Friday, February 24, 2017


Bertrand Daily Report  
The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues

Subject: Bertrand Hypothesis of the New World Order...Danger Red Flags 

February 24th, 2017

By Dave Bertrand

The super naturally protected scumbags of our society that bask-on the blood of children in-order to facilitate their desires will fall from this earth as they did from the kingdom of God.

This is a perilous time on our planet, regardless if you believe in God or not, but know one thing is for sure...the demonic Satanic rituals and pedophilia by the globalist elites and the far Left Liberals will die in their own blood of disgust when judgement day arrives....and it's coming soon in this reality or their next one.

Going after Trump for petty comments and actions, is NOT the reason by those in leadership perporting to be representing the people, but are in-fact scared of where they could easily end-up soon if AG Sessions moves forward with evidence available with the help of Homeland Security's "Operation Blue Campaign," including FBI and NYPD investigations.

Connections to child sex slave trafficking also involves the Radcliff Foundation and the Clinton Foundation scumbags like John and Tony Podesta and their thirst for blood and meat of dead children, the Satanic  ritual just a small part of the bigger picture of what is actually happening around the world and now has prompted many arrests that will continue.

There is no doubt in my mind, John Podesta (Clinton Campaign Manager) will ultimately suicide himself when the SHTF for him. Review (below) in the video evidence provided by WikiLeaks below and see for yourself how serious his situation really is, not to mention the rest of them in the Hillary camp.

John and his brother Tony Podesta are linked to the child abduction of Madellin McCann in Portugal, never found, but can easily be concluded as being involved with the little girl's abduction.

The horrific crimes by these sub-humans, is not that of a normal person, but is the demonic spirit of Satan to take-down humanity during THEIR last days on earth. They are attempting to take-down humanity by stealth, but now THEY have been exposed, and is the reason why "Pizzagate" was immediately dealt with by the FakeStream Media as "debunked nonsense," hence forth...the "Russian scandal" entered the media scene as a diversion.

Using the political Left by the Satanic elite, (because their souls have not evolved to a higher level) using their souls as their vehicle to cause confusion and hate, while at the same time recruiting those that have been brainwashed in schools and colleges across the world of what THEY perceive as "normal" by using Hollywood and MTV to project their sinister plot to undermine Christianity, is FAILING...but their arrogance is advancing at a rapid rate as this "spiritual war" of good versus evil becomes the issue and not the political bias.

Diversion from the reality of what these sub-human thugs are doing is falling apart.

If WE allow THEM to take-down this president, of whom is very much aware of the "Pizzagate" crimes against humanity, WE could easily fall prey to Satan's followers, regardless if you believe in the demonic spirit that is wrapping this world in darkness, but know that THEY truly believe and "channel" to these identities at rituals, is dangerous to humanity.

The proof about "Pizzagate" is exposed in this video by Ashton Kutcher's appeal to congress. (A Must Watch)

Fighting THEM requires a massive awakening and exposure.....

Once THEY are in prison, I know for a fact of how other prisoners deal with child killers while officers look the other way. It happens in all prisons, unless these demonic spirits are contained in maximum security cells, ultimately leading to their own suicides, is a small token to society, but doesn't end the off world evil that is now coming-out in the open.

There are many off world identities (good and bad) with extreme capabilities to enter and leave from one dimension to another, a program in itself being tested and used by the "Deep State" Military Industrial Complex. also includes the "reverse engineering" of space crafts seen around the world by thousands every day but written-off as a phenonymon. Be it large illuminating orbs or the common Black Triangle shaped (silent) UFO, alleged to be flown by our own pilots, the differences are either inter-dimensional or "real time" space craft.


The globalist elites have access to the secrets of the universe and use that power to over-power humanity for their own selfish reasons.

Don't you think that civilizations with a few million years of advanced technology to channel energy are here one minute and gone in a flash, warping space and time.... a reality many dismiss as fiction, but yet we in our post primate state-of- being can transmit movies through walls, bodies and space without seeing it? Our human race is far more capable than what the globalist elite want you to know, thus...the dumbing-down continues.

