence of collusion, most just acknowledged the joke and moved on. Not CNN. As Mark Dice explains in the video below, CNN actually carried out an investigation into Russian salad dressing. The network actually paid a reporter to research Russian salad dressing and report back the findings. And weren’t they devastating insights. Russian salad dressing actually comes from Nashua, New Hampshire and, according to CNN, it is actually more of a sandwich spread rather than a salad dressing. Wow. hard hitting investigative journalism at its best. The network also brought on the reporter at whom Spicer was directing the comments, April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks, to analyse the exchange. And yes, the conclusion this panel of experts reached was that Spicer is a SEXIST… Over on another fake news channel, MSNBC, the panel came up with another conclusion about Spicer stemming from the exchange with Ryan. The White House Press Secretary is also a RACIST… Yep, Spicer is racist and sexist. And that’s your evening news.
Never Before Seen Photographs of The 9/11 Attacks Released By The FBI
REALfarmacy - These photos (Below) seem to corroborate the theory that there was in fact no plane, but rather a cruise missile, which begs the question, “why were these released?” Surely no one at the FBI, or anywhere, thinks that these dispel any notion of conspiracy. If anything these photos give credence to the conspiracy, not the official narrative. I won’t be convinced until we have evidence of the 757 engine present at the pentagon crash site. hese engines have titanium components that could not have been destroyed in the heat of the wreckage so if a plane really did hit the pentagon, we would have undoubtedly found those components.
Kindergartner suspended over playing with pretend ‘stick gun’
EAG News - North Carolina school officials found 5-year-old Caitlin Miller guilty of violating school policy 4331, and sentenced the imaginative youngster to a one day suspension. Her crime: Playing “King and Queen” with her friends at recess, and using a stick as a make-believe gun to defend the royal couple against pretend invaders, WTVD reports. Miller’s mother, Brandy, told the news site she received a call from the officials at McLauchlin Elementary School on Friday to inform her about the punishment, which Miller served on Monday. “The assistant principal told me Caitlin had a stick and she was using it to shoot and kill other students,” Brandy Miller told Fox News’ Todd Starnes. “One minute she’s playing with her friends and the next her teachers are dragging her to the principal’s office,” Miller told WTVD. “She’s confused, nobody explained anything to her.” District officials issued a statement defending the suspension. “Hoke County Schools will not tolerate assaults, threats or harassment from any student,” district officials wrote in a prepared statement. “Any student engaging in such behavior will be removed from the classroom or school environment for as long as is necessary to provide a safe and orderly environment for learning.”
Santa Claus to appear as gay black man in new children's book ...
Washington Times - Harper Design said the picture book, “Santa’s Husband,” will go on sale Oct. 10 just in time for Christmas, Time reported Tuesday. The book will tell “the true story of a Black Santa and his White husband (who often fills in for him at malls),” according to a preview shared on Twitter this week by its author, Daniel Kibblesmith. Mr. Kibbelsmith, a staff writer for “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” originally touched on book’s concept in a Dec. 6 tweet in which he joked his future children “will only know about Black Santa.” “If they see a white one we’ll say ‘That’s his husband,’” he tweeted at the time…. “Santa’s Husband” was initially pitched as a humorous parody children’s book, but the final product will be meant for all ages, Time reported.
Tucker Shreds "White Genocide" Professor Who Almost Vomited After 1st Class Passenger Gave Up Seat For Soldier
James Comey's Secret Twitter Account Has Been Exposed
Senate Intel Committee Throws Hail Mary - Trots Out "1000 Russian Trolls" That Influenced Swing States With Fake News!
********************************************************************************************************** (Bisbee, Arizona) German firms back off from building Trump's border wall
Germany has had experience with walls --- but the memories aren't happy. That could be why, despite a wealth of multinational construction firms (an industry that represents some 10 percent of Germany's GDP), only two German companies are listed among the 700 said to be interested in building Donald Trump's proposed wall along the Mexican-US border. -- Both of these companies have now distanced themselves from the US president's flagship anti-immigration project, clarifying that they had registered so as to be updated on the competition, not because they wanted to take part.......
