Breaking...From: sherzieve...Electors begin pledging Trump votes to
Rush's show a couple of minutes ago. Rush said he's heard that at
least 6 Trump-pledged electors have said they will change their votes for
Hillary. This has now become an open Luciferian Left Globalist theft for
the world to see. Electors Reportedly Revolting
Against the States They Represent to Vote Against
From: sherzieve...The unasked question is WHO` IS
"Orly Taitz" ...If Dems
start recount in MI on Friday, then Trump should file for a stay of recount and
also as a counter measure seek recount in MN, ME, NH, CO and NV won by
(My apologies to all those who
watch LOU here for not including it yesterday. The Briefer was just “FULL UP”.)
From: Kandy Ricotta..... In response to “Who Is
Hi Bob, I would like to respond to
Suzanne Short's message at the bottom of your Briefer
of all...I think she has gone way over the top, and I will not share her very
critical message. Mr. Trump has not said he will NEVER prosecute Hillary
Clinton, but for now, I feel his decision to stay away from it is
brilliant. Let's look at it from this standpoint. At a time when he
is trying to unify the country and garner support from those who voted for
Hillary, what possible benefit would come from saying right at this moment,
while he is still President Elect, that he will definitely prosecute her?
Why would he invite more civil unrest from her supporters? I do not
believe he is going to just close his eyes to her crimes. At this point in
time, he is rightfully concentrating on selecting his cabinet and advisors, and
his first 100 days in office, to accomplish changes that will benefit ALL
Americans. Hillary's prosecution can come there is plenty of
time for Congress, the FBI, and his new AG to go after her. It is not his
duty to do so. She continues to be under investigation, so why would he go
down that road right now?
I think people need to simmer down, and let the man do his job! He WILL make our country great again, if we give him the chance. Sending inflammatory, deriding messages like this to him about Hillary Clinton does nothing to help our country come together and move forward. We need to TRUST that he will do what he said he would, and that means giving him time to work out the monumental task before him. I did not vote for Donald J. Trump so that he would prosecute Hillary Rodham Clinton and her crime family. I voted for him because his vision is what our ailing country needs right now. Just my opinion, but I hope others feel the same way. I now have great hope that will never cease for our country, and I offer prayers daily for our new leader. Kandy Ricotta
I think people need to simmer down, and let the man do his job! He WILL make our country great again, if we give him the chance. Sending inflammatory, deriding messages like this to him about Hillary Clinton does nothing to help our country come together and move forward. We need to TRUST that he will do what he said he would, and that means giving him time to work out the monumental task before him. I did not vote for Donald J. Trump so that he would prosecute Hillary Rodham Clinton and her crime family. I voted for him because his vision is what our ailing country needs right now. Just my opinion, but I hope others feel the same way. I now have great hope that will never cease for our country, and I offer prayers daily for our new leader. Kandy Ricotta
Sher...In respose to “Who Is
With regards to the last piece (in the
Briefer)...Trump did NOT pardon Clinton. That is what the media are saying
but, it isn't true. Kellyanne's statement on the issue was well crafted
when she said there is no "plan" to prosecute Clinton. The first
100 days of his presidency will find President Trump as busy as any POTUS has
ever been. The "Clinton problem" will be handled by his AG. People
really need to wait until President Trump takes office. As President-Elect
he hasn't the authority to do anything presidential. We ALL need to take a
deep breath and calm down. Remember that any/all recommendations to
prosecute anyone come from the DOJ. If after he takes office he becomes
problematical to the country, we can attack then. In the mean time, let's
give him a break......
Yep. Too many are jumping all over PE Trump as if he, currently,
has the power to do anything. Government school system no longer teaching
the Constitution and duties/authority of the 3 branches of the US government, I
BJ3: Thank you all for your comments on this issue since yesterday. I said hopefully, we’ll run more tomorrow. Well, it is now that “tomorrow”. I also said before that my position on all the above is that judgment now is premature. Still, after the below, and especially if there is more of the same, it will be increasingly difficult to maintain that view.
Trump Lets Hillary Off Hook, But Hated Bush Official Drops BOMBSHELL http://click1.e.
Ann Coulter Reveals 1 Way Hillary Could Be Jailed... Sends Twitter Users Into MELTDOWN http://click1.e.
BJ3: This one especially absolutely does not thrill us. Is this part of his pledge to dump Common Core, using a proponent of it? From: Jenny.....Donald Trump Announces Pro-Common Core Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary
BJ3: Now this one stirs the pot or “brew” even more...From: sherzieve From: "doug walk"
chooses South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley as UN ambassador
President-elect Donald Trump has chosen South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, a source with knowledge of the decision tells Fox News.
Will Conservatives Stand up to Trump if
They Must-
From: Rob E ...
President-elect Donald Trump has chosen South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, a source with knowledge of the decision tells Fox News.
From: Rob E ...
BREAKING: Elector Officials May BLOCK
Trump from Securing 270 Electoral College Votes This is just bitingly pathetic. Once again the Electoral
College is being challenged by the Left. They are in a tizzy claiming that
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by
BJ3: Paul Reptilian keeps
showing his fangs...Paul Ryan Continues to Show His
True Colors- Won’t Support Cuts to Muslim Immigration
From: Jenny...
Would-Be Head of DNC Devastated as Stunning Tie to Jihadist Explodes
From: Jenny...Trump
will shift NASA's focus to space exploration and end climate change programs
based on ‘politicized science’
BJ3: And before that, Trump should call for the over 3
million illegals’ “votes” (IOHO, that’s a huge lowball) to be thrown out...and
then he wins it all. Why don’t these “experts” ever mention that (just a
rhetorical question)?
Voting security experts call on
Clinton to demand recount
BJ3: TOTALLY AGREE! SPLC Should Lose Non-Profit Tax Status, Says Immigration Reform Group
argues (correctly, IMO) that at this moment in history, only America and Canada
can save the planet from total Islamic destruction...........The thousand
years of darkness that Reagan warned about are already immediate present
threats. The danger isn't 'coming.' It's here, already in our midst, and unless
it is vigorously resisted, and annihilated 'QUICKLY' - as Donald Trump
said so often during his campaign - then the world is
Death To AMERICA—But Death To
You First [W/OUT US & Canada, no FREE WORLD!] # Do NOT attempt to kill us, rob us, rape us, or harm us in
any way. Because this is America, land of the free and home of the brave—and
it’s not your fricking Sweden….
BJ3: Should start with her
own...Nazi!.....From: Savage...Stalinist Merkel wants speech controlled
Malware turns PCs into eavesdropping
Jenny...Somepawdy help me! Cute video of a nervous puppy trying to walk down
stairs for the first time
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