Wednesday, October 9, 2013

NEWS WITH VIEWS 10/09/2013

October 9, 2013
Today at NewsWithViews.TV Are You Your Brother's Keeper?: If you had the opportunity to prevent something tragic from happening to your neighbor are you willing to do it? Would you rather prevent something from happening or spend time helping him recover from the injury?
--With Coach Dave Daubenmire

America - Swallowed Up By A Stink Hole
America, the country, the people, the culture, the freedom and liberty have been sinking slowly into the abyss of socialism and ultimate slavery, but the sinking has been imperceptible from generation to generation. A small percentage of the people, mostly over 65, have witnessed the slow sinking and are frantically crying out to other Americans with the warning that soon the iron grip of socialism and slavery will envelope their bodies and their minds...... by Ron Ewart

Lawyers slam Obama administration's treatment of Fast and Furious whistleblower
“President Barack Obama wanted to show that U.S. gun owners and gun sellers are responsible for the murder rate in Mexico. So in order to prove it, his underlings came up with the gun-smuggling scheme known as Fast and Furious,” said Baker.......... by NWV News
PROTECT YOUR FUTURE Our devalued currency and war against the dollar Our devalued currency and war against the dollar. Protect your assets with the only real money - gold. Call Harvey Gordin at USA Gold Vault today - 602-228-8203.
The Global Financial Death Spiral?, Part 6
One of the biggest problems today with Keynesian economics (at least for progressives) is the fundamentally incorrect idea that job creation is the primary reason for government stimulating business. In the Keynesian model, business is but a necessary evil to creating jobs. Since business (i.e. capitalism or free market enterprise) is fundamentally evil to progressives, then mountains of regulations must be imposed to protect labor and jobs, while somehow magically creating jobs through government stimulus....... by Dr. Michael Coffman, Ph.D
The Conquering Church? Part 2
Catherine Booth said rightly, “When Church and the world can jog along comfortably together, you may be sure there is something wrong.” She continued, “If Christians were equally faithful and devoted to the Lord and separated from the world, living so that their lives were a reproof to all ungodliness, the world would hate them as much as...... by Bradlee Dean

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