Jan 13, 2014 04:40 am

By Jerome R. Corsi
By Jerome R. Corsi
groups must prepare to fight back [against] the IRS on yet a second
front,” warns Cleta Mitchell, a partner in the Washington-based law firm
Foley & Lardner LLP, well-known for providing expert legal advise
to conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status.
Watch Out Tea Party! Obama Weaponizing the IRS (+video)
Jan 13, 2014 04:28 am

By Paul Richter
By Paul Richter
White House launched a harsh attack on supporters of a Senate bill to
impose fresh sanctions on Iran, suggesting that they have a hidden goal
of drawing the country into another Mideast war.
White House Has Harsh Words for Senators Seeking New Iran Sanctions: Actions Could Lead to War
Jan 13, 2014 04:28 am

By Joe Miller
By Joe Miller
we mark the 50th Anniversary of the Great Society, the greatest lesson
that we can draw from it is that the best anti-poverty program is a job.
The question then becomes what is the best manner to create jobs and
grow the economy. The lesson of the 1920s, the 1960s, the 1980s and the
1990s, is that if you create an atmosphere in which businesses can
thrive and hire new workers, who turn around and buy goods and services,
the rising tide of economic prosperity raises all boats. Both John
Kennedy and Ronald Reagan knew this to be true and acted on it.
Unemployment during all four of those decades following pro-growth tax
reform and reduction in regulations was 5 percent or less, which
resulted in a significant decrease in the poverty rate. Using the
government as the instrument to raise people out of poverty and put them
back to work failed in the 1930s, the 1970s (as the full weight of the
Great Society programs came into play), and the late 2000s/early 2010s.
Under FDR, the federal government undertook all manner of programs and
regulations in an attempt to control the economy and put Americans back
to work, but it failed miserably. Roosevelt’s own Treasury Secretary
testified before a Senate committee in 1939, in terms of creating jobs,
that the New Deal had been a failure and doubled the National Debt. Does
any of this sound familiar? Today, true unemployment in the United
States remains at over 13 percent, and we are on course to double the
national debt within the decade. Big Government Begich holsters a
rubber stamp with a big fat “YES” on it: ObamaCare, Yes; trillion dollar
stimulus bill, Yes; for the nuclear option to end the filibuster and
push radical nominees through the senate, Yes; for nearly $8 trillion in
new debt since taking office a mere 5 years ago, Yes; Voting 91 percent
of the time with Harry Reid and the Democrats, YES! So much for being
an independent voice for Alaska in the Senate. He and the Democrats must
be stopped and replaced. As Alaska’s next senator, I will link arms
with reformers like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul and work to
restore economic prosperity and our constitutional freedoms. Thank you
for your support! In the fight, Joe Miller, Candidate United States
Joe Miller: This is The Best Anti-Poverty Program
Jan 13, 2014 04:25 am

By Michelle Malkin
What do George Soros, labor unions and money-grubbing former GOP Rep. Steven LaTourette all have in common? They're control freaks. They're power hounds. They're united against tea party conservatives. And they all have operated under the umbrella of D.C. groups masquerading as "Main Street" Republicans.
Beware of the Left-Wing-Funded “Main Street” Republicans
By Michelle Malkin
What do George Soros, labor unions and money-grubbing former GOP Rep. Steven LaTourette all have in common? They're control freaks. They're power hounds. They're united against tea party conservatives. And they all have operated under the umbrella of D.C. groups masquerading as "Main Street" Republicans.
Beware of the Left-Wing-Funded “Main Street” Republicans
Jan 13, 2014 04:20 am

By Kevin Bogardus and Ben Goad
By Kevin Bogardus and Ben Goad
less than the boundaries of executive power are at stake Monday as the
Supreme Court considers whether President Obama violated the
Constitution during his first term.
Supreme Court To Hear Case To Determine If Pres. Obama Violated the Constitution
Jan 13, 2014 04:20 am

By Brendan Bordelon
By Brendan Bordelon
Rep. Darrell Issa, the Republican chair of the House Oversight
Committee, accused the Obama administration of waging “a war on guns”
after new reports of “rogue” sting operations by the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) conducted during 2013.
Jan 13, 2014 04:18 am

