Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Dear, American Friends
From: John Porter


      IT IS CALLED, IN POLITICS, CREATING CONTROVERSY. You see, Friends, if the media can create controversy where none really exists, they don't have to spend their time covering the REAL AND ILLEGAL CONTROVERSIES surrounding Hillary Clinton, for whom they are supporting with extreme bias. It is a very old political trick of the media, or an opponent for that matter, of both sides. I can honestly say, in my 60 years of dealing in the political arena, it is the worst I've seen it. It came close to this level with Barry Goldwater but not quite. I will forever remember how they flooded the TV air waves with a picture of an atomic bomb exploding over a bunch of children playing, insinuating Barry Goldwater would blow up the world. It was plain and simple created controversy, but many fell for it. I'm surprised people are falling for it again, but that is exactly why the media, and in this case Hillary's campaign does it, some people fall for it. Read what Cicero said at the bottom of my letter, and think about it very carefully.

     We must all understand, the press is part of the establishment and have received their marching orders to push Hillary. They are vehemently against Trump, as are many of the Republican Party bosses (elites) like the Bush family, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Bill Krystal, John Kasich, and several others,  because those in Washington want to rob the people, continue to drink from the public trough as always, and are desperately trying to cling to power. The claimed Billionaires for Hillary are buying the White House and various positions on committees in their efforts to hold on to their power, full well knowing that President Donald Trump, for the sake of the nation and her people, will surely destroy that power and mess up their playhouse.
    Those in power in Washington  fear a revolution is in the wind as they have watched in Europe with the Common Market countries. Politicians know all too well that what begins in Europe spreads to the USA as a contagion in politics just as it does in fashion. Hillary and Bill Clinton are part of them, and both the Democrats and Republican elite are behind Hillary to prevent any outsider from changing their power base. It is all about protecting their power over you and me. These people, with the help of their allies, the bias media, will do and/or say what ever becomes necessary to stop Donald Trump from returning power to us.
Read Cicero's words very slowly and allow them to soak in deeply.......

In a speech to the Roman Senate, as recorded by Sallust, Cicero said: (I changed only the gender and inserted in parenthesis to apply to today's issue.) John Porter
   "A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious.But it cannot 
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, 
for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But 
the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his (her) sly whispers 
rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government 
itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he (she) speaks in the accents 
familiar to his (her) victim, and he (she) wears their face and their garments and 
he (she) appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He (she) 
rots the soul of a nation; he (she) works secretly and unknown in the night to 
undermine the pillars of a city; he (she) infects the body politic so that it 
can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is 
the plague."


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