From: charlite re Kandy Ricotta responding to angry 'Who Is He??????"
post on BobJen
I agree completely with respondent Kandy
Ricotta...........and, incidentally, Dick Morris's strong negative reaction to
Trump's current position on not pursuing Clinton NOW - is also premature. Donald
Trump's situation right now is that of a gentle sleeping tiger. Trump knows that
the very worst thing he could do would be to include among his top priorities
the prosecution of 'Crooked Hillary.' Such a move would scuttle the smooth
process of his ongoing transition, while also destroying any hope of
congressional Democrat cooperation for his first 100 days - and beyond.
Kandy Ricotta's rebuttal of Suzanne Short's negative reaction is brilliantly
stated. Her reasoning is solid. Trump supporters should admire his sagacity,
wisdom and consummate experienced gamesmanship.
Trump Advisor- Trump Must Bring Hillary Clinton to Justice – Her Crimes
Dwarf Nixon’s
From: Savage...Trump education secretary pick supports Common Core -- RINOs cheer
From: Savage...Trump education secretary pick supports Common Core -- RINOs cheer
Common Core Standards: Self “Awareness” Counts As Much as Math/English/Science
By Stephen Frank on Nov 24, 2016 07:52
pm Did you
really think that Obama, the unions or the Democrats want your child to be
judged based on what they learned in math, science, English or history?
The results tell the story—LAUSD had a real graduation rate of 54%–and 80% of
its graduates when attending California State Universities must take remedial
math and/English classes. […]
BJ3: Thought it alrady
was? From: sherzieve.....CA to
soon become an adjunct of Mexico?...From: "doug walk"...(Why wait until
2018, leave now and take NY and MA with you)
California to Leave the Union
Following Trump Election? | Fix This Nation
"But as
improbable as it may sound, this is actually legit. You can read it in any of
your favorite mainstream news outlets, including the Los Angeles Times. A group
called Yes California Independence Campaign is capitalizing on the results of
the presidential election to drum up renewed interest in a plan to pull the
state out of the union. On Monday, the group submitted a ballot measure to the
state attorney general’s office, hoping to secure a vote for the 2018
gubernatorial election."
From: sherzieve...
From: sherzieve...
1. A Soros
affiliated company owns the voting machines referenced, 2. What
"scientists?" So, now, all it takes to be called a "scientist' is working
with computers or being a member of the DNC? Rubbish!...From: "doug
Notably, however, it’s important to note the
group has not found proof of hacking
or manipulation, they are arguing to the campaign that the suspicious pattern merits an independent
review – especially, as New York Magazine so gleefully points out, in light of the
fact that the Obama White House has accused the Russian government of hacking
the Democratic National Committee. (This "distraction" is not
surprising, and "suspicious pattern"
is "NOT" evidence or proof, if there were any tampering it will
LOWER Clintons votes as soros did the tampering)
Scientists Find "Persuasive Evidence" Of Vote Hacking, Demand
Clinton Recount In 3 States
Garcetti takes on Trump: Immigration ‘not the responsibility of LAPD’
By Stephen Frank on Nov 22, 2016 07:11 pm The Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti is a liar and cheat. No question about it. He took an oath of office to uphold the law, all the laws, not just the ones he likes. Now he is informing the Federal government that he will only obey the laws he likes—even if it means the […] http://CAPoliticalReview.us2.
BJ3: Why don’t you
protect them to stay in their own country rather than sneak into ours illegals,
you creep.
From: Rob E ...
Vicente Fox, former
President of Mexico, shares his take on President-elect Donald Trump, and his
threat to U.S.-Mexico relations. He says Trump is an "illegitimate president"
who "didn't win the general election." Presumably, Fox is referring to the
popular vote when he says "general election." "He's got too many people against
him and they have shown out on the street," Fox said. He continued: "But anyway,
in Mexico, we can be rude also. We are strong now. We're going to defend our
BJ3 And hopefully they will go to the Sanctuary City holding pens
for easier round up later...
Who Are These Protesters? Let Them Tell You!
This week, young protesters were surrounding
police cars in an attempt to free rioters who were being arrested for breaking
the law. I know the media backed (bought and paid for) rioting taking place is
in many cases the voice of the unheard, yet that is not what we are dealing with
in this country. We are dealing with those who are illegal, unruly and unworthy
to even be a part of this country....... by Bradlee
From: Sher
Zieve...The killing of
California continues...From: Dave
(Los Angeles County) Police Encourage More Hate Crime
From: sherzieve.....
NOT a joke, folks.
