Thursday, October 23, 2014


Submitted by Donald Hank
My Portuguese blog is offline, but not my English blog. Google removed only my Portuguese blog.
See my Portuguese blog:
My English blog:
Both are hosted in Blogspot, but only my Portuguese blog was shut down.

Blog Julio Severo in Portuguese arbitrarily shut down by Google in Brazil

By Julio Severo
In the first minutes of Thursday, October 23, Blog Julio Severo, established by me, Julio Severo, in 2005 to reach Brazilians with information usually unavailable to them, disappeared from the Internet, with no hacking attack involved. All that was evident, from my careful verification, is that such disappearing was provoked and decided by the owner of the Blogspot service, Google, which freely offers to the international public a free speech platform.
The traditional address of my Portuguese blog is:
The address is now completely off-line, with no approval from me or communication from Google. I have never been notified about some alleged violent or pornographic post that might have caused Google to suspend my blog for supposedly violating its policies. Now, only my blogs in other languages, including English, continue active.
So I ask the public to get in contact with Google to reestablish my Portuguese blog, which has a history of about ten years in Brazil.
It is known that many of my articles do not please everybody — especially socialists, pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality activists and other antifamily militants. But freedom for dissenting voices is part of democracy.
My latest Portuguese article, which may supposedly have provoked the shutdown of my blog, was about the Brazilian presidential elections that will happen next Sunday. I have supported no candidate, because they promote the gay agenda, viewed by Christians as anti-family.
Even in this inflamed season of Brazilian elections, I have a right to speak out against the two candidates, and this right should not be violated for the benefit of the parties and candidates who were criticized with adequate civility.
Many Brazilians have chosen to vote for Dilma Rousseff (an anti-U.S. socialist, but only in economic, not moral, aspects) or Aécio Neves (a pro-U.S. socialist in everything, both economically and morally), but both are radically pro-gay agenda.
While Brazilians, who are obliged to vote by Brazilian antidemocratic laws, will make their political choices based only on economy, I have made my choice not to vote, based on the intent by both candidates to disfigure, for the benefit of the gay agenda, family, which is, before the State, the first institution established by God. Therefore, family has precedence and absolute priority over the State and economy. It is based on this absolute priority that I reject both Brazilian candidates.
The Brazilian presidential election will happen next Sunday, and the voice of my blog, which offered a glimpse of information in the thick darkness of the Brazilian antifamily politics, has been silenced by force, leaving the Brazilian public with no access to a Christian viewpoint that does not support any of the anti-U.S. and pro-U.S. pro-sodomy candidates.
The last time my blog was shut down was in 2007, when many people, including philosopher Olavo de Carvalho and a federal prosecutor, took action, Olavo denouncing, and the prosecutor getting in contact with Google. In that time, Google told the prosecutor that my blog promoted hate and discrimination against homosexual activists. He answered them that he had never seen any of it in my articles. Before this Brazilian official, Google gave way and returned my blog to me.

How could you help now?

1. Spread this alert.
2. Get in contact with Google. Here is its contact address:
Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: +1 650 253 0000
Fax: +1 650 253 0001
3. Let the public know about the violation of the free speech rights of Julio Severo.
4. Get in touch with officials who could intervene.
Today, it is my right being arbitrarily violated. Tomorrow, others’ rights, including yours.
I ask your involvement so that I may, as I have always done, keep supplying, with no charge, the Brazilian public with information that is mostly unavailable in Portuguese.
If you have suggestions or assistance, here is my contact email:
Another article about the Brazilian election:

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