The Greatest Financial Conspiracy In American History
September 18, 2013 -
Dave Hodges
The Common Sense Show
is a conspiracy being perpetrated against the American people with
regard to the true nature of America’s financial situation. To most
people, America appears to be on her last economic legs and the future
looks hopeless. On the other hand, America has never been wealthier.
However, the wealth has been horded and hidden from the American people.
article exposes why the central bankers and the corporate controlled
media are attempting to make it appear as America is dead broke with no
hope of recovery. The central bankers, through the government, have
indeed hijacked and are hording and hiding substantial assets as they
are planning to take the surface economy down as early as this
fall/winter. The globalist strategy consists of convincing the people,
in advance of the collapse, that there is no hope of economic recovery.
Under this scenario, the perpetrators of the collapse will meet with
less direct resistance, both in the collapse phase and in the recovery
phase in which we will all witness the establishment of a world
government and a one world economic system.
side is correct? Are we broke or do we have substantial hidden assets?
Both sides are correct. The visible economy, which is obvious to all
(e.g. the health of the fiat currency, the unemployment rate, national
GDP relative to the planet’s GDP), clearly indicates that a collapse is
imminent. However,
there is also substantial wealth that is being horded on behalf of the
banks and corporations by their governmental partners, which could make a
significant difference in the health of our economy. The wealth is
substantial and has successfully been hidden from most Americans
The Case for a Looming Economic Collapse
undoing of the America currency has been a century in the making. In
1913, the most evil organization on the earth was created by an
unconscionable act of Congress with the creation of the Federal Reserve.
The United States national debt is more than 5000 times larger than it was when the Federal Reserve
was first created, and this fact has served to turn nearly all of us
into debt slaves with each of us vulnerable to the manipulation of the
global elite.
The bankers who
helped to create the Federal Reserve intended to permanently enslave
the U.S. government to a perpetually expanding spiral of debt, and their
plan has worked and their final victory is nearly at hand.
Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff, stated that the U.S. government is facing a “present value difference between projected future spending and revenue” of 222 trillion dollars
in the years ahead. Where are we going to come up with 222 trillion
dollars? The short answer is that we won’t under the existing set of
economic rules that we are forced to live under.
In 2001, the United States represented 31.8 percent of
the world’s economic activity. By the end of 2011, that share had
dropped to 21.6% in 2011, which means that America’s portion of the
world’s economy is 32% smaller than it was a decade ago and it is
declining more with each passing day. With economic indicators such as
these, there is no way to climb out of the economic hole we have entered
courtesy of the globalist inspired free-trade agreements (i.e. NAFTA,
CAFTA and now the MEFTA, AFTA and the TPP). With these kinds of economic
indicators, more Americans will be competing for a smaller number of
jobs which are significantly declining in pay.
Over one
hundred million unemployed Americans are no longer even looking for
work. The next time you go into the Department of Motor Vehicles, please
realize that you are subsidizing a drivers license for about a third of
the people in that building. You are also paying for their health care,
food stamps and shelter. And many of these lower class,
poverty-stricken “Americans” are living a higher standard of living than
you are and this is by design courtesy of Chairman Obama.
It Does Not Pay to Go to Work
Wayne Emmerich found
that the family breadwinner who works only one week a month at minimum
wage makes 92% as much as the breadwinner grossing $60,000 a year. Emmerich’s stats demonstrate that by working only one week a month one can save a lot of money in child care
expense. But topping the list is Medicaid, which is accessible to
minimum wage earners and the program has very low deductibles and
co-pays. In short, by working only one week a month at a minimum wage
job, a minimum wage earner is able to get total medical coverage for next to nothing courtesy of you and me.
middle class is not as lucky as the $60,000 breadwinner pays out
approximately $12,000 per year in health insurance costs with an
addition $4,500 in co-pays. And if anyone in the part-time minimum wage
earning family is disabled, SSI pays out an additional $8,088 per year.
When one begins to calculate the expenses incurred by a typical
breadwinner making $60,000 per year, compared to the part time minimum
wage worker, coupled with minimum wage earners tax supported federal
bailouts for these freeloaders, the poor have more discretionary income
than those who pay the taxes that run the country. And if the part time
minimum wage worker is willing to cheat and participate in the
underground economy, they will have significantly more discretionary
income than their hard-working $60,000 per year counterpart who actually
works for a living. In short, if you are a full-time employee making
above minimum wage, you are paying for your own economic demise. The
numbers here suggest that we’d be better off staying home and living off
of the labors of what’s left of the middle class and of course this
would help to collapse the economy.
Unbearable Taxes Are Leading to Record Expatriation Rates
Overwhelmingly, the number one reason that Americans are fleeing the country is because of high taxes. The income tax rate rose this year
to 39.6% from 35% for individuals earning more than $400,000 a year and
married couples earning more than $450,000. As of this year, 77% of
Americans will pay higher federal tax rates because the cuts in Social
Security payroll taxes expired when Congress passed its tax package on
New Year’s Day. The Tax Policy Center estimates that those who earn more
than $1 million would pay an average of $170,341 more in taxes. The tax burden is adding crushing weight to a beleaguered upper and middle class America.
