Friday, March 4, 2016


John Porter
To: Americans everywhere.
March 4, 2016

      I was having a conversation the other day with a young man about the primary elections going on now. He is 30 years of age, a college graduate, a Christian, has a very nice job with a large international corporation. He is very concerned with the direction our country is, and has been, headed for some time now. He started to explain to me why he is for Donald Trump. I told him to just write it down and send it to me. 

He did that. Here is his own words unedited. I think you will be interested. When I asked his permission to email this to the nation, he asked his name be withheld because of possible repercussion at work. The Trump quote with picture following his letter is from me.
Thank you...John Porter, Harrison, Arkansas.

Why vote for Trump?
I hear people ask the question, “Why would anyone vote for Trump?” I respond back with, “Why not?” Historically, the voters of this great country have placed the future of its people in the power of “career politicians”. Where has all of the professed “political experience” gotten us as a nation? To answer this, a person does not need to look far. What is the current state of the national debt? What is the current state of the healthcare system? How many people are unemployed? How is America viewed by other nations of the world? How successful is the current immigration policy? I would propose that the model of the “career politician” has failed. Is it not absurd to continue to re-elect the same people, from the same background, with the same talking points, who take money from the same lobbyists and who ultimately prove to have the same agenda regardless of the party they label themselves under? I think it is most definitely absurd and even crazy. In fact, crazy has been said to be defined by doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results. Is that not what the electorate has been doing? Voting the same people in, expecting different results?

So, why vote for Trump? I am voting for Trump, because I know what will happen if I don’t, the same ole. This great nation will have another “career politician”.
Personally, I finally have a chance to vote for someone who funds his own campaign, for someone who speaks without fear of political correctness and for a man who says he believes wholeheartedly in “American Exceptional- ism”. So, Vote Trump and be Heard!

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