When you sleep (or die) your spirit energy and soul travels to another dimension reality and to do it by "Will" has now become a scientific reality. Scientists admit that in the near future, loved-ones will be able to communicate directly with those that cross-over to another dimension/reality a.k.a. "heaven," or whatever your perceive as the destination, however, we already (ourselves) are capable of communicating with the dead, but reality is....they're not dead, but very much conscious and alive, but in spiritual energy form.

The big question might be.....are we THEM (E.T.) when we cross-over? Or maybe "us from the future?"

Visitors a.k.a. Extraterrestrials come and go, some are friendly, but most are not, according to a KGB post-Soviet Russian report.

President Eisenhower warned us and JFK was about to tell the American people about the "broken treaty" that Eisenhower agreed to with the "Moovianthan-Kayphik" race from the (Constellation Vulvpecula) to allow them mass abductions for scientific research but didn't turn-out the way the "Deep State" Military Industrial Complex expected. (Note: The Bavarian Illuminati were also involved with a treaty around 1933) 

Nobody wants to talk about the 1978 Dulce New Mexico underground battle with "Greys" a.k.a. (Solipsi Rai), killing 44 U.S. military personnel and scientists, or the fact that the "Pleyadiyans and Anunnaki" races come and go to help humanity and are considered "spiritual."

Nobody wants to talk about the Vatican's "Project Lucifer" giant telescope on top of Kitt Peak National Observatory over-looking the Altar Valley in southern Arizona. What is the Vatican looking for? The Pope says he will "baptize" any visitor that wants to." Is the Catholic Church deceiving it's followers and attempting to bring Communism to all countries around the world? The answer is YES !

It is believed the "Anunnaki gods" were responsible for tweaking the DNA of humans during the "Adam and Eve" parable.

(Genesis 6:2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of mankind were beautiful, and they took any they chose as wives for themselves)

Will the "Pleyadiyans" save this planet from annihilation?

It is believed, no nuclear ICBM missiles will ever launch since (they) have shown-up over missile silos, shutting down all systems, i.e., the Minuteman Missile silos in Montana (several times during practice runs).

Similar abductions are also happening by the demonic sub-level elite, but are the children, young women and boys for the sex trafficking trade. It's a parallel to the E.T. abductions in that....they're both demonic. However, some believe abduction by aliens are for the selected few that are tracked as "special" delegates for certain off world races, since most of all those abducted are returned. The most demonic abduction we know of became a movie "Fire in-the-Sky," but as demonic on earth, is the Podesta (Pizzagate) scandal unraveling.

Humanity is a challenge for us to decide which side we should be on, and our power of "Will" is guided by our consciousness, which is at war with those that are abusing those of us that only want to be free and loving of others, but instead.....they want us dead and gone from this planet. THEY want to kill all new borns, kill life in the womb, and warp the mind and souls of children that cannot fight physically or mentally....and THEY have the power and persuasion to disease us with legal and illegal drugs and chemicals both in the air and in our food, for the only kill-off humanity while they transition their consciuosness to machines  in-order to stay on this planet forever. (See Artificial Intelligence A.I.)

What does that have to do with the Liberal Democrats that follow the leaders of the occult Left. i.e., Hillary Clinton, Obama, George Soros and the estimated 13 families that own most of the planet?

The far Left Democrats are used by the elite thugs to motivate and recruit the "fence sitters" and a some Republican Conservatives as THEIR "means of production," a.k.a. "Socialism" as a  powerful force to buffalo humanity into thinking the elected government will provide for them, seize property from the Capitalists (for them), and allow them to disregard any and all "moral" laws of society.

What happens if they win? We all end-up with a Communist dictatorship with Fascist control over the same people that voted them into office. So....why not bring into America refugees and illegal aliens that will vote for the same crap they are escaping from? Because it's a win win situation for the globalists. Like they say, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" therefore....those escaping Communism and Muslim tyranny will vote-in the same here and is the reason why Obama planted many Muslim Brotherhood operatives into the government bureaucracy that MUST be removed.