Hiding and Hording Massive Assets That Could Rescue the Country’s Economy
are lamenting the fact that our budget deficit is now over $17 trillion
dollars. Our national debt and deficit is a drop in the bucket compared
to the assets that our government controls. However, far beneath the
ground, the federal government owns the rights to mineral and energy
leases, from which they receive royalties, rents, and bonus payment,
states the Institute for Energy Research, an industry group. According to their estimates, government states that the assets are worth $128 trillion.
That’s almost eight times the national debt. This is a hard asset which
could be collateralized and matched against the deficit.
“These resources could
be leased to third parties and could subsequently earn the state and
national government huge royalties, rents, and bonus payments that it is
estimated could total almost $150 billion over 10 years, just for the
oil and gas leases alone.” Then why isn’t this being done? Simple, ask
yourself who would lose money if these idle assets were to brought to
fruition? The oil companies would lose money, that’s who! The same oil
companies that block oil drilling on the North Shore of Alaska. The same
oil companies who preserve the existing relationship with Middle
Eastern nations, which someday, will pull us into a devastating world
war with Syria and Iran.
the unleashing of these assets would reduce the costs of energy for
consumers and businesses. Now, the owners of the utilities, the same
people who are the owners of the oil companies, could not permit that.
The utilities have invested billions toward the installation of smart
meters and a new infrastructure smart grid, in which they control all
energy pricing.
Another factor that comes into play on why these assets are not being unleashed is because plentiful, reliable and cheap energy supplies
would greatly accelerate economic growth and jump start the economy out
of the doldrums. But when the globalists’ goal is the creation of a one
world economic system, based upon keeping nations in debt, controlled
by a tyrannical one world government, the old government and economy
must be brought down and this economic boon to the economy cannot be
allowed to transpire. Therefore, the government acts as a procurement
agent for the globalists, who will eventually unleash these assets to
themselves, after the collapse of the dollar.
CAFR’S the Source of Untold Wealth
subject of CAFR’s first came to light when Colonel Gerald Klatt alerted
Burien to their existence. Coincidentally, Klatt died under very mysterious circumstances,
in 2004, which lent credence to the claim that there was a conspiracy
to cover up the scope and true nature of CAFR’s. Just what is a CAFR and
how does it explain how the American are being lied to about how much
money truly exists within the control of the government?
help you understand the nature and process of CAFR’s, let’s pretend
that you were to have a checking account with $100 and a savings account
with $1,000 in two different banks. Let’s further imagine that you only
reported to the IRS, that you only had $100 dollars as your net worth
because you don’t want to use your savings account to pay bills (i.e.
taxpayer obligations). Subsequently, you’d be audited and put in a
federal prison for failure to report the larger amount. However, the
government grants itself permission to play by its own rules and to make
up the CAFR rules as they go along. The government, as described in the
above example, simply designatesthat it has two accounts (i.e. the $100
account and the $1,000 (CAFR) savings account). However, the larger
CAFR account is designated as “non-governmental” or “non-taxpayer”
income and this allows the government to hide all of this wealth from
the people as reported in the government’s Budget Report. In this
economic scenario, only the smaller account is the one that gets
declared. And the reason that governments continue to engage in this
shady practice, is that they want to be able to justify the taking of
a greater portion of your income through increased taxation. I call this
highway robbery. As an aside, have you noticed that many counties are
building monumental justice centers which defy description of where the
funds came from given the present state of economic affairs. These
centers are being built with CAFR’s which are monetized in a variety of
few years ago, Maricopa County just completed the building of an
expensive justice center worth more than 500 million dollars. Where did
the money come from as it has repeatedly been reported in the Phoenix
media that the County is broke? Who benefitted? Thomas found evidence of
money being kept off of the books and was attempting to expose it and
the forces of the establishment had him expelled from office and
disbarred within months of the first accusations. Simultaneously,
Sheriff Joe Arpaio was complicit in the ill-fated Thomas investigation
by carrying out the investigation and participating in the arrests of
the three officials. Shortly thereafter, Arpaio was the source of a
massive Eric Holder led justice probe into his department’s alleged
racial profiling of illegal immigrants in Maricopa County. Arpaio
brilliantly retaliated with an investigation into the authenticity of
Obama’s long form birth certificate. Obama was declared, by Arpaio, to
be ineligible to appear on Arizona’s ballot for President in 2012. Then
the controversy went dark and the back and forth between the Feds and
Arpaio disappeared from the front page of the newspapers. Obama
eventually appeared on the ballot and Arpaio received a mere slap on the
wrist from the Department of Justice. Can anyone say “a deal was
struck?” Apraio survived because he had leverage against Obama and
Andrew Thomas did not and subsequently, Thomas’ license to practice law
was revoked by a three judge panel which operated in the spirit of the
worst of any kind of Kangaroo court.
the Thomas case had been fully exposed to the media, the subject of
CAFR’s would have been irrevocably exposed. The obfuscation of public
funds issue appeared to be dead. However, I had an inside source come
forward and his name is Doug Rhoads. Doug is a former Maricopa County
prosecutor. He approached me in early June of 2013 after reading a
multipart series that I had published on my website regarding the
privatization of for profit prisons and the fact that many states were
promising private corporations a 90% prison occupancy rate, thus driving
up zealousness of criminal prosecutions aimed at keeping the prisons
full and profits high.
