Monday, November 9, 2015



One year before the 9-11 attacks on the United States, Muhammad Badi, the "Supreme Guide" of the international Muslim Brotherhood, called for a jihad by all "the Arab and Muslim peoples" against the United States of America, which they refer to as "The Great Satan." The same term used by Iran in referencing the U.S. That's no coincidence.

+ + Civilization Jihad

One of the radical Islamic tools used to defeat an enemy, outside of direct terrorism, is a practice termed "civilization jihad." That tactic is designed to infiltrate a targeted government and affect foreign and domestic policies; to introduce Shariah into that nation's laws; to silence the Christian churches; and to permeate the victim society with their own oppressive religion and culture.

Here is the Brotherhood's own words from their 5-phase plan to take over American society:
Phase 1: Establish leadership in our nation.
Phase 2: Infiltrate all levels of our society.
Phase 3: Use our own system to gain acceptance and support.
Phase 4: Use political pressure and our legal system; begin weapons training within the United States to prepare for takeover.
Phase 5: Seize power and establish an Islamic caliphate (Islamic government) ruled by oppressive Islamic Sharia.

Today, cloaked as a political entity and ally of the United States government, the Muslim Brotherhood has convinced the Obama administration, the State Department, and some lawmakers that they will assist in President Obama's outreach to the Muslim community and nations, all the while they are stealthily creating a growing influence within our nation's leadership. (Phases 1-3)

Frank Gaffney, Jr., of the Center for Security Policy warns…
"There are individuals with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood inside or at least influencing the White House, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Departments of Justice, Defense, and Homeland Security, as well as the State Department."

According to the book "Battle for Our Minds: Western Elites and the Terror Threat," author Michael Widlanski says "the West's propensity toward political correctness has, in the past 40 years, made us totally blind to this growing worldwide threat."

+ + The United States' national security is threatened by our government's willful blindness.

Because of the dangers posed by "political correctness," in order to fight terror, we must now understand and confront the enemy within!  
Our government MUST be purged from these radical Islamic influences. The extremists clearly operating in our nation's shadows must be evicted from the offices they hold in our government. Access to our nation must be revoked by those who will us harm. And the State Department must label the Muslim Brotherhood for what it is, a "Foreign Terrorist Organization." Four other Muslim nations and Russia have already designated the radical group as supporters of terrorism.  

That's why Liberty Counsel Action supports the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Representative Mario Diaz-Balart introduced the Act into both Chambers of Congress, urging the Secretary of State to formally designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a sanctioned foreign terrorist organization.

The bill details the Muslim Brotherhood's involvement in violent terrorist aggression and their links to radical terrorist organizations.

As Representative Diaz-Balart stated following the introduction of the bill:
"The Muslim Brotherhood has a long history of terrorism around the world. The group supports and stands behind numerous terrorist organizations that are responsible for acts of violence and aggression. It is time for Congress and the Department of State to recognize and sanction them as they deserve – as a foreign terrorist organization."
We are now asking you to join us. Our petition calling for congressional action will be delivered to key leaders of the House and Senate as soon as we gather enough names to make a strong impact, or before a vote in either Chamber. Click here to read our petition and to add your name.

+ + Learn from the experiences of others: Britain's not-so-shining example.

In less than ten years, Islam has become the fastest growing religious in the UK. According to some sources, Islam is growing 10 times faster than any other segment of society.

In hindsight, Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair's policy of "Prevent" Muslim influence admittedly failed by allowing thier words to speak louder than actions. ''We must not accept radicalism by accepting its narrative and disputing only its [violent] methods." It seeks ''supremacy not coexistence."

As reported by the Daily Telegraph, "Mr. Blair seems to doubt the effectiveness of President Obama's outreach to Islam, because it tends to deal with the wrong people. Since Obama's Cairo speech in 2009, 'the whole context has changed. The Muslim Brotherhood is taking over large parts of the Arab world...'"

We are just beginning to see the extent to which our federal government has been infiltrated by radical Islamic extremists. 

Congress owes it to the American people to uncover and reveal the truth. Join us today in supporting the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act.

Thank you for taking immediate action on this critical issue!  

God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. It is vital that we widely distribute this message to have as many people as possible join this crucial campaign on behalf of our nation's security. Please consider forwarding the link below to your friends or posting it on your social networking sites so they can also be made aware and participate in this campaign:

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