Dear Conservatives,
Guess who the Obama Administration exempted from the government shutdown?
If you answered "union bosses", you're right.
But not just any union bosses. Union bosses who get paid by the federal government to NOT work for the federal government.
They call it "Official Time" -- a scheme rigged up by corrupt politicians and their government-sector union-boss benefactors that allows union officials to report to their federal government jobs but do union work, all on the taxpayer's dime.
Just last year, Big Labor used "Official Time" to rip off over 3.4 million man hours from the American taxpayer.
When the government initiated a partial shutdown and worker furloughs were announced, union bosses threw a fit that they would be denied their "Official Time" to push their forced-dues agenda at taxpayers' expense.
Always eager to please Big Labor, the Obama Administration carved out an exemption just for them, as the Washington Examiner recently reported.
But the real outrage isn't just another special loophole for union bosses.
It's that the "Official Time" racket exists at all.
There is absolutely no excuse for spending tax dollars to pay union bosses to do union business.
Fortunately, Senator Rand Paul has introduced common-sense legislation to protect American taxpayers.
The Federal Employee Accountability Act (S. 785) would force government-sector union bosses to conduct their union business on their own time.
But if union bosses are going to cry bloody murder when a government shutdown threatens to briefly cut into their "Official Time", they will stop at nothing to kill a bill that would end the scheme for good.
With your continued support, your National Right to Work Committee will push for roll call votes to find out whether members of Congress stand with taxpayers or union bosses.
Big Labor is already ramping up its Billion Dollar electioneering machine to steal the 2014 elections, and they'll even use "Official Time" to do it.
Thank you for helping us expose yet another Big Labor special privilege -- and which members of Congress will do Big Labor's bidding to protect it.
Mark Mix
P.S. The National Right to Work Committee relies on your voluntary contributions to fund its programs. Please chip in with a contribution of $10 or more today.
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