The far Left radical Democrats and the Muslim (shadow government operatives) are "cults of death."

The psychological warfare is the propaganda by FakeStream Media to mirror the far Left agenda onto the Conservatives as the bad guys, hiding the truth about what the far Left are creating  for humanity. "Trump is a NAZI FASCIST and we demand his supporters to pay for our killing of babies and sex changes, plus we want unvetted refugees, open borders, and the right to rape children by pedophile men." Sounds absurd? See the video of what the far Left radicals want in Europe (and here). (Research NAMBLA)

Media of course wants to hide ALL demonic acts against humanity and that's because the most powerful people in the world participate in these Satanic rituals, supported by the Catholic Church where young boys are repeatedly raped by priests around the world, or the truth about the United Nation scandals involving child trafficking, to reports of child abuse and rituals by the United kingdom's so-called "Royal Family," and the Saudi Royal families, right down to the Muslim men in every Muslim country that believe it's "ok" to rape a young boy for hours, as you will see in the video concerning the Muslim Afghani Police Chief's own demise by a Marine Sergeant, now in prison for kicking his ass.

FakeStream Media want to control what you think and spin situations and events into watered-down logic, but at the same time....they go after anyone that attempts to tell it like it is, and that's when the labels come-out, i.e., "Racists, Xenophobes, Conspiracy Theorists, Nut Jobs, and Fake News." (The Mirror Effect).

The common viewer of the Nightly News at 6pm does not want to be labelled because they don't want their neighbors or co-workers using those labels on them, as they themselves  have been trained by FakeStream Media to use on their friends, family, or to keep a population (or world) under control with a narrative that hides the most hideous crimes imaginable, if not the big elephant in the room...the influence by off world demonic identities.

It works and the ignorance of reality was planted in their minds, and in the minds of your neighbors since the day their parents injected the venom of fake news into their brain.

Then came television and psychological programming, a projected fantasy that turned sideways as social engineers at DARPA and the CIA realized how effective programming can be to move a thought process in a direction for what THEY need ! (See "Operation Mockingbird")

How did WE (Patriots) escape the crap that was put in our minds by parents, politicians, Television and schools?

I think WE somehow knew there was more to this virtual reality they call earth, wind and fire...or God, Satan and gods of the Bible, the extraterrestrials that interfered with Man as read in Ezekial and because of the internet, we now have a better perspective of what reality actually is, a huge classroom for learning and advancing our conscious energy to a higher level (dimension).

WE are having a spiritual awakening or a "calling" to defend humanity at all cost....that's the "test." If we fail, we get to do it all over again with some unknown differences to enhance our reality, like changing the professor that just couldn't teach very well.

It's a divided world of good versus evil, a synchronystity among those of us in this fight that share the same creator. We have a mission that will determine the outcome of our earth and according to the Bible, (our side) will not lose, but many will perish. It is NOT my hope to live in a world that is completely dominated by those that want to enslave humanity and kill us with their eugenics, abortions, and all the chemicals they shove down our throats on a daily basis, but I will do my part as long as I can to expose those that live in the demonic spirit that wants your soul.

Once THEY get your soul (by controlling your mind), your destiny is undeterminable but not likely good, but "slave" comes to mind, here on earth or in another off world reality. Call it Hell, or whatver....but it ain't gonna be where I am going !
(Research "Indugutk race a.k.a. Tall Whites) 

As I tell my Christian friends that believe in the "Rapture" fantasy, beware....

When the earth has reached maximum evilness and war has torn the world apart, the appearance of those that will hoodwink us into believing THEY are here to save humanity, might NOT be the beam of light from their ships of which you should readily jump under for what you might perceive as the "Rapture." One clue?? The Bible says, only 144,000 will be removed, therefore....go play the lottery if you think you are the one !

