Long but quite engaging...From: RUSH...What I
Think Bill Told Loretta...
From: Charlite...
Considering all
that Sher exposes, it is now doubtful that we will even be able to save our
republic before January 20, 2017..............and - if Killery and BJ return to
power, then America will be 'fundamentally transformed' into extinction. Can we
survive from now to 1-20-17? - Hillary is the looming menace. That's certain.
However, she's not yet POTUS. So our focus concerning national survival should
be directed on Barry Soetoro - and very very soon. Who - and/or what patriotic
organization will step forward to take charge in a targeted action that removes
this draconian monster from power now? - With all of our loyal, competent, true
American top brass in all military branches already fired over these last 7 1/2
years, are the three see, hear, speak no evil brass monkeys the only
ones left? - For instance, look at Pentagon Spokes Idiot Admiral Kirby (Ret).
Watch HIM - - AND WEEP! Are the only top brass left Kirby
clones?...........or does an infuriated number still have stones enough to
expose this Marxist-Islamist mongrel? Who is going to save us from
the horrific damage that this man and his inner circle can still perpetrate upon
our nation from now through Noon on 1-20-17? Where are our national EMTs?
From: sherzieve.....Ending Prosperity and Liberty For All
but the World Elites
BJ3: Amanpour is an “all-knowing”, N.W.O., elitist, lefty loon..and should go back into her closet. Good job by Hannan. Amanpour vs. Hannan on CNN -- RUSH: Christiane Amanpour was supposedly interviewing Daniel Hannan. He's the very conservative -- we love the guy -- member of the Parliament in Great Britain, and she was interviewing him about the Brexit vote and it was not an interview. It was an allegation. She was actually a prosecutor, he was a witness, and she was trying to put him in jail. It was the most incredible thing.
From: Jenny...Republican Senators Vote to Funnel $500 Million to UN’s Green Climate Slush Fund
From: Jenny...This happened in Collingwood, NJ – where my cousins went to school…Just like during Hitler’s regime…
Brutal Hit-and-Run DUI Suspect Faces
Immigration Hold Amanpour is an “all-knowing”, N.W.O., elitist, lefty loon..and should go back into her closet. Good job by Hannan. Amanpour vs. Hannan on CNN -- RUSH: Christiane Amanpour was supposedly interviewing Daniel Hannan. He's the very conservative -- we love the guy -- member of the Parliament in Great Britain, and she was interviewing him about the Brexit vote and it was not an interview. It was an allegation. She was actually a prosecutor, he was a witness, and she was trying to put him in jail. It was the most incredible thing.
From: Jenny...Republican Senators Vote to Funnel $500 Million to UN’s Green Climate Slush Fund http://www.thegatewaypundit.
From: Jenny...This happened in Collingwood, NJ – where my cousins went to school…Just like during Hitler’s regime…
Real Life PC Principal: Police
Interrogate Third Grader Accused of Racism for Brownie Comment at School
From: DON
HANK.....About that Fourth Reich
2 recipients of my Fourth Reich email
question my use of that term. My response:
Trump on Pledge Breakers- Forbid From Running for Office
From: Jenny...Donald Trump Slams Chamber of Commerce ‘Sinister’ Trade Agenda: They ‘Don’t Care’ About Working Americans
charlite...17 important dynamic minutes.
Good one to send far 'n wide.
These Seven Events Will Lead to Donald Trump’s Victory in November
BJ3: Oh, please do...maybe he’ll lose his congress seat too...#NeverTrump’s Bill Kristol Floats McCain for President, McCain’s Primary Opponent Pounces
Obamacare in death spiral- President Barack Obama's signature healthcare plan isn't just poorly designed -- it's a disaster. Now, lawsuits are mounting and costs are spiraling -- and you won't BELIEVE how much Obama wants to charge tax payers
Stephen Miller Exposes Corruption that
even Trump Won't Touch
BJ3: That’s ain’t
seen nothin’ yet. From: Jenny...POLL:
These Seven Events Will Lead to Donald Trump’s Victory in November
BJ3: Oh, please do...maybe he’ll lose his congress seat too...#NeverTrump’s Bill Kristol Floats McCain for President, McCain’s Primary Opponent Pounces
Obamacare in death spiral- President Barack Obama's signature healthcare plan isn't just poorly designed -- it's a disaster. Now, lawsuits are mounting and costs are spiraling -- and you won't BELIEVE how much Obama wants to charge tax payers
From: sherzieve
From: "John
Rolls" .....
Quayle Alerts: Concerning
RNC-'BLM' to Bus in 10,000 Paid Protestors to Cause Trouble at 'Republican
Convention' | Protests &
BJ3: “asks”??? From: sherzieve
From: "Joe Bradley"...
looking more and more like a hoax each and every
FBI asks agencies who responded to Pulse to deny records
From: sherzieve
From: "doug walk"...
wouldn’t want them to have it (concealed carry permit). Law-abiding citizens
just shouldn’t have to carry a gun.”
This thieving liberal jerk is all the reason we
need to push for term limits
Democrat Charles
Rangel Guilty ~ of Banning Your Guns
Idaho Sex Assault: Child Victim Trapped
As Refugee Assailant Still Lives Next Door The seven-year-old
attacker continues to play with other children in the neighborhood while his
victim is confined to her home.
From: Savage...Witness correctly accuses Muslim congressmen of Muslim Brotherhood ties, media in uproar
From: Jenny...BREAKING: ISIS Terrorists Used Obama’s
‘Fast and Furious’ Gun During Paris Attack!
From: Kathy
Hawkins...has the date been set ? is this the
message given to bill clinton in person at the ladies plane?
u can include this message along with the one from the
globalists that this is the time to do something about too many people on
the planet ....are the white's disposable -is something about to happen
that will give the pres another (3rd) term .............or just a time to
collect all our guns and ammo - the Globalists have been busy ...will they
make Canada and the U and Mexico one big company ? somebody is
terrified of Brexit in the US - IS IT TRUMP THEY ARE AFRAID
OF ? YOU TELL ME ? This 'gathering has been found in 5
states plus news this a.m. Idaho will have extra help
something BIG about to happen in
obamas' world ...
From: Rob E...Federal regulation of Internet coming, warn FCC, FEC
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