With all due respect to Senator Cruz, he's WRONG. Barack Obama is not PLANNING to import ISIS terrorists into the United States.... HE'S DOING IT RIGHT NOW!
Some Internet news sites have reported that Barack Obama just imported 10,000 so-called refugees into the New Orleans, but the exact figure can't be confirmed because Barack Obama REFUSES to tell anyone what the hell he is doing.
But we know it's happening... Believe it... Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal just fired off a letter to Barack Obama on Friday. Calling Obama on the carpet for his secrecy, Jindal wrote. "It is irresponsible and severely disconcerting to place individuals, who may have ties to ISIS, in a state without the state's knowledge or involvement."
This is serious folks. We've run out of time. The recent carnage in Paris should be our wake-up call when it comes to knowing Barack Obama's intentions. After witnessing the carnage in Paris, he's as resolved as ever to import as many as 200,000 so-called Syrian Refugees into the United States. Congress has the power to stop Barack Obama's jihadist pipeline and they must exercise that power right now... before it is too late.
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Can It Really Be True? Is Barack Obama Purposefully Trying To Import ISIS Terrorists Into The United States?
A lot of folks asked us that very question. Now, Barack Hussein Obama has provided the answer.
But if you're still finding it hard to believe that Barack Obama could truly be that evil... that his hatred for America could be that intense... then try explaining to yourself why ANY man, after witnessing the carnage in Paris, would continue to move ahead with efforts to import as many as 200,000 so-called Syrian Refugees into the United States. No grown man is that naive. No grown man is that stupid. No grown man is that feckless.
And now, the only question that remains is: Is Barack Obama moving ahead with his jihadist pipeline in spite of Paris... or is he moving ahead with it because of Paris?
The tragic events in Paris should not have come as a shock, the handwriting has on the wall long for some time:
And yet, in spite of the evidence that Islamic terrorists are exploiting this so-called refugee crisis and in spite of the events in Paris this weekend, Barack Obama and his far-left allies in Congress still want to accelerate the terrorist importation; and it's up to patriotic Americans, like you, to stop him.
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Socialists In Congress Demand That Obama "Assist Our Brethren."
Socialist Congressman David Cicilline of Rhode Island and 71 extreme-leftists in Congress just sent a letter to the Obama White House demanding that the United States "do what we can to assist our brethren" and "resettle a minimum of 200,000 refugees by the end of 2016."
That's a 20-fold increase from the 10,000 figure that the Obama Regime initially floated.
As for our Republican leaders, they're sitting on their hands, but Barack Obama is way ahead of Cicilline on this policy of accelerated terrorist importation.
Reuters reported: "The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon..."
Reuters goes on to say:
"The U.S. State Department confirmed the plans to open [yet another] refugee settlement processing center in Irbil, Iraq, before the end of 2015, and to resume refugee processing in Lebanon in early 2016, said spokeswoman Danna Van Brandt.
"The White House would not say how many additional refugees it may take in beyond the [initial] 10,000, but two senior administration officials said they are seeking ways to increase the number.
"'We want to be in a place where we can push out really ambitious goals,' said one of the officials, who spoke to Reuters on the condition of anonymity."
Ambitious goals of terrorist importation...? The answer to this extreme and anti-American Obama putsch is not just no... it's Hell No.
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"I Will Stand With Them Should The Political Winds Shift In An Ugly Direction." -Barack Hussein Obama
That's a promise that Barack Hussein Obama intends to keep and reports coming in from the Middle East and Europe are not encouraging. Bousaab claims that at least 2 out of every 100 refugees entering Europe are ISIS supporters.
Assuming that Barack Obama imports 200,000 so-called refugees into the United States, if Bousaab is correct, that would mean that 4,000 hardened Islamic terrorists would be welcomed with open arms unto U.S. soil by Barack Hussein Obama.
But that unsettling possibility is just the tip of the iceberg because some experts claim that Bousaab is underestimating the number and moreover, there will be a prime recruiting ground among the remaining 196,000:
Before it's all said and done, we could see tens-of-thousands of terrorists recruited and trained on U.S. soil... tens-of-thousands of terrorists collecting welfare checks, food stamps and living in government subsidized housing, courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama, as they plot and plan unspeakable acts of terror.
Some might say that Barack Obama is moving forward with so-called refugee relocation to the United States in spite of the evidence, but it seems more than likely that he's moving forward and accelerating this relocation because of the evidence.
It's more than clear, Barack Hussein Obama will do everything possible, during his short time left in office, to destroy the nation that he clearly hates. Congress has the power to stop him... they can't let him get away with it and we must not let him get away with it.
Use the hyperlink below to send your Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership in the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives and to the Members of the Freedom Caucus in Congress. Or alternatively, send your Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States House of Representatives.
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