White House: A Huge Number of Illegal Immigrants Crossing Border Are Actually Adults, Families Leah Barkoukis http://townhall.com/tipsheet/
Obama inviting 'invasion of murderers, gang members'
WND.com ?- 5 hours agoJerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The ...
Watch Deneen Borelli Describe Obama Immigration Strategy As "Doubling Down On Stupid"
Why can't feds prevent this flood of migrants? - AZCentral.com
July 16, 2014 AZ REPUBLIC
It is amazing that The Republic can send reporters to various countries and then document in the most intimate details the immigration problems regarding the children from Mexico and Central America, but the federal government cannot act to stop the influx of these illegal individuals. When will this information raise the ire of the voting public so that our elected officials will do something about the federal government's lack of action and stop releasing these folks for the local communities to take care of them? I suggest all citizens mail or e-mail (MY COMMENT: OR CALL!!!) their senators or congressmen and let them know their ill feelings toward a lack of action. - John D. Wilkie, Phoenix
Illegals vanishing into 2020 'black hole' |
It's no wonder America is now grappling with an illegal-alien invasion of epic proportions. Border crossers are right this minute disappearing into a 'black hole' opened up by you-know-who . |
the latest now on WND.com.
WASHINGTON - The U.S. congressman said his trip to the border showed
him the mind-boggling nature of the problem in a nutshell. Rep.
Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, described to a hearing held by the House Judiciary
Committee Tuesday morning how he saw illegal immigrants arrive on the
border, claim asylum, and then be given a court date as far in the
future as 2020. "Meanwhile they get a work permit to compete against
those legally and lawfully here."
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/ |
Massive Cost of Illegal Immigration Revealed
Read this article ?
...US taxpayers are now spending $52 billion annually on
educational services for illegal immigrants....
Read more at http://joeforamerica.com/2014/07/massive-cost-illegal-immigration-revealed/#p9EomTpHAfPSkIHi.99
foxnews.com: A game warden hit in the head with a rock while trying to seize a
raft. Police officers wounded in an hours-long standoff with a gang member
wanted for murder. Criminals spewing obscenities and death threats at local cops
before asking for - and receiving - medical treatment. And that was just last
week. A weekly report distributed .Read more.
HHS Admits They Have No Clue How Many Illegals Will ...
3 days ago - HOUSTON, Texas--In a
budget report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 obtained by Breitbart Texas,
the Obama Administration's Health ... HHS Admits They Have No Clue How
Many Illegals Will Arrive Next Year, Sets Budget
Anyway ...
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