Friday, October 3, 2014


Dear Conservatives,

Last week at the UN Climate Summit President Obama gave a speech announcing a new executive order and other government initiatives intended to combat climate change.
But we all know that the President’s climate agenda isn’t really about the environment; it’s about power.
The Obama administration is using climate change as a scare tactic to convince Americans that they should hand over more of their personal liberty and energy choices to the federal government.
He even went so far as to ask developing countries, where more than 1.3 billion people are without electricity, to do their part in fighting climate change.
He was quoted saying “We will do our part, and we will help developing nations do theirs. But we can only succeed in combating climate change if we are joined in this effort by every nation - developed and developing alike. Nobody gets a pass.”

Yet, most of the world’s leaders recognize the fact that we face enormous challenges ranging from terrorism, disease, and poverty, to the fact that billions of people are still without access to electricity.
But instead of focusing on these pressing threats, President Obama would rather pursue an energy agenda that harms the very people that need affordable, reliable energy the most.
Last week, our Vice President of Policy, Daniel Simmons spoke on BBC World News about these very issues.
He mentions that access to affordable, abundant, reliable energy is critical to any nations economy and absolutely vital for lifting millions of people out of poverty.
Unfortunately it seems President Obama is pursuing an energy agenda that harms the American people and grows the federal government.
Despite the odds, our efforts here at the American Energy Alliance are drawing attention to and holding back many of the anti-energy policies that would fundamentally transform the values of our nation.
I hope you will continue to invest in our work as we serve as a roadblock to the Obama Administration’s government power grab.
Click HERE to watch video of Daniel Simmons, our Vice President of Policy on BBC World News.
Tom Pyle

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