Saturday, February 8, 2014


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Today at 2:00 PM
This lady's testimony spoils some people's day, and I am not talking about just lefties or RINOs. I am talking about certain people on the far right who condemn whistleblowers on the gounds that they supposedly harm America, when in fact, blowing the whistle on a corrupt government is an act of courage. Catherine Engelbrecht's testimony shows that the highest levels of our government are wilfully violating the law and bullying citizens. That makes this government illegitimate, pure and simple. In fact, it is not an American government at all, so to expose it to the world can only help restore our country in the long run. It is not only Barack, it is every Republican in the political class or grassrpoots who gave him a pass when his thug Holder performed this evil act and yes, when Barack himself presented phony personal documents to the public claiming they were real. That is the point at which good people in government would have stopped him in his tracks. But where were they?
They let him run roughshod over us and over our Constitution and said nothing. And no, Edmund Burke, if you were here today I would say to you: good people don't do nothing.
Anyone who watched as Eric Holder's Injustice Department dropped charges against 2 black panthers who publicly terrorized voters at a polling place in Philadelphia in 2008 (it was seen live on Fox TV, I just happened to be watching) knew back then that something ominous was afoot and that this government was acting without the authority of the Constitution or the American people.
Which brings us to the question:
If a whistleblower exposes an illegitimate government, does that make him a traitor? Some say it does.
Some people had better get their thinking straight on this because they are the tories who supported the British in colonial America.
If you condemn those who expose evil, then you are part of why evil people are given carte blanche in today's America. A BIG part.
Don Hank

I am proud to call Catherine Engelbrecht, President of True the Vote, (, a friend. The following testimony, which she delivered this week before Congress, was at once incredibly inspiring for her singular bravery, and frightening, because it poignantly reveals the depth of the Obama administration's utter contempt for the American people and the laws governed by it.
Catherine, her husband, her company and her nonprofit, have been repeatedly targeted, first in frivolous lawsuits by the Texas Democratic Party (which the Democrats lost, every single one, but they didn't care, because it cost about $1 million for Catherine to defend - money fortunately provided by others as they are not rich), then outrageous, unprecedented demands from the FBI, the IRS and the ATF. Watch her testimony and share it. If you are a Democrat, don't smirk. You are just as capable of being targeted as anyone if you defy any aspect of Obama's despotic agenda. And sooner or later you will be forced to, because it IS despotic.
This administration is literally revealing itself to be a tyranny. We all need to wake up before it is too late if it is indeed not too late already

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