Sunday, October 11, 2015


Sheila Zilinski and Dave Hodges-World III Has Begun

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Popular talk show host and writer host Dave Hodges from The Common Sense Show joins Sheila for a riveting connection of the Rumblings in the Middle East, Russia, Syria, Obama, Gun Control, the TPP, Agenda 21. and the common denominator in the entire nefarious agenda. Is this World...


Convoy Hit! Top Eight Senior Members of ISIS Killed Was Infamous Baghdadi Among Them Or Not? (Video)

Convoy Hit! Top Eight Senior Members of ISIS Killed Was Infamous Baghdadi Among Them Or Not? (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. Top Eight Senior Members of ISIS Killed al-Baghadi? 11 Oct 15 Rumors have surfaced that al-Baghdadi may have been injured and 8 Top Senior Members are dead in an airstrike in Iraq. Check these out: Islamic State figures killed in air strike; Baghdadi not believed among them...


War Just Got Closer With British RAF Pilots Given “Shoot Down” Orders for Russian Fighter Jets (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: illuminatinsider. The post War Just Got Closer With British RAF Pilots Given “SHOOT DOWN” Orders for Russian Fighter Jets appeared first on Kev Baker Show. Britain are ridiculously claiming that Russia are the ones making things worse in Syria and the middle east and have given the go ahead to...


Sobering Reality! US Military to Release Iron Man "Supersoldier" Suit in 2018 "Enhanced Humans" (Video) TALOS

Sobering Reality! US Military to Release Iron Man CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. US Military to Release Iron Man Supersoldier Suit in 2018 11 Oct 15 It just continues to become more and more like the Nazis. Is there ANY hope for Amerika? I do not think so. Even though we are copying COMIC STRIP SUPERHEROES, it is no longer a work...


Putin Goes Ballistic In Syria, Obliterates The USA’s Secret 'Mideast Strategy' (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: MILLENNIUM Reporter. THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today. Putin's Russia Blows Up Scheme For ‘Greater Israel’ * * * * Russian Military Demolishes IS Infrastructure, Destroys ISIS Terror Network, Dismantles ISIL Command & Control, Devastates Greater Israel Cabal _____________________________________________... _____________________________________________... The Primary Zio-Anglo-American Strategy In The...


Sandy Hook: Do These Death Records Prove Obama Did Steal His SSN? (Video)

Sandy Hook: Do These Death Records Prove Obama Did Steal His SSN? (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) Recent evidence has been presented by Citizen Journalist that raises some very intriguing questions about the motives behind the Sandy Hook massacre and the answers presented here could change the entire ball game known as the Sandy Hook Massacre. Citizen Journalist: "Barry" Would access to Harrison Bounel's Death Records...


Criminal-in-Chief: Obama Considering Gun Control Through Executive Order

CONTRIBUTOR: SGTreport. from Zero Hedge: After yesterday’s not one, not two, but three campusshootings, which come a week after the latest mass killing at Umpqua Community College left 10 people dead, it was only a matter of time before the administration would pick up where it left off shortly after the Sandy...


Fearmongers and Conspiracy Theorists Are Right, You and the Dollar Could Be Dead by 2016

Fearmongers and Conspiracy Theorists Are Right, You and the Dollar Could Be Dead by 2016 CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Fearmonger, Conspiracy Theorist, Chicken Little. You can call me these names and more, and it is not going to change the fact that the dollar will soon collapse and there is no chance of paying off the mountain of debt that we have accumulated. As you read the...


Warning: TPP Impact -- Good Bye Before Its News? Alternative Media is About Over - TPP Will Decimate Our Internet Freedoms! (Video)

Warning: TPP Impact -- Good Bye Before Its News? Alternative Media is About Over - TPP Will Decimate Our Internet Freedoms! (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. Warning: Alternative Media is About Over - TPP Copyright Will Decimate Our Internet Freedoms! 11 Oct 15 Alternative media such as Before Its News, is where the public gets the real deal, the TRUTH and the latest breaking infromation. Now, all forms of free speech will be muzzled,...


Preparing Your Home for a Healthy Winter

Preparing Your Home for a Healthy Winter CONTRIBUTOR: American Preppers. Winter is just around the corner, and that means that it is time to start preparing now for cold and flu season. While the wintry months are full of exciting social events and days spent with family and friends indoors, it also means more opportunities for spreading germs. The cooler...

CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason


CONTRIBUTOR: illuminatinsider

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense

CONTRIBUTOR: Dr. Rita Louise



CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson




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