Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Authored by: Donald Hank

Wasn’t China supposed to be a tool of the New World Order?

by Don Hank

It is helpful to look back at the way Americans thought not long ago and see how old analyses of events and old plots by the billionaires who think they own our planet come into focus in light of today’s events.
This kind of comparison shows how far these manipulators have come in implementing their schemes, but also something else that most of us miss, and that is, it is now safe to say that they have failed.

A commentary from 2010 titled “Maurice Strong, Father of America’s Destruction,” is making the rounds on the internet again, forwarded by Americans fearful of the New World Order’s sinister plans. They think it's a done deal by now. Maurice was the father of Agenda 21, a UN initiative intended to reduce world population through stealthy measures that no one was supposed to notice even after they had been bruited about everywhere.
The article contains information on the elites behind the scenes in the destruction of Western culture.
But I wanted to focus on something that the article misses. It's about this now obsolete observation:

"Strong has been saying all along that China would someday soon replace the U.S. as world economic leader."

It was clear to me in the 70s when Nixon and Kissinger were pushing for free trade with China that the elites wanted China to take over the world economy and that these two, and whoever was behind them, thought they could control China by careful manipulation via the government of the US, the most militarily and economically powerful country at the time. One reason for this was a desperate desire to rid the world of the Russian sphere of influence -- then the Soviet Union and satellites -- a desire that remains intact today in Neoconservative circles.
It was clear that the Western elites mentioned in this article, as well as others like Henry Kissinger, were convinced that China could be bought off and turned against Russia. They almost certainly expected that they could use money to make China a lapdog of the US.
But they forgot something:
The supranational Satanists despise culture. To them it is like nationalism and patriotism, something that must be abolished to prevent war and bring about everlasting peace under the leadership of the world's richest men, who foolishly imagined themselves to be wise. Now, over 30 years after the start of this experiment, they have finally caught a glimpse of how abjectly wrong they all were.
China was not really for sale after all, although it never revealed that fact until it was strong enough to shrug off US manipulation with impunity. 
These elites were men who operated in secret and stealth to control the world economy and geopolitics. But being arrogant and convinced of their own infallibility, they became careless and failed to see, as the years went by, the ominous signs all around them that China was not in fact falling down and worshipping them at all. In fact it was laughing at them in secret.
Again, the answer is culture. An important part of Chinese culture that will not die is Confucianism. In some strange way, the Chinese saw the US as benefactors and, according to Confucian code, worthy of a certain outward respect but not of obedience or worship.
Therefore, unlike the Western actors in the New World Order who harbor an irresistible desire to boast of their exploits or discuss amongst themselves the ways and means of achieving their ends, Chinese leaders cannot even bring themselves to enunciate their intentions, even if they wished to. Thus they could not say aloud that they would never obey these Western masters, for whom they could have no inward respect because they sensed that these manipulators, thinking themselves cunning, were in fact their inferiors. Because, for one thing, unlike the manipulators, the Chinese, like their Russian brothers, do not have a price. Though they want money, they are not driven by money. This is a subtlety the manipulators can’t grasp because it is not within their mental code to grasp such alien characteristics as integrity. Being good Confucians, however, the Chinese leaders would show them respect in public. Even their own people would remain unaware that they secretly intended to go their own way as soon as they had their Peking ducks in a row. Nor was there even a need for the leaders to discuss this amongst themselves. Asians need not exchange words to come to an understanding. Cultural code determines how they will behave in a group, the kinds of decisions they will make, their responses to stimuli from Western partners. Nothing need be discussed. But their responses were firmly embedded in their mental code from the outset.
Much of their modus operandi is based on something akin to instinct. Or maybe it is instinct, embedded in the DNA. It’s like that mysterious something that causes a flock of starlings to suddenly veer off to the right or left without any signal in sight. They just know when and how to turn.
When and how was just recently, when an impressive contingent of Chinese troops marched in a military parade on Red Square in a breath taking show of solidarity, followed by joint Russian-Chinese naval drills in the Mediterranean from May 17-21.
Contrast this with the indiscreet rhetoric of NATO and US officials constantly chattering about how outrageous the Russians are behaving, or US presidential candidates and their prattle about China “manipulating its currency” (ironic for a nation that has launched three trillion dollar money printing campaigns, QE 1, 2 and 3, with QE 4 in the pipeline and no end in sight).
The Eurasian group simply shows what it’s got, without a word of warning or rhetoric. The other shrieks its scripted outrage at them, like the indefatigable Black Knight -- the ultimate bluffer -- in the Monty Python film "The Holy Grail."  
What I am trying to tell you, Dear Reader, is in fact good news in disguise.
While the twisted billionaire elites openly discussed how they would use “pawns” such as China to impose a stealth plan on its own people to reduce our population, that nation never once had any intention of complying with these babbling fools and only they failed to realize it.
The main goal of the New World Order and Agenda 21 was to reduce world population by as much as 80%, as suggested here.
However, the new AIIB bank founded by China and sponsored by the BRICS, is working against this goal, helping Third World countries become more prosperous even as Western investment banks seek to bankrupt them. Population reduction is not in the cards. As for war, another card in the New World Order population reduction deck, China and Russia have shown both resolve and might, so much so that famously Russophobic George Soros recently warned that there is no way the US and NATO can afford a war with Russia at this point. He didn’t mention China, but everyone with a pulse now knows that Russia does not stand alone. Thus if war with Russia is unthinkable, war with China and Russia fighting in tandem is, well, unthinkably unthinkable. Clearly, Agenda 21 will not happen with China’s help. Nor will World Bank and IMF be around much longer without a miracle.

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