Monday, October 26, 2015


Clergy Surrounds Donald Trump: Prays for Strong Black Man to Stand With Him

Written by Maggie
The following is the transcript of a room full clergy laying hands on Donald Trump and praying for him. They pray for his wisdom and guidance, and that a "strong African American to stand with him and represent that community so that his voice can be heard even in a stronger way."
Pastors Pray over Donald Trump
Pastors Pray over Donald TrumpThis snippet is attached to the video:

Published on Sep 30, 2015 (snippet from the video)
Dr. David Jeremiah calls for strong African American Pastors to stand with Donald Trump. Kenneth Copeland prays, Paula White Prays then Jewish Jesus Rabbi Schneider gives an Abrahamic Jewish Blessing. Pastor Mark Burns
Below are the prayers given as hand were laid on him. Note that the audio wasn't always perfect.
First speaker/prayer:
"...says what he believes but is willing to put himself in jeopardy for what he believes, and will help us economically and spiritually, in every way in this nation, so today we pray for Donald Trump. We pray for his family, we pray for his associates. We pray for what he has heard today, those who have spoken into his life, he will consider.
Lord, I pray that You will bring into his life a strong African American that can stand with him and represent that community so that his voice can be heard even in a stronger way.
Lord, whatever it is that You are going to do to bring about the right people as he moves forward in this campaign, we ask you to give him direction, and give him hope, and Lord thank You for allowing us to be here for this special moment. Perhaps we'll look back on this day and remember that we stood together and we prayed over the next president of the United States.
Second speaker/prayer:
Father, You said in your word, yes Lord, any man that lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, to give liberally, You who giveth, liberally to all men, [inaudible], but let him ask in faith, nothing wavered, for any man that wavers is like the blowing wind on the water. Let not that man think he shall receive anything. No man can be successful as President of the United States without Your wisdom, and so we ask You today to give this man your wisdom, only make sure and certain that he hears. Manifest Yourself to him. And we thank you and praise you for a bold man, a strong man, and an obedient man. We praise you and we thank You in Jesus' name. Amen.
Third speaker/prayer, a Messianic Rabbi:
The only two nations that have ever been in a relationship with God are Israel and the United States of America. Father God, [inaudible] if you bring this man to the oval office I speak Your blessing over him, for the sake of your people. [Hebrew spoken] Shalom. Father for the sake of You, Your glory, Your Kingdom, because of Your love for Donald Trump, Donald Trump, the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine on you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with His countenance, and the Lord give you His peace. and Father, as you gave Solomon wisdom to govern your people, Father if you resolve this man to the highest office in this land, Father we pray for wisdom and that You will be glorified and that Your glory will be seen in this country, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Fourth speaker/prayer:
Father, we just secure him right now by the blood of Jesus. We thank You that there's no weapon formed against him that will be able to prosper, and every tongue that arises against him will be condemned, according to the word of God, and even as we lay hands on him right now, let Your hand be laid upon him. Let him have a greater encounter with You, a greater encounter with the Spirit of God. According to Ephesians 1:17-18, the eyes of his understanding would be right, that he may know what is the hope of the riches of the glory of the inheritance of the Saints; that any veil would be removed and any eyes would be opened to see the glory and the goodness of God. All the days of his life, let him live well. I secure him. I secure his children. I secure his calling and his mantle, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Reposted from Maggiesnotebook | October 25, 2015 at 10:33 am | URL:
Laura J Alcorn
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