The Final Grand Trick (video)
CURATOR: Zen Gardner. by Greg Calise
When you pull back the curtain on all of the illusions, what you find
is quite preposterous. It is so absurd, so far removed from what we
perceive as reality, that not many people would ever believe it. It is
beyond science fiction. “The truth is...
Warning From Our Veterans, Jade Helm Means Martial Law (Videos)
(N.Morgan) If you want to understand the big picture, just follow these
informative videos! In light of all the new information coming out
about the military exercise known as Jade Helm, veterans are coming
forward and exposing even more of the true horror this event could hold
for the United...
If You Want To Survive the Economic Collapse, You Better Read This
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense.
I am so sorry that I feel compelled to unleash the realities of such a
hellish nightmare that is beginning to engulf this country. The United
States is in the early stages of an economic meltdown. I apologize to
the cognitive dissonance crowd, but your days of ignorant...
The US Dollar And Bretton Woods Are Finished: The BRICS/SCO Summits In Ufa Mark The Start Of A “Silk World Order”
CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator.
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya Global Research, July 10, 2015 Strategic
Culture Foundation 10 July 2015 Get ready for ground shattering
geopolitical changes. At the crossroads of Asia and Europe, it has been
decided that the Russian city of Ufa will be the point of convergence
for all the initiatives...
Florida's Disappeared Birds Mystery Solved
CONTRIBUTOR: Deborah Dupre.
By Deborah Dupré A mysterious, intense event occurred at a Florida
island refuge in May causing up to 20,000 various types of nesting birds
to vanish, leaving behind their unhatched eggs, an eery silence, and
wildlife officers wondering why the habitat where birds have gone to
breed for decades has...
Paul Craig Roberts Video Interview -- The Truth About Greece Must See...
CONTRIBUTOR: Jason Liosatos.
My talk with Dr Paul Craig Roberts about the financial situation
controlling Greece, and the consequences of the Greeks staying in the
Euro or leaving it. Paul explains what, who, has, is, and will be,
influencing the situation, and what outcomes we might expect, and how
Washington will no doubt...
Alien Cities And Ships Found On Dark Side Of Moon In Apollo 11 Photo, July 2015 (Video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. Date of discovery: July 2015 Location of discovery: Earths Moon NASA Photo: ..
This white structure above was found recently on the moon in an old
Apollo 11 photo. Streetcap1 of Youtube found it and I have to admit its
pretty damn good. The white tower also has a black...
Nomi Prins – Keynote Speaker At World Bank-Fed-IMF Conference, On The Frightening Reason Why We’re All Doomed
from KingWorldNews: It’s Not Just China That’s In Danger Of Collapsing
Markets Nomi Prins: “It isn’t just about China. This is something that
is prevalent throughout the world. No market, not in the United States
and not in Europe, is immune from the fact that the money that’s in
BREAKING! Alabama Exorcist Dies, Child Tortured For Being A Witch And Haunted House Moving
CONTRIBUTOR: TheForteanSlip.
The Fortean Slip News 72 This week Chris and Steve are joined by Matt
Knapp as they discuss the death of an Alabama exorcist, a child tortured
for being a witch, a famous haunted house moving and a bonus. This
webcast is uncensored. If you enjoy this check out our...
26 Heroes Beat/Taze Unarmed Cylist
CONTRIBUTOR: Eric Peters Autos.
Automobiles, Motorcycles and Libertarian Politics Just found this: The
post 26 Heroes Beat/Taze Unarmed Cylist appeared first on EPautos....
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
CONTRIBUTOR: Michael The Patriot Blogger
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Blaze
CONTRIBUTOR: firstfridaysrevival
CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason
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