Monday, July 20, 2015


The Iran Agreement is Even Worse Than We Thought
This is the best breakdown of the Iran agreement I've seen yet. It lays bare just how much the West has given up, and how this practically paves the path for Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon. We must not allow a country dedicated to the destruction of the U.S. and Israel to obtain the ultimate weapon!

Daily Caller: An Agreement Written in Tehran
By Kenneth Timmerman
It’s hard to imagine a worse agreement than the one presented by President Obama and Iran Kerry TalkSecretary of State John Kerry as their “peace in our time” deal to limit Iran’s nuclear programs.
At every step, in every article and detail, the U.S. allowed Iranian regime negotiators to write the rules and codify restrictions that allow Iran to wriggle out of its commitments at virtually any moment it feels that the United States has not provided enough sanctions relief.
Because that is what this agreement is all about: lifting the comprehensive, enormously effective sanctions put in place patiently and with international consensus since 2005, sanctions that cut Iran’s oil exports in half, drove inflation to 60 percent, cut growth, crashed the currency, and were beginning to generate widespread popular discontent that threatened the survival of the regime.
No wonder President Hassan Rouhani, in his speech to the Iranian people on Tuesday, said “our prayers have been answered.” (Oh, and he went on to say that the prayers of Hamas and Hezbollah had also been answered, presumably because they soon will be receiving fresh funds and rockets from Tehran).
Of this 159 page text, 90 pages are devoted to spelling out exactly how much, how far, and how thoroughly the U.S. and its partners will remove sanctions on Iran and release frozen assets. These pages are written in stone, with no wriggle room for a reluctant Congress.
Another nine pages describe commitments by the P5+1 to help Iran expand its “peaceful” nuclear infrastructure, including a sweeping agreement to transfer nuclear goods, technology, and services, and to provide technical assistance and even loans so Iran can build a new heavy water reactor.
Iran’s commitments to limit its nuclear activities are contained in approximately 30 pages, but these commitments are heavily conditioned. For example, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is the sole authority allowed to conduct inspections in Iran, must provide up to 14 days notice if it seeks to visit a site where it believes Iran is conducting illicit nuclear activities, and must reveal critical intelligence information to Iranian regime authorities before it can even discuss a special inspection.
Under the agreement, Iran can still object and stall for additional time, after which the dispute gets referred to a “Joint Commission” where Iran sits along with China and Russia.
For good measure the agreement bans U.S. persons from IAEA inspection teams, at least until a time when the U.S. has resumed diplomatic ties with Tehran. Now that’s a tough verification plan!

Read the full story here.

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