Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Ann Coulter: "I've Stumbled
Upon a Massive Cover Up"

Dear Conservatives,

According to the U.S. government, the illegal immigrant population has flatlined at 11 million people for the last decade.

However, after conducting a nationwide investigation that took her to the frontlines of this crisis, Ann Coulter has come forward with alarming evidence that proves the true number of illegal immigrants who have crossed our border has exploded past 30 million.

And it could be as high as 60 million people.

Even more frightening, Coulter is now levying a shocking allegation against Washington D.C.

She accuses the government of intentionally covering up the truth in order to hide a historic catastrophe that is barreling towards us.

In this short video, Coulter is going public with everything and naming names.

She exposes a Federal program that could cause crime and poverty rates in your town to triple virtually overnight.

And I strongly suggest you examine her findings immediately.

This way, you can avoid being one of the countless Americans who will be blindsided by this fast-approaching, $261 billion threat to your financial security and personal safety.

(If you can't view this video click here)

Before viewing this footage, please understand it is very controversial.

Ann Coulter's views are not politically correct.

Click here to continue...


Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning

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