Heads Up! Congress Considers Mandating Vaccinations For All School Children (video)
Click here to read, "Heads Up! Congress Considers Mandating Vaccinations For All School Children"...
Report: FBI Agents Telling Friends & Family To ‘Avoid July 4 Celebrations’
45th US President Donald J. Trump Keeps Rising Like Star, From 2 to 12% Nationwide Within Days (Video)
CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala.
By King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a
Buddhist reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a
Messenger of it.) Trump keeps rising, from 2 to 12% within days, close
second to Bush, far ahead of 14 other candidates http://beforeitsnews.com/obama-birthplace-con. .. Newsmax Prime | An exclusive...
Quayle Alert: Zimbabwe Used by the NWO Training Ground or Observation Scenario for How to Deal with “Dissidents”
Charlie Chaplin's Prophecy...
CONTRIBUTOR: American Kabuki.
Musings On The Finite Statist Machine This is a prescient speech from
the movie the Great Dictator by Charlie Chaplin... and its prophetic of
this moment we are approaching NOW... could anything be more dictatorial
(and a faceless dictator committee known as the EU Troika) that Greece
now faces?From Wikipedia:According...
X22Report U.S. Government/Central Bankers Are Ready To Cover Up The Economic Disaster - Episode 705
▶ U.S. Government/Central Bankers Are Ready To Cover Up The Economic
Disaster - Episode 705 - YouTube Check Out The New X22 Report Spotlight
YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rn...Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.comReport date: 6.30.2015French economy is collapsing. Greece will not pay the next payment to the...
Congressman Matt Cartwright..TPP the Final Step To Globalization ?
▶ BREAKING !! Congressman..TPP the Final Step To Globalization ? -
YouTube Anthony AntonelloJune 30, 2015.. At a Town-hall meeting in
Plains PA, Congressman Matt Cartwright addressed the TPP and made it
clear that the TPP will be much worse than NAFTA yet it is being fast
tracked through by...
Tsipras ready to accept most bailout terms – FT
Greece is Being Taxed to Death
CONTRIBUTOR: Cato@Liberty.
American news stories about the Greek financial collapse frequently
echo complaints of government employees and their supplicants about
“budget cuts.” In reality, Greek government spending rose from 44.6
percent of GDP in early 2006 to 54 percent in 2010 and 59.2 percent in
2014 (although this is partly because private...
Cold War Redux: Do you want to fight in World War Three?
CONTRIBUTOR: 21st Century Wire.
21st Century Wire says…The rhetoric coming of Washington is pushing us
dangerously close to a world changing scenario.In the following episode
of CrossTalk, Peter Lavelle discusses the way Russia and Putin are being
framed by Western governments and mainstream media with guests
including Chris Hedges. The dangers of ignoring historical...
CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason
CONTRIBUTOR: InquisitiveMind
CONTRIBUTOR: William Frederick, M. Div.
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense
CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project
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