By Colin Freeman
The fall of the Iraqi city of Fallujah back into the hands of al-Qaeda has shown the power of the movement's new leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
By Colin Freeman
The fall of the Iraqi city of Fallujah back into the hands of al-Qaeda has shown the power of the movement's new leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Jan 13, 2014 04:16 am

By Brendan Bordelon
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates doubled down on criticisms against his former boss on Sunday, claiming that President Barack Obama failed to convince American troops that their sacrifice was worth it and saying that absence of conviction “disturbed” him.
By Brendan Bordelon
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates doubled down on criticisms against his former boss on Sunday, claiming that President Barack Obama failed to convince American troops that their sacrifice was worth it and saying that absence of conviction “disturbed” him.
Jan 13, 2014 04:15 am

By Herman Cain
The suckers are buying it! In a report from AllGov.com, we learn that for the first time more than half of all members of Congress are millionaires. But what’s really interesting about the story is that it tells us there are more Democrats than Republicans in Congress who are millionaires.
Congress: More Democrat Millionaires than Republican . . . and Here’s Why
By Herman Cain
The suckers are buying it! In a report from AllGov.com, we learn that for the first time more than half of all members of Congress are millionaires. But what’s really interesting about the story is that it tells us there are more Democrats than Republicans in Congress who are millionaires.
Congress: More Democrat Millionaires than Republican . . . and Here’s Why
Jan 13, 2014 04:15 am

By Ben Berkowitz
The U.S. Labor Department said Friday that the unemployment rate fell to 6.7 percent in December—but does that rate tell the real story?
By Ben Berkowitz
The U.S. Labor Department said Friday that the unemployment rate fell to 6.7 percent in December—but does that rate tell the real story?
Jan 13, 2014 04:15 am

By Tom Heneghan
By Tom Heneghan
cases of Christians killed for their faith around the world doubled in
2013 from the year before, with Syria accounting for more than the whole
global total in 2012, according to an annual survey.
Report: Rate of Christians Killed for their Faith Doubled in 2013
Jan 13, 2014 04:13 am

By Randy O'Bannon, Ph.D
Given the trends seen in recent national reports, National Right to Life now believes that there have been over 56 million abortions since 1973.
Over 56 Million Abortions in America Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973
By Randy O'Bannon, Ph.D
Given the trends seen in recent national reports, National Right to Life now believes that there have been over 56 million abortions since 1973.
Over 56 Million Abortions in America Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973
Jan 13, 2014 04:11 am

By News Editor
By News Editor
sharpened their swords Sunday over the New Jersey bridge scandal, with
one state lawmaker suggesting impeachment is an option for Gov. Chris
Christie -- even as other prominent politicos said they were inclined to
believe the governor's side of the story.
‘Impeachment’? Dems Escalate NJ Bridge Probe, While Some Defend Christie
CNN Chief Jeff Zucker: Fox News is Biased, Shills of GOP and CNN isn't? REALLY???…
Jan 13, 2014 04:10 am

By Tony Lee
By Tony Lee
Chief Jeff Zucker might not be very good at getting ratings for his
Nielsens-challenged network, but he’s great at hurling insults. On
Friday, Zucker tried to diminish both the Republican Party and Fox News
by alleging that the GOP is being run out of Fox.
Jan 13, 2014 04:05 am

By Joe Balyeat
By Joe Balyeat
Friedman was devoted to freedom — his belief that human free choices
and free markets unfettered by government restrictions produce the
happiest, healthiest, wealthiest peoples throughout world history.
Friedman’s belief in freedom of choice was nowhere more adamant than in
the education marketplace — where government-run monopoly public schools
often consign poverty families to multi-generational bondage to local
failing education institutions. Alaska is fraught with examples from
inner city to remote Native regions.
Jan 13, 2014 04:01 am

By Paul Bedard
By Paul Bedard
Clinton, the former secretary of state who leads all 2016 presidential
polls, ranks dead last on a new top 10 poll of who Americans admire
most, and at the bottom of who the world admires most, behind celebs
like Angelina Jolie and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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