Yay, It's Another Cat
Day! http://www.ba-bamail.com/content.aspx?emailid=15576&memberid=961199
From: Jenny...Sen. Sessions Myth-Busts Obama Trade Effort
From: Jenny...Sen. Sessions Myth-Busts Obama Trade Effort
Senate averts trade filibuster, delivers big win to White
House ...
(Washington Times) Administration lawyers
misled the court ...http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/may/21/texas-demands-obama-prove-hes-halted-deportation-a/
RCroyts...Christian Genocide In Full
Swing http://la.libertyalliance.com/ga/click/2-10678897-44-63431-132725-1383057-9465616045-7f0b72bcc9
Jenny...DISNEY Worker Details
Humiliation of Training His Foreign Replacement...Executives videotaped
'knowledge transfer sessions'... http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/19/as-floridians-are-displaced-rubio-demands-more-foreign-workers/
Seems to us that Debbie “BlabberMouth” Schultz is the heartless and headless one
for for NOT wanting to enforce immigration laws and should be thrown out for
blatant treason and not representing her pro-USA constituents...and for
spearheading the loss of their jobs and income. And we know many Dems who feel
the same way.
Obama’s amnesty
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz told MSNBC that
Republicans are “heartless” for wanting to enforce immigration laws.
BJ3: Hey “BM” who's heartless
here?...From: RCroyts
BJ3: Well, he said the same to The Chameleon Hannity. There
are a few inconsistencies in what he said. First, none of the examples equates
to his situation. Second, Is there a USA BC? (Jenny’s Dad went to the Consulate
for hers and her brother’s). And, third (of many more), as “Unalienable Rights”
says, in essence, after Cruz removed the dual citizenship issue, he could not
have fulfilled the proper time required. Please don’t misunderstand, for
the many things he has done, we like Cruz...as a Senator. Still, there needs be
a ruling on the definition of NBC (please, no Minor V Happ
Unreal- Gotta Hear This One; Senator Ted Cruz
Addresses His Article II Natural Born Citizen Status http://www.birtherreport.com/2015/05/unreal-gotta-hear-this-one-senator-ted.html
From: Kathy
Hawkins ....this is a sad world we are in now...kids can't
read or spell.
By Alan
Caruba...I used the verb “stupefying” to describe a
long process in our nation’s schools that has produced several
generations of Americans, dumbed down and resulting in more than
half who are functionally illiterate, nor can do math, and, as a
recent headline reported “Student’s Results in Social Studies
Stagnate. ”http://americac2c.com/forum/topics/stupefying-generations-of-americans?xg_source=msg_mes_network
Sher Zieve...YES!!! However, evil never sleeps and
it will look for another way to proceed with the same
program...From: "John Rolls"
Obama's Attack Dogs Surrender to Drudge -Democrats Back Down After 'Public Outcry' Obama http://beforeitsnews.com/
importation of Muslims in US.
Illegal Aliens “UPSET” They are Forced to Work and Live in Mexico
FreedomOutpost...Video- FBI
Now Going Door-To-Door Interrogating Americans About Jade Helm
Military Exercises http://if.inboxfirst.com/ga/click/2-47586960-5-64500-135337-1401852-2186172d4a-31b483ed8f
From: Sher From: John
Rolls...You will NOT believe the
threat Obama just gave to the military Opinion –
Conservative http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2015/05/you-will-not-believe-the-threat-obama-just-gave-to-the-military-3011406.html
From: GulagBound...De Blasio’s “Contract for
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