Oppose SB-44:
There’s an old saying that you get less of that which you tax.
With that in mind, SB44 would raise the taxes/fees on
“fracking”/energy exploration in Nevada to pay for government
As such, voting for SB44 would absolutely be a violation of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
The bill passed unanimously in Senate Majority Leader Tax Hike Mike Roberson’s state Senate.
Conservatives in the Assembly should vote “no.”
Of course, I’m hearing the same old arguments that the special
interest lobbyists trot out every session to excuse similar tax/fee
There’s the old, “The industry wants this.”
Really? Then make paying the additional tax/fee OPTIONAL. If
everyone really wants it, everyone will pay it on their own, right?
Then there’s the old “It’s a user fee.”
No, it’s not.
A true user fee is where you have the option of paying for a
service from the government or obtaining it from the private sector.
The choice of paying for copies at a government office or making
copies at Office Depot is a true user fee. Being forced to pay a fee
for government regulation is a tax, not an optional user fee.
And then there’s the argument that this bill will allow fracking
to be regulated by the state instead of the feds. Which is right up
there with “Would you rather be executed by hanging or firing squad?”
How about NEITHER?!!
Regardless, if the preference is to be regulated by the state,
then do so with existing revenue by prioritizing spending. Or is there
nothing “non-essential” in the state budget that could be cut to pay for
this instead?
But set aside the Tax Pledge for a minute. The question then, as
articulated in the guiding principles of the conservative Assembly
Policy Commmitee, is simple…
the bill reduce government regulations, reduce the size of government,
eliminate entitlements, or eliminate unnecessary programs?”
SB44 does NOT.
As such, any good conservative should vote "no," regardless of how
strongly highly-compensated professional lobbyists try to rationalize
it as a “good” bill.
The fact is, the Legislature could make it easier for energy
exploration operations with a bill that does not include a tax/fee
And with complete GOP control of the government, there’s no excuse not to do so.
Conservatives in the State Assembly should just say “no” on SB44.

Chuck Muth
Citizen Outreach
“Raising taxes is a sign of incompetence in a politician. He/she
cannot manage. A willingness to raise taxes is telegraphing such
failure.” – Grover Norquist, president, Americans for Tax Reform
Brushfire Alerts are a project of Citizen Outreach, a 501(c)(4) grassroots advocacy organization. |
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