Friday, December 18, 2015


Submitted by: The League of Power

Why Donald Trump Will Win the Hispanic Vote 

Recently, Donald Trump has vowed to deport all 11 million immigrants who are living in the United States illegally. He also promised to build a wall between the US and Mexico to keep out other potential illegal immigrants should he win the presidential elections of 2016. These vows have caused many liberals to claim that Trump will have a hard time winning both the Republican nomination and the presidency due to a supposed lack of Hispanic supporters. However, as always, Donald Trump has not failed to prove these naysayers wrong.

According to a poll conducted in November 2015, Donald Trump has the support of about 28% of Hispanic Americans. This percentage is comparable to how Mitt Romney won 27% of the Hispanic American vote.

Despite the amount of criticism Trump receives from Spanish-language media, he has already won the support of many Hispanic Americans quite early in the race. Trump only expects the support from the Hispanic American population to grow as he develops his campaign.

In July 2015, Donald Trump voiced his confidence about winning the Hispanic vote in the event that he gets the Republican nomination. Many people, especially liberals, were quick to call Trump's claim ludicrous, especially in light of his reference to the immigration policy as a way to bring "killers, criminals, [and] drug dealers" into the United States. However, it doesn't take much to realize why Trump's confidence is likely well founded, especially after taking the time to listen to his sound logic.

After calling out Hillary Clinton for promoting the immigration policy in an interview with NBC news, Donald Trump notes that despite his supposedly "radical" views, he has an excellent relationship with the Mexican people. Donald Trump has thousands of legal Mexican immigrants working for him, and he openly states that he loves the relationship that he has with the Mexican people. Even more alarming to liberals, Donald Trump points out that this love is reciprocated.

This brings us to the following question: If Trump's views are so prejudicial and "racist," then why does he have the respect of his Mexican employees? No bigoted man would say, "They love me, I love them" about the very people he is trying to oppress. However, Trump had no qualms saying this exact phrase about the Mexican people in an interview.

Trump's admirable confidence when it comes to his Hispanic supporters all comes down to his promise to "Make America Great Again." Donald Trump believes that he will win the Hispanic vote by creating jobs in the United States at a neck-break pace.

This is sound logic on Trump's part, as the vast majority of Hispanics come to the United States to get jobs and live the American Dream. Donald Trump will do in one term what Obama failed to do in two and make the American Dream a reality for these legal Hispanic immigrants and the United States as a whole.

Considering Trump's wildly successful track record as a businessman, there's little room to view Trump's claims as dubious. In fact, Trump is already responsible for the creation of thousands of jobs in the United States.

In the past decades, Trump notes that he has employed tens of thousands of legal Hispanic immigrants. As president, he would have no problem using his experience and expertise as a businessman to jumpstart the creation of jobs and the economy of the United States as a whole.

Even Trump's vow to build a wall between the United States and Mexico would create thousands of temporary jobs in the United States. While these temporary jobs aren't ideal for the long term, they will certainly be better than nothing and only the beginning of the greatness to come.

Trump affirms that the United States would in no way be responsible for the financial costs of the wall, as he would get Mexico to foot the bill for the wall. No matter how you put it, the wall proposed by Donald Trump would be a win-win for the United States.

In spite of the age of political correctness we seem to live in today, Trump in no way feels pressured to apologize for his supposedly "insensitive" remarks about illegal immigrants, and for good reason. Trump is an honest man and he refuses to sacrifice honesty to avoid hurting the feelings of sensitive people. He realizes that there are far more important things to focus on, considering the frankly sad state of our beloved country today.


Alba D

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