If you thought CPR was too hard, start humming ‘Stayin’ Alive’ and read this
By Fran Kritz April 13
You need only two things to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation and possibly save a life: a willingness to press hard on someone’s chest and familiarity with the Bee Gees’ disco hit “Stayin’ Alive.”
Yes, CPR has changed. The American Heart Association and other organizations, including the American Red Cross, are promoting instruction in an easier, hands-only version of CPR that drops the difficult mouth-to-mouth maneuver they had long been teaching.
You press down hard and fast in the center of the chest until the
ambulance or someone with an automatic defibrillator arrives to take
And the Bee Gees? The beat of their song — featured on the soundtrack of 1977’s “Saturday Night Fever” — just about matches the optimum CPR rhythm of 100 chest compressions per minute.
AHA and other groups are trying to make CPR more accessible, and
they’re spreading the word through flash mobs, classes at fire stations
and shopping malls, and even online training videos. The guidelines say
it’s appropriate to start CPR if you see a person collapse who is not
breathing or is gasping.
arrest is difficult to survive, no matter the circumstances. Even in
the hospital, only about 24 percent of adults do so, according to AHA datafrom
2012, the most recent available. But about 80 percent of cardiac
arrests occur in non-hospital settings, often at home, with fewer than
10 percent of victims surviving, according to the AHA. Basic CPR can
sometimes be enough to keep a person alive until first responders
don’t have to go to a class or get certified. They can learn the basics
online, at a public event or even from a health-care provider,” says
Clifton Callaway, executive vice-chair of emergency medicine at the
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
across the country are hosting CPR training parties, and some school
systems are making CPR a high school graduation requirement. Dallas/Fort
Worth International Airport has a CPR training kiosk for interested
AHA updated its guidelines in 2010 to promote hands-only chest
compressions, citing studies showing that “for most adults with
out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, bystander CPR with chest compression
only appears to achieve outcomes similar to those of conventional CPR.”
Two studies, one conducted in London and one in Sweden,
compared emergencies in which bystanders used either hands-only CPR or
CPR with what is called “rescue breathing.” The studies, published in
the New England Journal of Medicine in 2010, found similar outcomes,
conclusions that offered support for compression-only aid. Researchers
say that people doing both CPR and breaths would often stop the crucial
compressing while concentrating on breathing.
resuscitation in addition to chest compressions is still recommended
for children, teenagers and seniors because they may have a breathing
obstruction rather than cardiac arrest, and trained responders are still
taught the older method and use it regularly.
The rollout of the new method has
been gradual as AHA developed efforts to train what it hopes will
eventually be tens of millions of people in the United States. Kits with
instructions and a small practice mannequin are given out at mass
training events, and materials — a DVD, a skills reminder card and a
mannequin — can be bought online. An Arizona study found
that after authorities promoted compression-only CPR, bystanders went
from assisting in 28 percent of collapses to 40 percent of them.
bystander who sees someone collapse should first ask another person to
call 911, direct someone else to look for an automated defibrillator and
begin CPR immediately with no stopping until help arrives, says Ahamed
Idris, a professor of surgery at the UT Southwestern Medical Center in
Dallas, who was a designer of the training kiosk at the Dallas/Fort Worth airport.
beat of “Stayin’ Alive” can be heard as you approach the kiosk,
installed in 2013 in Terminal C. About the size of an ATM machine, the
kiosk includes an audio CPR lesson and a chest mannequin for practice.
The lesson tells users where to place their hands and how deeply and how
fast to pump the mannequin chest. A test at the end produces colored
graph bars showing how well the student did. The AHA plans to install
kiosks at other airports and public spaces around the country.
one minute of video training for bystanders may help save lives,
according to a small study whose results were presented at an AHA
conference in November 2013.
the study, 48 adults watched the CPR training video, while 47 sat idle
for one minute. All were then asked to do “what they thought best” on a
mannequin that had been positioned to simulate a person in cardiac
arrest. The participants who had seen the video were more likely to opt
to call 911, initiated chest compression sooner, had an increased chest
compression rate and a decreased hands-off interval than did those who
hadn’t watched the video.
the short length of training, these findings suggest that ultra-brief
video training may have potential as a universal intervention for public
venues to help bystander reaction and improve CPR skills,” said Ashish
Panchal, lead researcher of the study and an assistant professor of emergency medicine at the University of Arizona School of Medicine.
Flash mobs have
been another tool. Nearly two years ago, several groups sponsored one
in Washington’s Freedom Plaza, where they played “Stayin’ Alive” as
volunteers danced. When a crowd gathered, the dancers grabbed soft
mannequins and demonstrated hands-only CPR.
Council member Yvette Alexander (D-Ward 7), who chairs the council’s
health committee and helped promote that event, followed up with a CPR
training day for the council last year. The District’s Fire and
Emergency Medical Services Department also offers classes.
would like to see CPR certification as a requirement for high school
graduation. “If we can capture every student, that would make [CPR]
ability more extensive,” she says.
In Maryland, a CPR mandate for high school graduation begins this fall for students entering ninth grade. The rule is known as Breanna’s Law,
named for Breanna Sudano, a Baltimore County student whose life was
saved by a bystander who performed CPR. In Virginia, a CPR graduation
requirement begins in the fall of 2016 for entering ninth-graders and is
called Gwyneth’s Law, named for Gwyneth Griffin, who died in 2012.
12-year-old girl collapsed at her Stafford County middle school, but
she did not receive CPR for at least six minutes, according to her
mother, Jenny Griffin. Griffin said that an autopsy showed her daughter
died because of lack of oxygen to her brain after the collapse. Her
death might have been prevented, her mother said, if CPR had been
started earlier.
important to dispel the notion that CPR is difficult to learn, says
Reginald Robinson, a Washington cardiologist and former president of
AHA’s Washington DC chapter.
have put off learning CPR because they can’t find the three or four
hours many courses take,” he says, “but you don’t need that whole long
course anymore unless you’re planning on being an expert in advanced
lifesaving. Lay people need the basics, and that will save lives.”
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