These creatures calling for the overthrow must be deported...or
CAIR Leader Demands Muslim Population To Rise Up And Overthrow The Government
From: Sher Zieve...False statements from McDope. Ending
the TPP simply means that the US will negotiate with countries individually,
which means--with the correct leader at our helm--we're in a better bargaining
US Senator John
McCain, yesterday on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)... "The President-elect's announcement
that he intends to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, though
anticipated, is still a disappointment to those of us who still believe in free
trade and the importance of America's strategic role in the Asia-Pacific
region... ”
Runner: Academics Are Stunned by Trump’s Win … and That’s a Bad Thing
By Stephen Frank on Nov 22, 2016 07:25 pm Schools, public and private, college and 3rd grade, have become sanctuaries for the sensitive, hate filled, anarchists and those that do not believe in free elections. Worse, those in charge, from principals to college presidents are agreeing with the anti-freedom cry of “elections are won by the Left and stolen by the Right.” The adults […] http://CAPoliticalReview.us2.
From: charlite.....I just had Thanksgiving dinner with my
daughter and Dutch son-in-law, who has dual American-Dutch citizenship. He told
me that the big majority of 'regular' Dutch citizens are fed up to the gills
with what is - absolutely - a galloping suffocation of the Netherlands by
Moroccan Muslim Jihadists (employing both stealth AND violent Jihadi methods),
and that the Dutch people are equally disgusted with their current Liberal
government - 'nothing better than modern Quislings,' he said...........then,
'Long Live Geert Wilders - the LION OF HOLLAND.' - [In my opinion, the
"lights are going out already - all over Europe. -
JM O'NEILL: Trump Voters –
Support Geert Wilders! - [THANKSGIVING SPECIAL!]
QUOTE: The elites are heartless, vindictive,
Machiavellian, and ruthless. They must be opposed at every turn or freedom
will perish. - Jim O'Neill,
November 24, 2016
BJ3:So which is the key word...Mislim or
From: Rob E
From: Dan from Squirrel Hill's
The U.K. city that knowingly allowed
Muslim men to repeatedly rape 1,400 girls for 16 years is trying to stop people
from talking about it .....
BJ3: This is one of 3 related emails. It is
too long in its entirety for The Briefer...and has no commentary link. So I’ve
selected a few points, separated by dots for your review. Anyone wanting
to read the entire email, just let us know.
From: Tom Lawson...What response might Donald Trump do if the
fraud pardons the witch?
fraud has no choice but to pardon the witch otherwise she will take him down
with her. However, if that happens American justice will be made a mockery of by
the fraud in his last "jester like" parting shot middle finger to all Americans
as well as to America itself and American justice, which in his heart he
.....So if this happens, if on the
last day in office, ..........then I imagine that Donald Trump will be
looking for a way to cancel this pardon and the only way that he can do it, the
only way possible at all, is to expose the fraud as being a usurper and in fact
an enemy of the state who never legitimately held the office of the
....Only in doing so, by exposing the fraud for what he is, an
illegal alien,.........can he then have the Supreme Court, which DT will
have by then stacked back to a 5 to 4 conservative majority, can the fraud be
deemed an imposter and every one of his actions ruled by the Supreme Court as
null and void.
....Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Carl Gallup are holding a press conference on
December 15, their final one, on the frauds hidden past and
his fake b/c. Further, they say there is breaking and universe
shattering new evidence on it which she will read further down I think maybe
used by president Donald Trump in order to bring down both the witch and the
....So, how can presidents from
stop the evil fraud and the witch from walking away and saying to America
....It may well be that Donald trumps "head fake " about not
wanting to prosecute the witch, and one that serves the useful purpose of
getting Sen. Jeff sessions confirmed by the Senate.....
...After President Trump, via the actions of the new attorney general, Jeff sessions and the new head of the FBI, who will certainly not be "Crooked Comey', then before anything else happens, a thorough house cleaning of the leftover Marxists under the criminal lying Loretta Lynch at the department of justice and every other law enforcement federal agency must first be cleaned out of the Marxist that were forced in by the fraud and that has to be accomplished before any further actions are taken and only once that is done can the Real draining of the swamp began to occur.
...For eight long years the Fraud has mocked, deceived, lied
to, usurped and hidden every aspect of his past to the American people. If there
is justice to be done in the Frauds and the witches lifetime, then
hopefully the information that Sheriff Joe R Arpaio, Carl Gallup and the cold
case posse have uncovered will light the match that blows up the world of not
only the fraud and the witch but of the entire political left and discredit it
once and forever....
...After President Trump, via the actions of the new attorney general, Jeff sessions and the new head of the FBI, who will certainly not be "Crooked Comey', then before anything else happens, a thorough house cleaning of the leftover Marxists under the criminal lying Loretta Lynch at the department of justice and every other law enforcement federal agency must first be cleaned out of the Marxist that were forced in by the fraud and that has to be accomplished before any further actions are taken and only once that is done can the Real draining of the swamp began to occur.
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