From: Kirk MacKenzie...
Under various guises,
nationwide there are moves to mute and eventually eliminate the celebration of
July 4th. Meanwhile, the celebration of Cinco de Mayo grows every
Star-Spangled Banner survived the rocket’s red glare and bombs bursting in air –
only to face a modern-day threat – silly town ordinances and petty bureaucrats.
From: Jenny...
A different Trump –
trade remarks at a different venue…WATCH: Man
Asks Trump for Photo, Can’t Believe What Trump Hands Him Instead
on #Brexit, Conservatives Press for #Amexit to Get U.S. Out of
From: TheAngryPatriot...Alert:
Obama and UN Form Global Police Force to ‘Fight
What Barack Obama is
planning is
impeachable… PERIOD!!
BJ3: As a Catholic, you just don’t know
what to say. Still, The Catholic Church (and others) IS clearly pro-illegal
immigration. From: sherzieve
From: "John
Why Pope Benedict XVI Really
Resigned: The Insidious Relationship Between the Vatican and Islam |
From: Jenny...Nearly 1
million immigrants — including more than 170K convicts — ignoring
From: Jenny...Oregon Killer Who Shot Dead 3 People Was Previously Deported 6 Times http://www.thegatewaypundit.
From: Jenny...Obama’s Unaccompanied Minors Are Committing Horrific Crimes – Including Decapitation and Stoning http://www.thegatewaypundit.
Smugglers Use Uber-registered Drivers To Move Migrants To U.S. Border
From: Sher From: Technocracy
News...NAU Reborn As ‘North American Climate,
Clean Energy And Environment Partnership’
By Patrick Wood on Jun 30,
2016.....In a desperate attempt to establish a
global Technocracy before people rise up and stop them cold in their tracks, the
global elite are making a renewed push to resuscitate and establish the North
American Union that was attempted under George Bush in 2005-6.
From: Jenny...Anti-Ryan Billboards Create Stir In Wisconsin
From: Jenny...Anti-Ryan Billboards Create Stir In Wisconsin
From: Jenny...Obama Administration Promoting Navy Commanders Based on Support for Global Warming http://www.thegatewaypundit.
From: TheAngryPatriot...ALERT – Federal Judge Issues THIS Massive SLAP to Obama on Voter ID
Sheriff Joe Arpaio at Arizona TRUMP
Love this! She has to get off the stage after trying for 60
seconds to speak, but the whole crowd yells 'You're NOT WELCOME HERE!' - so she
just gives up and leaves. Sensational! - I'll bet this is a widespread sentiment
about Killery, but her machine has kept it out of the media! What if this
happens routinely in various campaign stops, but her clique keeps the media from
covering it?!
From: amil_imani
”You're not welcome here" Hillary Clinton gets heckled off stage in LA after just one minute of speaking
”You're not welcome here" Hillary Clinton gets heckled off stage in LA after just one minute of speaking
BJ3: This from Sher re Loretta Lynch...From:
Lynch just spoke and the
interviewer--IMO--was good. What Lynch said was that the FBI would present
their findings to "career DOJ" members (prosecutors) and they would review the
FBI's findings. Then, Lynch would receive the final recommendations from
them and would make her decision. Anyone else have a different
Also From: Sher...Prediction: There will be NO indictment(s) leveled against
Hillary Clinton. (no link)
charlite.....RUSH thinks
the fix is in; Listen live now....
I'm listening on - but you can tune into
Limbaugh's broadcast wherever you are on a local outlet. He has decided that
this BJ/Lynch 30 min. meeting was deliberately planned NOT to be secret, that
this cabal wanted it to be 'discovered' - so that Lynch could say precisely what
she said an hour ago.......i.e. 'accepting Comey's recommendation, passing
'control' of the case over to her Deputy............who, says
Rush.............has already been programmed to say that regardless of the facts
presented by Comey, she doesn't think that there is 'enough evidence to pursue
prosecution.' That's Rush's conclusion. Just letting you know......if he's
right. Then we have to depend upon insider whistle blowers either at State or
FBI...........or even irate career personnel at the DOJ. (no
From: sherzieve
From: "John
Rolls".....Something really stinks about this
meeting in Phoenix this week!?
California Republican
Congress members Trying to Save State Hundreds of Millions From Going to Illegal
From: Sons of Liberty
Judge- “I See Absolutely No Value to a Judge… Studying the
Jenny...New York
Trashes Due Process, Creates Terror Database.....Modeled after the Sex Offender
The 2016 Winner of Most Extraordinary Cat
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