Sunday, June 8, 2014


Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPLAINS RIGHT TO PRAY "IN JESUS' NAME" or according to their conscience.  Or sign free option here.

Congressman:  Troops can talk about Jesus Christ.

The most conservative Congressman in America, Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado Springs), has introduced an amendment to allow troops in the U.S. Military to talk openly about their faith in Jesus Christ without reprisal or punishment.

"Despite two years of Congressional efforts to affirm a service member’s freedom to practice and express their faith in the military, confusion over the scope of that freedom persists, particularly in the Air Force," reports the Family Research Council.

"Noting that confusion’s detrimental effect on troop morale, Congressman Doug Lamborn introduced an amendment to the House version of the Fiscal Year 2015 National Defense Authorization Act which calls upon the Department of Defense and the Air Force to issue clearer regulations regarding religious expression.

"Last week, the House unanimously approved that amendment and today the House passed the overall Defense authorization bill (H.R. 4435) by a bipartisan vote of 325 to 98.

Watch!  Dr. Chaps' 7-minute TV commentary on Congressman Doug Lamborn's defense of our troops' right to talk about Jesus Christ-->

"Congressman Lamborn’s amendment recognizes that current policy needs to be revised in order to better reflect the law, provide clarity to commanders, and furnish certainty for men and women of faith in our military.

"Though the Air Force has indicated in recent weeks that it may review its policies, House passage of H.R. 4435 today ensures that they take that mandate seriously.

[Dr. Chaps' comment:  This is more proof YOUR FAX PETITIONS ARE WORKING.  We have been pounding Congress with petitions for years, and finally Congress is passing the strongest possible laws to restore freedom of religious speech to our troops.  YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE.]

Now let's petition all 435 Congressmen and 100 Senators to help chaplains:

Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPLAINS RIGHT TO PRAY "IN JESUS' NAME" or according to their conscience.  Or sign free option here.

Victory!  Supreme Court rules 5-4 "Jesus Prayers" are OK

Hallelujah!  Today YOU helped score a VICTORY at the U.S. Supreme Court, reaching the pinnacle of seven years of work and prayer with The Pray In Jesus Name Project.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that it's OK for pastors to pray "in Jesus' name" at city council meetings.  Five opinions were written in Greece v. Galloway, with three supporting opinions and two opposing.

Justice Kennedy wrote for the majority (joined by Roberts and Alito), ruling:

"The town of Greece does not violate the First Amendment by opening its meetings with prayer that comports with our tradition, and does not coerce participation by nonadherents."

"To hold that invocations must be nonsectarian would force the legislatures that sponsor prayers and the courts that are asked to decide these cases to act as supervisors and censors of religious speech," Kennedy wrote.  [Read all the opinions here.]

In other words, the First Amendment clearly protects the right to pray "in Jesus' name."

A concurring opinion by Justices Thomas and Scalia went further, declaring the government does not coerce others to pray simply by allowing freedom of speech.  They argued a 'coercion' test would be satisfied "only if a local government had actually compelled people to be followers of one faith, such as requiring people to go to religious services or to pay taxes to pay for religious institutions," reports SCOTUS blog.

The four liberal justices
tried but failed to ban Jesus prayers, but complained nonetheless. 

Justice Kagan wrote for the minority:  "even in a partly legislative body, [citizens] should not confront government-sponsored worship that divides them along religious lines." Kagan was predictably joined by Sotomayor and Ginsburg.  Justice Breyer wrote his own dissenting opinion.

Justice Alito corrected the facts in Kagan's dissent in a fifth opinion, saying "when complaints were received, the town made it clear that it would permit any interested residents, including nonbelievers, to provide an invocation, and the town has never refused a request to offer an invocation."

[Dr. Chaps' comments:  I've said all along, people from all faiths can freely take turns.

In 2006 I faxed the Greece Town Supervisor John Auberger, inviting him to hire the Christian lawyers at Alliance Defending Freedom, which he did.  Those lawyers won the argument.  YOU helped defend freedom today. 

But military chaplains are not directly affected by this ruling, just yet.  Anti-Jesus complainers will ignore this ruling, and continue to hound military chaplains who pray in Jesus' name, until we get a positive law passed by Congress.]

Let's keep petitioning Congress to restore freedom for military chaplains:

Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPLAINS RIGHT TO PRAY "IN JESUS' NAME" or according to their conscience.  Or sign free option here.

God Bless you, in Jesus' name,

Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
Who is Dr. Chaps?   Read bio here.

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