...Germany has had experience with walls --- but the memories aren't happy. That could be why, despite a wealth of multinational construction firms (an industry that represents some 10 percent of Germany's GDP), only two German companies are listed among the 700 said to be interested in building Donald Trump's proposed wall along the Mexican-US border. -- Both of these companies have now distanced themselves from the US president's flagship anti-immigration project, clarifying that they had registered so as to be updated on the competition, not because they wanted to take part....... Georgia Senate passes bill to punish "sanctuary" colleges
The Senate Tuesday approved a bill that would cut funding for Georgia colleges that declare themselves “sanctuaries” for students living in the country illegally. -- House Bill 37 would restrict funds for colleges that violate state and federal law by adopting polices that protect students who are living in the U.S. illegally. HOPE grants could be taken away from students under the bill...... |
KGMI -- Bellingham Immigration agents round up 84 in Alaska, Washington, Oregon
Immigration authorities say agents rounded up 84 people — including 60 with criminal records --- during a three-day operation in Washington, Oregon and Alaska. -- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says the operation ended Monday and targeted criminals residing in the U.S. illegally. Those arrested included 77 men and seven women from 12 countries, the vast majority of them from Mexico. Nineteen had drunken driving convictions, and 14 had been convicted of assault, sex offenses or domestic violence....... |
AP Border Patrol Agents Arrest 15 Carrying Bales of Marijuana
Ajo, AZ -- U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested people who had carried 21 bales of marijuana across the U.S.-Mexico border in the Ajo area of southern Arizona. -- Customs and Border Protection says the 13 Mexican citizens and two Guatemalans had more than 518 pounds (235 kilograms) of marijuana when arrested Saturday.The agency says agents working with two helicopter crews tracked footprints in the desert to make the arrests....... |
David Olen Cross -- Salem Lars Larson Show: Criminal Alien of the Week Report
It has been an interesting last week in the month of March when it comes to criminal aliens (illegal aliens) here in the Pacific Northwest. -- This week we take a look at for your radio listeners an illegal alien who drove a motor vehicle impaired in the State of Oregon. -- On Sunday, March 26, 2017 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Deportation officers arrested Mexican national Francisco J. Rodriguez-Dominguez, age 25, at his residence in Portland, Oregon....... |
Fox5 NYC Immigrants, refugees protest at Trump Building
Immigrant groups have declared New York the city of refuge. -- "New York City is the symbol where the statue of liberty is represented not a symbol of walls or bans," said Cesar Vargas, a protester. -- Dozens gathered outside the Trump Building on Wall Street with inflatable rafts and photos of refugees, symbolizing those who have come to this country by water. -- "In the last three years we've have had about 6,000 refugees who've been settled in New York City and in addition about 2,200 asylees who've been accepted into New York," said Nisha Agarwal, the commissioner of the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs....... |
PJ Media L.A. Mayor: Trump's Sanctuary City Crackdown Violates Constitution
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, chairman of the Latino Alliance of the United States Conference of Mayors, argued that President Trump's effort to stop federal funds from going to “sanctuary cities” for not fully cooperating with federal immigration authorities violates the U.S. Constitution. -- According to Garcetti, most city attorneys have been communicating with each other “almost daily” and believe they are on “very strong” constitutional grounds in opposing the administration's effort to crack down on sanctuary cities....... |
KJZZ Flake, McCain Introduce Bill To Keep Immigration Enforcement Reimbursement
The White House proposed budget cuts dozens of domestic programs, including one that reimburses states for immigration enforcement. U.S. senators from Arizona introduced a bill Tuesday to keep that program in place. -- Republican U.S. Sens. Jeff Flake and John McCain introduced legislation to keep the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program through 2021. The program reimburses states for the cost of incarcerating criminal immigrants. President Donald Trump's current proposed budget cuts this program....... |
Daily Caller California's Chief Justice: Enforcing Immigration Laws Goes Against The Rule Of Law
Since when is moving to another country against the law? And since when do we enforce the laws we have on the books? I thought I knew, but I'm not a judge like this lady is, so I guess I was wrong. -- Derek Hawkins, WaPo: Tani Cantil-Sakauye, California's chief justice, is fast emerging as one of the Trump administration's most vocal critics in the judiciary… Cantil-Sakauye used her annual State of the Judiciary address to argue that the rule of law was being “challenged” amid the administration's immigration crackdown....... |
Security Sales DHS to Mexico Border Wall Bidders: High-Tech Equipment Alone Won't Cut It
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) told contractors this week that Mexican border wall bids that rely solely on high-tech surveillance equipment and other technology will not be considered for approval. -- More than 700 bidding companies have registered on FedBizOpps, the government's contract site, to submit proposals to help build or design the wall, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. Originally due Wednesday, the 10-page bids for a concrete wall or a non-concrete wall have been delayed to April 4 to give contractors more time to respond after they review answers to questions....... |
RGV Proud RGV Border Patrol Agents Attacked by Illegals
Edinburgh, TX -- On March 26, 2017 two agents assigned to the Rio Grande City Station suffered minor injuries when a guatemalan national struck an agent on the neck with his elbows then kicked another agent. After a brief struggle, agents subdued the subject and placed him under arrest. The subject is being charged with assault on a federal officer. -- Within the same time frame, a Mexican national became aggressive and charged at Weslaco Border Patrol agents near Progreso Lakes. The agents managed to wrestle the subject to the ground then placed him under arrest. As agents walked him to their patrol unit, the subject attempted to strike the agents once again. Charges are pending....... |
Breitbart Greg Abbott Throws Down: I Will Sign Legislation That Could Put Sheriffs of Sanctuary Cities in Jail
On Newsmax TV's “The Steve Malzberg Show,” Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) said he will confront the issue of cities that refuse to comply with immigration law by signing legislation that could jail sheriffs of sanctuary cities. -- Abbott said, “We have been pushing a piece of legislation in Texas that is going to pass that I will be signing into law that imposes even sterner penalties on counties. It will include things such as further defunding them. It will impose fines. And it could impose jail time for these sheriffs to enforce the laws....... |
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