Thursday, January 29, 2015


Do any of you know of any litigation respecting chemtrails?
I have written Senator Dean Heller and he WILL NOT respond.I write him several times monthly and he responds to every letter except those addressing chemtrails and Obama's firing military officers.
I have great concerns respecting chemtrails and their effect on the citizens of the entire world.
The DOD, EPA are directly responsible for allowing chemtrails that span our skies daily. I see a SUIT of major proportions...Anyone have an attorney with the gumption to act?
Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr

There s NO law supporting this poisoning and killing of humanity and Planet Earth. At current time, best of luck getting any response from the imposters posing as American representatives. There are NO laws protecting us slaves.

I was writing protest letters and filing complaints with the EPA and major Health Organizations over six years ago. I complained to the Air Force as well. No one ever responded
zip, zero, nada.

Do NOT expect any results - chem trails are part of the UN Agenda 21 goal to depopulate the Earth.

When are you going to understand that the selected paid off imposters in DC are NOT the answer? You are the answer. Start taking proper action!


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