Saturday, January 16, 2016


.....How many of you listened to the Mark Levin “show” yesterday?
   He and his ilk must be going totally bananas about how Trump is doing. Levin’s rant about the “eligibility’'” issue wouldn’t have been necessary had he done what tons of people called him about, emailed him about (including us) FOR YEARS....discuss it on his show as it related to BHO.
  Instead. he refused, for years...shut callers down, called them names...just like the phony, disingenuous creep that he is.
  So, to a huge degree, it is Levin’s own fault (“bolstered” by Hannity and the like).
  His PROBLEM is that he does not really “believe” in the Constitution; he wants a Constitutional Convention.
  So who the hell is he to rant about eligibility  when he did not want to stop it flat in its tracks before?
  Now we have napolitano, Levin, Hannity AND Savage (to his fault) who say that natural born citizen means “born of one citizen parent, no matter where”.  In Levin’s case, on tonight’s show, he voiced the virtual ultimate anti-Constitution insult...that he doesn’t care if Cruz is nbc eligible or not because he is the best man for the job. What hypocrisy.
  In our view, he’s clearly part of those “insiders” who feel that, since they let BHO slide on eligibility, now it’s their turn to be allowed to slide on it. And so, he feels, “The Constitution be damned”...or as GB2 reportedly said, “The Constitution?....that’s just a f------ piece of paper”.
And, you know what? All these phonies deserve each other....but they don’t deserve the U.S.A. of America.
Let’s hear what you think on this.  THX
BJ3: We cannot believe what we think Savage said yesterday. If we heard wrong, please let us know.
   In talking about the eligibility issue, he ran a clip of Cruz’ explanation/definition of which he said he concurred.
As many know, Cruz said that a person born (no matter where) of a citizen is a natural born citizen.  Hogwash. 
   Btw, Savage then concurs with judge napolitano whose own opinion is the same.
   So, he, Cruz and some others are saying that “citizen equals natural born citizen”. One obvious question...then why the distinction of the words “natural born”?
  In looking up Webster’s and other dictionaries, NONE had “natural born” citizen as a synonym for “citizen” or even as any part of the definition of “citizen”.
  That said, yesterday’s briefer included MANY columns on that issue. Even Gerry (the weasel) Rivera made a means that Cruz, as with his mother, is also a “citizen”, not a “natural born” one.
  Bottom line, the solution is exactly what Trump urged Cruz to do....request a definition from the Supreme Court...ASAP!
BJ3: More on the debate...From: “Comodo.....Cruz and TRUMP confrontation transcription
Hi,   Here's transcript of the Cruz comments on Trump's Mothers eligibility to convey American citizenship to TRUMP.  Cruz says that both of TRUMPS parents had to be born on American soil for TRUMP to be eligible for POTUS.
The Cruz comment implies that TRUMPS parents had to be NBC to have trump be POTUS.
What Cruz's comment does do, is it makes Cruz a DUMB constitutional scholar at best.

BJ3: SUPERB column. One of the best yet on the eligibility issue. BottomLine...As per Trump...SCOTUS needs to rule on it.  And the likelihood that they would is if Ted Cruz stands up as a real American citizen, in the best interests of the country, and requests that SCOTUS hears the case and rules on it....ASAP.
Closing excerpt and a dire warning...”Once we accept that our President need not be a "natural born Citizen," we will have made a major step towards submission to global government. Because then, anybody can be President.[4]...”
BJ3: BottomLine...even as in the column below, plus Trump and many patriots....It’s time for SCOTUS to hear and rule.
Closing excerpt...”Later, Ted Cruz's own birth certificate listed his mother as "Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson." "Elizabeth" was her mother's first name, and "Wilson" is a surname from a previous marriage.
Trump was right... again! America cannot afford to have another U.S. President with divided allegiances whether by birth, with Sen. Ted Cruz, or by philosophy which after 8 years of Obama's Holocaust Democrat scorched earth politics pushing his version of anti-American exceptionalism has thoroughly perverted, deconstructed, and destroyed America's constitutional Republic from within, which is why Trump has made it his singular duty once he becomes President of the United States to "Make America Great Again

From: Steph F.....
The lawsuits have commenced... 

Texas Attorney Files Eligibility Lawsuit Against Ted Cruz…

BJ3: Well, who can tell if he will.....From: Steph F.....Here is a new article for you. Hope your day is going well!
Alan Grayson Explains Why He'll Sue Ted Cruz Over Presidential Eligibility
From: Sher Zieve   From: Dave Hollenbeck
Pat Buchanan: Trump Has Cross-Party Appeal Because What I Warned About In The 90s "Has Come To Pass" 
BJ3: DO make sure you hear this......From: sherzieve  
From: "John Rolls"

From: Dave Hollenbeck
We're All Ruth Bader Ginsburg Now Ann Coulter | Jan 13, 2016
Excerpt...If Ted Cruz is a "natural born citizen," eligible to be president, what was all the fuss about Obama being born in Kenya? No one disputed that Obama's mother was a U.S. Citizen. Cruz was born in Canada to an American citizen mother and an alien father. If he's eligible to be president, then so was Obama -- even if he'd been born in Kenya......
From: Sher Zieve...The covert takeover of local PDs and communities by the ObamaGov.  This is a must watch video.  Thanks to John...From: John Rolls

From: Lee S Gliddon Jr    From: Don Hank.....Trump is the only candidate who opposes this communist scheme. I believe he is our only hope. Don Hank
Genocide of America: A Refugee Immigrant Invasion By Frosty Wooldridge

From: Sher Zieve.....
One of our "replacement-sub-humans" creatures...From: Dave Hollenbeck
TWILIGHT ZONE: Illegal Alien Invader Who Talked About Eating White People Is Now A Lawyer.....
COMMENT: This ought to enhance the prestige of attorneys and Bar Associations 
From: Sher Zieve...GRAPHIC!!! This MUST be passed on to all you know.  This IS what we're up against.  If we continue to let them into our country, this is what will happen to us.  It's what Obama and Jarrett are counting on...From: John Rolls

Obamacare Is on Life Support     By Phyllis Schlafly
The Big Healthcare Con: 87% of Obamacare Enrollees have Premiums Subsidized by Bankrupt Government
From: Jenny
The migrants Angela Merkel DID turn away: Syrians sent to German leader's offices by 'desperate' Bavarian governor are put on a coach straight back the next day

From: Jenny
Switzerland copies Denmark and forces migrants to hand over possessions to help pay for their upkeep - but also claims 10% of any wages they earn for up to ten years

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