We were born into this world for a reason and that reason might be bigger than anyone can imagine, including a test of our "Will"....and might be the reason why the demonic elite need  "eugenics" to move ahead rapidly in-order to reduce the population by "90%," as written in stone on the "Georgia Guidestones." THEY dont need us (they think) and THEY want everything we have for themselves.

This planet earth is their home and not ours (they believe).

Convincing Democrats that can't believe how demonic their leaders are...need to be enlightened. And as long as we allow FakeStream Media to condition their minds with fake news and showing (nightly) paid provocateurs demonizing President Trump, must be exposed for what they are. It's a war we cannot go to sleep or write-off as "not my battle."

Foolish, ignorant souls with a false direction of hope, they themselves cannot explain or describe....except, they do not want to be called "racist biggots" as they actually have become themselves.

In the meanwhile, the "Pizzagate" pedophiles are being arrested and Satan is about to unleash his hate for humanity in a form that just might arrive over every major city in the world as the deception he it the raining of missiles, or the UFO's many deny or call "Falln' Angels."

The "Drake" formula says there are trillions of earth like planets out there and our energy a.k.a. consciousness NEVER dies and is infinite.

Our virtual reality is perceived as very real, with smell, touch and hearing, but can be gone in a flash as a lucid dream is during the night. (Hint: If you want to control what you do in a dream state, concentrate on looking at your hands. When you see your hands, you can then touch and feel as though you were awake. You may also not know which is the lucid dream versus being awake.)

Reality can be scary as it was for me and my crewmembers one night while flying a 4 engine  DC-8 jetliner out of LAX, westbound over the ocean when we experienced a very odd malfunction that caused 3 of our 4 engines to shutdown.

An immediate yaw problem caused the jet to nearly roll-over if I had not corrected the yaw effect with hard left rudder and maximum power on the number one engine to reduce the rapid descent. We were close enough to LAX, and began a frantic attempt to get the jetliner back on the ground, with hopes of not crashing before the coastline.

My heart went into overdrive, the sweat began, and that gut feeling like being told you have cancer swept me like a bad storm as I fought the jet to the ground, barely making it to the runway.....

The simulator instructor said, "great job" and we all went to the Hacienda Hotel bar and got drunk.

That's the reality we are in with all the bells and whistles that our creator has given us....but it's how we handle ourselves in this reality as to the outcome that may or may not be rewarded  to us when we die.

WE cannot just rollover and go to sleep and if I had decided to say, "shut down this simulator, I'm out of here and going to the bar," my career would have been over !

That's life....and we're being tested. The fight is to win the hearts and minds of Liberals that want nothing to do with the demonic far Left.


The world is in turmoil and President Trump was motivated by a spiritual influence to change this world for the better. We were and still part of that spiritual influence. The socialist / communists are frantic that their New World Order is falling apart, but what they fear the most is the simple fact, many of them could end up in prison, or dead soon. They know WE are on-to-them and their demonic cult practises (Pizzagate) and that alone has them scrambling to change OUR attention by a Russian diversion that could lead to war, if not with China.

Removing Trump is NOT going to solve THEIR problems and that is very dangerous to our Constitutional Republic which could be erased over night if WE allow that to happen.

The off world identities are watching and their millions of years battling between themselves, good versus evil, is ongoing, but NOW it's all in our backyard.


"In 1978-79, there was an altercation between us and the aliens, in which they killed 44 of our top scientists, and a number of Delta Force who were trying to free them."

From The Desk of  Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.)  Int'l Airline Freight Captain on the DC-8 stretch jet / B-727 series 200 jet & First Officer  DC-6 prop & DC-10 wide-body jet), 72' to 76' U.S. Army Veteran (Military Police) 'Comms Sergeant' (Korea), Law Enforcement (State), DHS Trained Counter-Terrorism Instructor for HWW, Border Security Specialist, Political Analyst  and Activist to help "Make America Great Again" while exposing the "Deep State" shadow government enemy.
My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write  and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prevail.

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