Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Recently, the world learned about Meriam Ibrahim, a 27 year old Christian woman who has been sentenced to death by a Sudanese court for refusing to recant her Christianity and convert to Islam.
In addition to this ridiculous charge, Meriam was convicted of adultery because her marriage to a Christian and American citizen is not recognized -- except as a criminal act -- in Sudan. The Sudanese government is ruled under Sharia law and the punishment for Meriam’s “adultery” is 100 lashes.
She currently sits in the Omdurman Federal Women’s Prison with her 20-month-old son and newborn baby.  It is reported that she was shackled during her recent childbirth.
Meriam’s execution has been halted due to mounting international political pressure but she has yet to be released. The barbaric treatment of this young mother and her small children is unconscionable and it is critical that the U.S. Congress publicly denounce it.   

The U.S. Senate has already acted on this issue by passing Senator Marco Rubio’s legislation condemning Meriam’s death sentence, S. Res. 453. Now the House must do the same – and soon.
Rep. Trent Franks (AZ-8th) has introduced identical legislation, H. Res. 601 that already has the support of over 61 cosponsors. Your Representative should be one of them.
Will you help Meriam by urging the U.S. Congress to publicly speak out against her barbaric treatment?  It only takes the few simple but very important action steps noted below!
1.    Please contact your Member of the House of Representatives by following the links below and urge him or her to cosponsor Rep. Frank’s legislation, H. Res. 601.
2.    Click HERE for a list of members who sit on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.  Mr. Franks’ legislation, H. Res. 601, is in this committee’s jurisdiction so it is especially important that all members of this committee support it as a cosponsor. Once 30 members of the committee cosponsor the bill, it will move faster through the legislative process!
We have provided all the contact information you need to take these actions.
We have also written a sample call and e-mail script for you, to make this as easy as possible. (NOTE: The e-mail script is modifiable if you wish to convey the message in your own words. We ask that you please be respectful at all times.)
Click HERE TO CALL and click HERE TO E-MAIL.
Then, please pass this e-mail along to everyone you know. Time is of the essence for Meriam and her children!
Thank you. Together we are making a difference.

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