Saturday, February 28, 2015

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 02/28/2015

★Bill Cooper's Last Prediction★THE WATCHER FILES★ (video)

★Bill Cooper's Last Prediction★THE WATCHER FILES★ CONTRIBUTOR: LavenderRose . During the years following World War II the government of the United States was confronted with a series of events which were to change beyond prediction its future and with it the future of humanity. These events were so incredible that they defied belief. A stunned President Truman...



CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. One does not need to have insider sources to see the unmistakable patterns emerging from the false flag attack upon Arizona’s Internet covering approximately half of the state, geographically speaking. However, insider sources are beginning to emerge. But first, let’s connect some dots. After 72 hours following the...


Read Now Before It’s Eliminated! Leaked 1973 Gov’t Document Blows the Lid off “Paranormal” You Won’t Believe What They Did and Are Doing…

Read Now Before It’s Eliminated! Leaked 1973 Gov’t Document Blows the Lid off “Paranormal” You Won’t Believe What They Did and Are Doing… CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven The elite in our government have a secret so mystifying, so mind-blowing that they are doing everything they can to keep it under wraps from the public eye. Thankfully some of these documents slip through the cracks…including one that I found dated back to 1973!!...


UFOs Lighting Up the Sky in Bogota Colombia

UFOs Lighting Up the Sky in Bogota Colombia CONTRIBUTOR: Paranormal Stories. Posted By Paranormal Stories A number of UFOs lighting up the skye in Bogota Colombia caught on camera! "This sighting was in Bogota Colombia on June 21st 2010 at 11pm at night showing a mass ufo sighting in the sky."...


ILLUMINATI Plans for 2015 New World Order is Coming!!

ILLUMINATI Plans for 2015 New World Order is Coming!! CURATOR: John Ale. By John Ale NEW WORLD ORDER is here! We in the end times. Is this End of America? Like the Rome and Britain? Signs of the times around the world prophecy! You have to wait for the events 2015 2016. Matthew 24:7 - For nation shall rise against nation, and...


Defense Intelligence Told NOT To Update Obama on bin Laden Documents

Defense Intelligence Told NOT To Update Obama on bin Laden Documents CONTRIBUTOR: Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook. The documents SEAL Team Six confiscated the night they killed Osama bin Laden, in his Abbottabad compound, were deep-sixed by the Obama administration. Not interested, al-Qaeda’s decimated, the war’s over. Bin Laden Compound, Abbottabad, Pakistan The U.S. government captured more than one million documents during the May 2011 raid that...


Attack On Arizona’s Internet Was the Beta Test for the Implementation of Martial Law

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. At approximately noon on February 25, 2015, the Internet went down in a wide swath ranging from just north of Phoenix stretching to Flagstaff., Arizona. Internet service was restored the following day around 1pm local time. The very first reports I received about the outage, coming out of Wickenburg and...


Isis Warning: "day Of Blood" Coming Feb 28, 2015

Isis Warning: CONTRIBUTOR: Pamela Rae. -URGENT PRAYER REQUEST-ISIS ISLAMIC TERORISTSISSUE WARNING THAT FEBRUARY 28, 2015, WILL BECOMEA "DAY OF SORROW" AND BLOODSHED AND DESTRUCTIONFOR CHRISTIANS AND AMERICANS!By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-www.AmericanHolocaustComing.blogs... I just received a message and a website link from a reader, warning me of the Islamic...


Opinion: Somalia terrorists urge attacking shopping malls—what now? (VIDEO)

CONTRIBUTOR: In a video by al Shabab, an al Qaida-linked terror group in Somalia, terrorists encouraged Muslims to attack shopping malls in the US, Canada, Britain and other Western countries. Why? Well, first, because they’re stupid terrorists.  But also, because the 2013 attack in the Nairobi, Kenya Westgate Mall proved pretty...


Scientist Find a New Way to Store Oxygen

Scientist Find a New Way to Store Oxygen CONTRIBUTOR: VISION TIMES. A lot of people enjoy scuba diving around the world. Imagine if you didn’t need air tanks and you could stay underwater for longer periods. Well, researchers have found a new material that can gather the oxygen from the water around you. Just one bucketful of this crystalline material that scientists...



CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Blaze




CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence

CONTRIBUTOR: william tell


CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore

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