Friday, September 30, 2016


Submitted by: Buzz

 Politico‘s headlines read:  “Liberals Lash Out at Lauer, NBC“.  It seems to me, no one is “lashing out” but Hillary.
Hillary’s meltdown included throwing a water glass at a staffer- narrowly missing her head, and demanding Matt Lauer be fired!  She was overheard threatening executives at NBC saying “If I lose, we all go down and that Fascist Fuck will have us swinging from nooses! What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?”
It is reported Hillary then screamed at everyone for close to an hour and staffers felt like she was having a “Hitler-like rage down”.
Calls were made to New York Times, Washington Post and Huffington post and Twitter executives with orders to “Crush Matt Lauer”.  As you can easily see with all the headlines from these MSM sources, they are completely bought and paid for.
Hillary also screamed that she wanted Matt taken off the October debate…  Let’s see if that command is met.  My bet is that it will be.
Staffers at HRC campaign report that they are scared of her, and one described Hillary as “an out of control psychopath”.
Since Hillary does not allow any staff to have cell phones when she is there, no footage is available, but Hillary is in full frenzy now.  She has made it clear that she wants Matt Lauer to be “persona non grata for the rest of his days on earth“. 

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