Thursday, October 20, 2016


  Submitted by: David Bertrand

Comment About Debate

Friends and Associates:

The debate last night is questionable as to which one got to the throat of the other, and the winner is based-on current perceptions by loyal supporters and did not necessarily move an "undecided" either way...UNLESS.

If an "Undecided" does not know the facts behind Hillary Clinton's crimes and her abuse of women (Bill's women) and/or the fact that she allowed a rapist to get-off with his freedom while a 12 year old girl was brutally attacked, injured and placed in a coma when Hillary was a legal defense attorney....and then laughed about it later, knowing that the DNA sample had been compromised for her own benefit ! 

And of course, she smiled as Trump discussed her major donation from Saudi Arabia where gays are thrown off buildings and women are treated like dogs....while (also) pointing to the fact that the "Clinton Foundation" is nothing but a "Pay for Play" money laundering scheme while lying about "90% of the foundation's funds went to Haiti"...a complete lie.

Or the fact that Bill's illegitimate Black son (Danny Williams Clinton) was forced off the mansion grounds by Hillary, including a death threat to the mother (after Bill had been paying the mother $700/mo for child support)....of which the mother was thrown off a second floor (two weeks later) by Hillary's goon squad.

Or the fact that Hillary organized the death of Ambassador Stevens (likely contained data in the 30,000 missing emails) because he was directly involved with Hillary's shipment of 20,000 shoulder launch missiles, provided to Al Qaida for the take-down of Libya....of which Stevens was (then) required to negotiate a smuggling plan with the Turkish Ambassador to move the excess weapons to al Qaida / ISIS / Rebels in Syria, therefore....the bogus lie about a "B Rated" movie was to be the cover-up that fell apart on Hillary. Stevens knew too much and was ticked-off because his 600 plus emails (for help) went unanswered by Hillary.

Not to mention the 90 plus murder / suspicious suicides surrounding the Clintons...and the fact the woman has no business running as president, but the world criminals and supporters turn a blind eye.

One important note about last night's debate that her supporters seem to overlook......

Hillary Clinton is proposing a "No Fly Zone" in Syria and our military leaders have openly stated, it can cause a war with Russia.

Hillary argued last night, that she would negotiate a plan with Russia (first) to help save the lives of the women and children in the "No Fly Zone." ( Very heart warming Hillary !)

Fact 1). Russia is fighting the Rebels / ISIS to help Assad maintain Syria's sovereignty as an allied force to defend Syria from the U.S. backed terrorists.

Fact 2). ISIS is a creation of the United States foreign policy that wants to take-down Assad for resources and strategic positioning in the Middle East.

Fact 3). The "No Fly Zone" is meant for Russia !

Fact 4). Russia would never ground their airforce in-order to allow ISIS rebels to re-organize for the fall of Syria.

Fact 5). The implementation of a "No Fly Zone" is a declaration of war against Russia.

Hillary's supporters are either naïve and ignorant of what she wants to do, including her most stupid lie of a statement last night reference her "Open Borders" plan, being relative to energy, was a laughable moment.

Trump did NOT gain any "Undecided" voters UNLESS they know who and what Hillary Clinton is...a liar.

He hit her AFTER she stung him with "on the other hand, my opponent...." and he made some very good points, but was (still) too soft with her, even though she looked as though she was in tears with hate and fear a few times. Mainstream Media conspirators for Hillary Clinton are going wild today with accusations that Trump lost the debate, just as the rigged polls show Hillary leading.

Their utmost mission is to mentally condition the public now, before the election shows signs of being "rigged."

If the vote was today....Trump would win by a landslide, but with a few weeks left, both sides are going to go full blast against each other.....and hopefully Trump will begin a massive political advertisement campaign to bury the witch.

The top headline today is that "Trump will not concede the election" if he loses.....

He was correct when he said, "Let's see what happens."

Knowing that the election will be rigged, as the evidence is already out there and evident of Bernie Sander's losing, nobody in their right mind should concede on the final determination, a determination that just might warrant an investigation for fraud. 

This election is like no other, because if Hillary is crowned, this country is finished and we will be in a major world war with Russia and most likely China. Therefore....get your supplies in-order, including your financial matters.

The communist conspirators are on a roll and are NOT about to allow America to maintain sovereignty in a global governed world.

Note: Hillary will definitely modify the 2nd amendment....the first phase to force gun owners to keep locks on their weapons (for the children), kept at home, out-of-your car and off your person, major tax on ammo that will require an act-of-God to procure, limited magazine loads to no magazines a.k.a. "Clips", to single shot weapons, to limited types of weapons, to requiring insurance, to CONFISCATION.....because none of the above would be complied with by legal gun owners, let alone criminals that will always find a way to get a gun.

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