UPDATE: White House Press Mouthpiece Josh Earnest just confirmed what we feared during a press conference on Tuesday. As reported by Breitbart: "Earnest suggested that the president would again turn to executive authority to try and enact gun control policies on his own."
After conceding that Barack Obama was "profoundly frustrated" Earnest called Republicans "cowards" and added that Obama "is determined to continue to use his executive authority to do everything possible to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them."
And when Earnest talks about "people who shouldn't have them," he's not talking about criminals and terrorists... Oh no... HE'S TALKING ABOUT YOU.
Please don't be distracted by the childish political theater going on in the House and the Senate right now. It was always Barack Obama's plan to enact gun-confiscation by executive fiat and it is imperative that our conservative legislators know - right here and right now - that it's time to stop the theatrics and show votes and take substantive action to actually STOP BARACK OBAMA'S IMMINENT GUN CONFISCATION DECREE.
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Make No Mistake... The Childish Theatrics Are Nothing More Than An Excuse By Legislators To Avoid Taking Any Real Action To Stop Barack Obama's Usurpation Of The Constitution.
If you want to know what's really going on in the Worldwide Wrestling Federation of Congress... keep reading...
And if you're trying to figure out what is really going on, understand that these votes and theatrics are nothing more than an attempt by BOTH PARTIES to DISTRACT YOU and, when it comes to some Republicans in Congress, an attempt to TRICK YOU into believing that they're doing everything in their power, since this is an election year, to stop Barack Obama's gun-grab.
But they're not doing everything in their power to stop Obama and the fix is already in. As both sides PRETEND to fight, Barack Obama will simply step in and enact his gun-grab by unconstitutional executive action and Republican leaders are planning to not only let it happen... they're planning to enable it... to fund it... every single solitary dime of it.
As The Heritage Foundation put it: "As expected, the amendments all failed on party line votes. This is a clear example of failure theater - Senators on both sides wanted show votes they could message back home."
Don't fall for the shenanigans. We must acknowledge the plain and simple truth, and let our elected officials in Washington know that their theatrics are not fooling anyone.
Barack Obama hates America. He's flat-out said that he going to enact gun-confiscation by executive fiat and it's time to let the Ryan-McConnell Gang know that if they do not stop this Obama gun-grab THEN IT IS ALL OVER FOR THEM POLITICALLY... their cushy jobs will be stripped from them by an increasingly angry American public that has grown tired of their fecklessness and complicity.
Use the hyperlink below to send your Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership in the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives and to the Members of the Freedom Caucus in Congress. Or alternatively, send your Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.
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"If I Could Have Banned Them All -- 'Mr. And Mrs. America Turn In Your Guns' -- I Would Have!" -Senator Dianne Feinstein
Former White House Chief of Staff, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel used to say that you should never let a good crisis go to waste, and following that strategy probably explains, better than anything else, why Barack Obama miraculously transformed an Islamic terrorist attack into a hateful and lunatic tirade against guns.
But if you're looking for a reason why Obama and his minions are pushing their false outrage now, understand that the Obama Regime has been laying the groundwork to confiscate your firearms for months now.
Our friends at ALPAC have already reported on actions that the Obama Regime has been taking, behind the scenes, to prepare for this gun-grab:
Here's the bottom line. The Obama Regime has been advancing a plan to eviscerate the Second Amendment for over a year now and the Regime believes that it has the excuse it needs to get it implemented before Barack Hussein Obama leaves office.
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The Confiscation Of Four Million Firearms Is Just The Beginning...
Back in July, The Daily Caller reported that the "Social Security Administration (SSA) is currently developing a program to strip the Second Amendment Rights of over four million Americans currently receiving SSA benefits."
The Caller goes on to say that this gun confiscation will "take place without any due process protections for recipients, amounting to a nullification of Second Amendment rights for millions of Americans who don’t pose a threat to themselves or anyone else."
And not so coincidentally, WND and Gun Owners for America are now reporting that a public comment period for this proposed executive action, unbeknownst to the American people, is pending at this very moment.
You read that right... you'd be free to comment on it if you actually knew that it was happening...
But that's not all. WND also goes on to say that the Obama Regime "already used a similar maneuver to begin removing gun rights from America's veterans. And it has prompted warnings that others getting any sort of payment from the federal government soon could be targeted similarly."
WND adds: "They could go after student loan recipients. What about people getting food stamps? Medicaid? Potentially anybody working for any government contractor."
Nothing in Washington happens by accident.
And so, Democrats in Congress are showboating. Using a lethal combination of distraction and political cover, they're going to literally milk this tragedy for all it's worth, and Republicans in Washington are playing along with the game.
We must demand a stop to the theatrics and dog-and-pony shows. It's not enough for our elected officials to pretend to stop Barack Obama. We must demand that they actually stop Barack Obama, and it's up to each and every one of us to make sure that Congress does its duty and protects our God-given constitutional rights.
Use the hyperlink below to send your Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership in the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives and to the Members of the Freedom Caucus in Congress. Or alternatively, send your Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.
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