Rhoads informed me that these everyone of these criminal cases were
being monetized as a traded commodity on the market and that the earned
money went off of the books. Doug subsequently appeared on my talk show
for two hours and exposed the fact that this was indeed taking place and
we also discussed the Andrew Thomas affair. Since the airing of this
interview with Rhoads, I have been personally threatened on two
occasions that if I continued to report on prison privatization and the
Rhoads revelations of hidden public assets, there would be “grave
consequences.” Also, since the Rhoads interview, I have been contacted
by several people, each with a different angle on this situation.
However, all of them are afraid for their careers and their lives if
their whistle-blowing were to ever be exposed.
issue and existence of CAFR’s is being zealously guarded. The release
of CAFR’s, alone, could erase our national debt and return financial
affluence to America. For example, California Governor Brown, claims
that the California’s state budget deficit of $16 billion requires
austerity actions. However the state’s CAFR funds revealed $600 billion in undeclared assets. When all the CAFR surplus accounts are totaled, Californians have been overtaxed by $8 trillion dollars in a sampled study.
This is being done at every level of government, two sets of books and
two sets of figures. You do not have to be living in California and
Arizona to be the victim of this deception, it is in every state. This
makes the national debt appear to be meaningless.
whatever happened to Col. Klatt, the man who first revealed the
existence of the CAFR’s? He suffered a worse fate than Andrew Thomas, he
was likely murdered as Klatt served for a long time as an Air Force
auditor and federal accountant, and it’s likely that he got too close to
some military CAFR’s being used for “off the books” operations and he
died under very mysterious circumstances. Google “Walter Burien” and be
prepared to get really upset about how much money is being withheld by
government in this unholy accounting practice.
What Does It All Mean?
CAFR’s, the government is clearly hording money. Where does the money
go? Nobody can be certain except that it makes the lion’s share of money
collected eligible to be used as off the books spending.
is where the plot thickens and things get very interesting. If the
economy is collapsed due to the well-publicized debt listed in the first
part of this article, it is not known what would happen to the CAFR’s,
the underground mineral resources, etc. Since these assets are
technically off the books and under the control of local governments and
many of their corporate NGO’s, they would presumably be unaffected in
an economic collapse scenario. And wouldn’t that be the goal of banking
interests who would want to collapse the economy in that they would want
to procure as many hard assets as possible before the collapse. Since
government at all levels has repeatedly proven itself to be agents of
the megabanks and the corporations, these institutions would survive an
economic collapse with a great deal of hard assets.
have concluded that the powers that be are hording hard assets as a
means to maintain power following the economic reorganization which
would follow a collapse. Further, this theory is further bolstered by
the fact that Federal Reserve continues to buy $40 billion of mortgage
backed securities every month and MERS is continuing their theft of home
mortgages at record rates. This scenario looks like the globalists are
following a massive wealth transfer scenario and the pace of this wealth
transfer is accelerating. What is the rush? Could it be that what I
wrote about two weeks ago is indeed coming into play?
GRID EX II drill in which the power grid is being “taken down in a
simulation,” is something that cannot be easily dismissed as the next
false flag event. However, this is eerily similar to what happened in
9/11 and the 7/7 bombings as well as the Boston Marathon bombing in
which a drill culminated in a false flag attack. If the grid is taken
down, and as I have stated before, a false flag within a false flag can
be executed and the banks can be collapsed and the country will barely
notice. Who would notice the missing digits in their bank accounts when
the grid is down and the people are starving by the third day following
the blackout? Meanwhile, government as well as their banking and
corporate partners would hold most of the hard assets in the country
following an economic collapse and would stand to be in a position of
extreme power when the smoke eventually clears.
this scenario, the largest remaining asset that the banks would not
totally control would be the privately owned homes and businesses. But
after a collapse, how would people pay their mortgage? The short answer
is that they could not. And who would the deeds revert to? They would
revert to the banks.
I think this scenario is likely, this is only a theory regarding the
tie in with GRID EX II, hidden wealth and collusion to collapse the
economy in order to transfer wealth and to consolidate holdings.
However, what is not a theory is the fact that our hidden assets
outnumbers the sum total of our debt as a nation and the debt and the
deficit could be paid off overnight should the people wake up and force
the government to release the true wealth of the country.
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